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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:39:07 Edit(编辑)
Sichuan dazhou massive landslides, one being the rolling stones buried

Sichuan dazhou massive landslides, one being the rolling stones buried(四川达州发生大面积山体滑坡,,一人被滚石掩埋)

Big area of Sichuan dazhou | landslides buried under landslides were the rolling stones | | dazhou in Sichuan province _ news

  Dazhou Sichuan news network, November 29 (Du Cheng Ren Kangyou journalists) today (29) days after 1:50 P.M., it reaches the plain (formerly daxian) Gale Shengyuan plant workers are the hillside hole when sudden massive landslides, a more than 40 year old male worker buried in his escape, unfortunately the rolling stones. Reaches the "119" after receiving mass call command center, quickly mobilize a secret plain Squadron, 8 officers and men to the scene to rescue. As of press time, rescue work is still continuing.

Firefighters on the scene saw, a mountain large-area landslide occurred about 50 meters high, large and small, scattered gravel slopes at the foot of a mountainside and buried workers in rolling stone. It is understood that when the landslides, Shengyuan several workers of the plant became operational in the hillside as usual. "Dynamite hole. "According to the escape of one of the workers introduced, playing cave when, I see it going down. Thus, several around the workers began to escape, "we are all running sideways, himself along the rope to climb. ”

See more rock slide on the mountain, the worker falling moments with the rolling stones, was buried among them, "where you don't know, but it certainly was buried inside. "Introduction according to its workers, the workers who were buried some more than 40 years.

Since many of rolling stones, excavator becomes the main force for the rescue, rescue workers at the scene also brought many Digger. But because of the mountain where there are several large stones are still not very stable, rescuers and mine staff to discuss countermeasures, first by firefighters ' life detector to detect location of the buried workers, locations to be determined later by a rescue.

Up to now, rescue operations are still being carried out.

(Original title: Florida plain large-area landslide buried workers were the rolling stones)

(Edit: SN077)
November 29, 2013 Sichuan news net
四川达州发生大面积山体滑坡 一人被滚石掩埋|山体滑坡|四川|达州_新闻资讯

  四川新闻网达州11月29日讯(任康友 记者 杜成)今(29)日下午1时50分许,达州市达川区(原达县)大风乡圣源矿厂几名工人正在山腰进行打洞作业时,突然出现大面积山体滑坡,一名40多岁的男性工人在逃生时不幸被滚石掩埋。达州市“119”指挥中心接到群众报警电话后,迅速调集达川区中队一辆特勤车、8名官兵赶赴现场展开救援。截止记者发稿时,救援工作仍在继续进行。





(原标题:达州达川区发生大面积山体滑坡 一工人被滚石掩埋)


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