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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 20:40:31 Edit(编辑)
Google, a patent fanatics,

Google, a patent fanatics,(谷歌,一个专利狂徒,)

Google, a patented maniacs-Google, Google, Google's patented-IT information Google, a patented maniac

Google believes that the patent, especially software patents are mostly fake, mostly of low quality, are those unable to innovative companies in court used to harm consumers and stifle the real innovators in weapons.

But according to United States Patent and Trademark Office's data, Google is now very keen to your idea patented. This passion to the extent? Now Google 10 patents are available every day! In 2003, when Google was granted 4 patents a year.

Shows that Google is working to build one of the world's largest patent pool. Google's aim is to have 1800 patents this year. Once the scheme is successful, Google will rank among the top 10 for the first time one of the winners of the patent, this grade will overtake industry giants such as GE, Intel.

Google urgently needs more patents to defend their free mobile operating system, Android. Android most popular smartphone operating system in the world, but Google and the Android terminal manufacturers are facing a growing number of legal challenges. Last month, a representative of Apple, Microsoft and BlackBerry companies accused Google of infringing, which relates to a patent application by Google when you have not even born. And Android biggest equipment manufacturer Samsung was just to tort case was sentenced to pay Apple $ 290 million in damages.

Google's new patent, computer glasses on hand projection keyboard to the user

Like the way Google issue is anduchencang. Google continues to belittle a patent claim on public opinion, said this amount to the consumer Smartphone taxation. Google's top lawyer David Drummond said, involved in a typical smart phone patent most likely reached 250,000, but most of these patents to patent "is problematic", and most of them are "suspicious".

However, from the application point of view, Google could come as early as 2007 began to realize that they need to play the game patented, and expecting a big night. 2007 is the first year of the launch of iPhone, this protection is not limited to the smart phone of its metal casing, also includes numerous patents, trademarks consisting of impregnable fortress-from the "main screen" button and to rounded icons design range. Jobs also learn, 1 years ago around the iPod's intellectual property rights that his company lost $ 100 million since Steve Jobs vowed to "all patent applications. ”

Google definitely clear how fragile his position. When Steve jobs when you publish your iPhone, Google did apply to a total of 38 patents. Only 38! On an equal footing with Apple's mobile phone, Google unveiled Android in haste. The Google acquisition software is relatively old. And it's open source, protection of intellectual property rights is weak.

Since then, Google product features or ideas could not be regarded as commercial secrets, its research staff, business managers, and advertising experts told the outside lawyers working together, will take all of the originality of the idea patented. Only by being so stubborn devotion to explain Google patent exponentially. Google patents obtained each year was basically twice times from the previous year. This growth seems to be faster and more durable than any other big company. Google or 3rd largest software patent holder, behind only IBM and Microsoft.

Technical analyst Gregory Aharonian said that Google just like any other large company, that if ever it will either overworked Patent Office to stall, you can win the patent, even if they own those ideas may not be novel. "The general rule is that a company have patented more, the quality of its patent portfolio as close to the average quality of all the patents, which means that most of the patents are invalid. "Aharonian said.

But in 2011 when Google faces first major smart phone patent litigation cases, CEO Eric Schmidt has maintained that attitude at that time. He said that Google would rather go to innovation does not play the legal game. "We've seen Android devices entering the market growth, because of our success, competitors came in response to litigation because they are unable to respond with innovation. To this I'm not too worried, "is now a Google Executive Chairman, Schmidt said.

But Google worry. It needs more patents. It needs a huge arsenal, too big to make others seem daunting, dare not for fear of Google counterclaim lawsuit proportions. Last year, Google, in its biggest ever single-takeover (US $ 12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola mobility) received $ 17,000 in 7,000 patents and patent applications. Google to buy from IBM over 1000 patents and other telecommunications companies and automobile parts manufacturer to purchase other patents. Google claims that they currently control more than 51,000 patents and patent applications.

Google patents, just like Apple's new in recent years soaring

Google latest won the patent may not be able to help the little Android. But these new products and features can help Google patent protection. Among the 177 patents at Google this month, Sebastian Thrun, founder has one Google x, which is an indoor maps the relevant mobile phone patent. Another patent, and facilitate car observation of 3-dimensional positioning of traffic lights on. Also a founder Brin's patent, proprietary content is Internet data analysis methods. Google has gained a voice interface and flying wing patents for wind turbines. After being recently created a medical research company Calico, Google may be in the future patent applications for anti-aging.

Google has signaled that indicate their intent was defensive. The company supports efforts aimed at improving software patent and used as a legal weapon difficult patent reform legislation. By dozens of patents for free to open source projects to create positive images of themselves that there would be no lawsuit "unless first attacked."

Debatable is whether the rapid growth of Google patents means that the company created more than ever before more valuable technology. Now Google patent number is 500 times times that of 10 years ago, does this mean that Google's ability to innovate is about 500 times before? Or is that circumstances have forced the search giant had to act like himself rejected by rivals: spend a lot of time, money and energy to the public in does not necessarily have a value on the legal action.

Google spokesman's comment was: "we are proud of their engineering innovations, which we can apply for an increasing number of high quality patents. ”


谷歌,一个专利狂徒 - 谷歌,Google,谷歌专利 - IT资讯


但根据美国专利商标局的数据,Google现在却非常热衷于为自己的创意申请专利。这种热衷到了何种程度?现在Google每天可获得10项专利!而2003年的时候,Google 一年才获得4项专利。




Google的手法像是明修栈道,暗度陈仓。在舆论上Google仍继续贬低专利要求书,称这相当于给消费者的智能手机课税。Google的首席律师David Drummond曾说,一台典型的智能手机涉及的专利最多可能达25万项,但这些专利跟大多数专利一样“基本上是有问题的”,而且大部分都是“可疑的”。




技术分析师Gregory Aharonian说Google其他大公司一样,知道要是用不断的申请将工作过度的专利局拖住的话就能够赢得专利,哪怕自己的那些创意未必就是新颖的。“一般规则是,一家公司拥有的专利越多,其专利组合的质量就越接近于所有专利的平均质量,也就是说大部分专利都是无效的。”Aharonian说。

但2011年当Google面临第一单重大智能手机专利诉讼案时,当时的CEO Eric Schmidt仍维持那种态度。他说,Google宁愿去创新也不玩法律游戏。“我们目睹了进入市场的Android设备呈爆发式增长,由于我们的成功,竞争对手以诉讼来作为回应,因为他们无法通过创新来回应。对此我不是太过担心,”现为Google执行主席的Schmidt如是说。



Google最新赢得的专利未必能对Android起到什么帮助。但这些专利能帮助Google保护新产品和功能。在Google本月获得的这177项专利当中,有一项是Google X创始人Sebastian Thrun的,这是一项有关为手机创建室内地图的专利。另一项专利则与方便汽车观察的交通灯3维定位有关。其中也有一项创始人Brin的专利,专利内容是互联网数据模式的分析方法。Google已经获得了语音接口及飞翼风力涡轮机的专利。在最近创立了医学研究公司Calico之后,Google今后有可能也会申请抗衰老方面的专利。





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