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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:39:14 Edit(编辑)
South China Sea ⅰ started archaeological excavations of ancient shipwrecks in the Song dynasty

South China Sea ⅰ started archaeological excavations of ancient shipwrecks in the Song dynasty(南海Ⅰ号宋代古沉船考古发掘启动)

South China Sea ⅰ sunken archaeological excavations started in the Song dynasty (fig) excavation of Nanhai ⅰ archaeological | | | _ news

Expected to be completed for four years, or during the excavation will be open to visitors every week day

Yangcheng evening news reporter Xia Yang reported: known as "the sea of Dunhuang", "the value comparable to the Terra-Cotta Warriors," "South China Sea ⅰ" sunken ships in the Song dynasty, in 2007 after he was raised as a whole moved in at the end of "Crystal Palace" marine Silk Road Museum, has for the past 6 years. 28th, Deputy Director Tong Mingkang of the State Bureau of cultural relics solemnly declared, "the South China Sea ⅰ" archaeological excavations was officially launched!

"South China Sea ⅰ" is a ship sink beneath the sea merchant shipping under the Song dynasty, about more than 30 meters long, a ship loaded with cultural relics, such as pottery, metal 680,000. This is by far the world's offshore wrecks in the earliest Ocean trade, hull's largest and best-preserved merchant, is the only witness of the ancient Silk Road on the sea wrecks.

"These treasures must not be at the stage of excavation and protection of damage! "" South China Sea ⅰ "archaeological team leader Wei Jun, told reporters over the past 6 years, led by the National Research Institute of cultural heritage, Joint Institute of archaeology, Zhongshan University in Guangdong Province, the State Oceanic Administration's third, the Guangzhou salvage Bureau, 9 research institutes, develops a wide range of research, analysis, testing and evaluation studies, and to develop a programme of excavations.

It is reported that through test excavations, wreck location throughout the caisson and sinking mud packages, is under anaerobic conditions, the hull and artifacts are kept very well.

Wei Jun introduced excavation is about go through three stages, is preparing, erection of archaeological excavations, mapping and urban transport and other facilities, is currently doing; phase II was discovered. Discover the first year's main goal is to clean out silt on the surface of all the sunken ships, deck surfaces exposed. Second-year excavation of cultural relics on the ship will be conducted for the third year, while reinforcement of the hull, to protect all kinds of water heritage; the third step to consider is to demonstrate, shipwreck exhibition, caissons or not to show, in the exhibition is the final stage in the environment taking into account. "Discover is expected to continue in 3-4. "For excavation results, national heritage Board requested the exhumation programme for one year a reported that exhumation programme details for adjusted according to the actual situation.

"Discover the technology itself is pretty mature, the challenge is mainly after the excavation and excavation heritage protection. Second difficulty is the reinforcement of the ship itself, the ship is v-shaped, when there is a sludge supports on both sides will not collapse, but the soil was excavated after the pressure changes, in this case how to protect it, it's important to do your homework first. "Wei Jun said.

At present, "South China Sea ⅰ" "Crystal Palace" marine Silk Road Museum is the State 4A area, visitors can enter the Museum "South China Sea ⅰ" caissons during archaeological excavations in the future visitors can come in? Wei Jun said, is currently working on programmes is open one day a week at the beginning, tourists can see the archaeological excavation site. "The concrete is on any given day, also made in the assessment can only be determined after adjusting, when released to the community. "Edit: Qing Mou

(Original title: "South China Sea ⅰ" was officially launched on the archaeological excavations completion in four years)

(Edit: SN048)
November 29, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news


  羊城晚报讯 记者夏杨报道:被誉为“海上敦煌”、“价值堪比兵马俑”的“南海Ⅰ号”宋代古沉船,2007年底被整体打捞出水后进驻“水晶宫”海上丝绸之路博物馆,至今时间已过去近6年。28日,国家文物局副局长童明康郑重宣布,“南海Ⅰ号”考古发掘正式启动!






  目前“南海Ⅰ号”所在的“水晶宫”海上丝绸之路博物馆是国家4A景区,游客可以进入馆内看“南海Ⅰ号”沉箱,将来考古发掘期间游客还能进来吗?对此魏峻说,目前正在研究方案,初定是每周开放一天,游客可以看到考古发掘现场。“具体是哪一天,还要在评估调整后才能确定,到时会向社会公布。”编辑: 牟青

(原标题:"南海Ⅰ号"考古发掘正式启动 预计四年完成)


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