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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:39:24 Edit(编辑)
Startup Repair in Kunming China air forces War Memorial Cemetery

Startup Repair in Kunming China air forces War Memorial Cemetery(昆明启动修缮中国空军抗日战争阵亡将士公墓)

Startup Repair in Kunming China Kunming, China air force air forces War Memorial Cemetery | | | _ the war news

Xinhuanet, Kunming, November 30 (reporter Yuan Xuelian)-reporters learned from the Civil Affairs Bureau in Kunming, China air force during the War Memorial Tomb restoration conservation work officially launched on November 30, and named it "Kunming · air force war memorial cemetery".

Changchun Cedar Hill Cemetery was discovered in 2007 in Kunming, Yunnan Flying Tigers Research Association subsequently issued a "found 500 SDU cemetery on the outskirts of Kunming," the news, aroused widespread concern. Local Government organized experts to the cemetery to conduct survey research, found that the cemetery is not "Flying Tigers cemetery" sites, of which bury is more than more than 400 lost his life in the war of the Chinese air force pilot and remains of Chinese expeditionary army soldiers.

Kunming City Civil Affairs Bureau researcher Wei Ligong introduction, after the discovery of the cemetery, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has been doing basic protection, such as sent to the Tomb area inspections on a regular basis, clearing shrubs and weeds, flat collapsed vaults. But due to disrepair, washed, sheep and cattle Stampede grounds, some grave destruction to occur.

In August of this year, the "flying tiger cemetery remains of 500 martyrs hengchen unattended in Kunming" message being circulated on the Internet, once again aroused public concern. Since then, the Kunming municipal Civil Affairs Bureau and the District Management Committee organization departments and experts repeated surveys, research and feasibility studies, developed cemetery fix protection programme, and approved by the Government of Kunming city.

Kunming City Civil Affairs Bureau Deputy Director Lin Hua finished presentation, according to opinion of the expert group, the cemetery known as the "Kunming · air force war memorial cemetery". Fix protection range 13.3-acre cemetery delineation, is expected to spend $ 3.3 million Yuan, end of March next year to complete the repair works will collect the scattered remains of his wife, planting lawns, flowering plants and hedge walls, construction of the Tomb area channel, set Memorial walls and the altar platform, he visited the Memorial for the public.

(Edit: SN077)
November 30, 2013 The website







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