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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:34:43 Edit(编辑)
Captain accountable only part of Yichun plane crash survivor dissatisfaction, saying unfair

Captain accountable only part of Yichun plane crash survivor dissatisfaction, saying unfair(伊春空难部分幸存者不满仅追责机长,称有失公平)

Part of Yichun plane crash survivors under Captain accountable only unfair | | Yichun plane crash survivors | Captain accountable _ news

Yesterday, the Yichun plane crash survivor captain's lawyer Zhang Qi Huai acts, some of the survivors and the families of the victims, as well as relevant experts, domestic air law convened a seminar on air crash compensation. Some survivors complained about shift captains be investigated for criminal responsibility, think of a "several causes and one effect" air disaster in time for the final implementation of the Mission's technicians have sole responsibility is unfair.

Jinghua times, Leung Chiu

  Discussion on air crash compensation

Yesterday morning, Commander of an air disaster some survivors, victims ' families, survivors of the Qi Quanjun lawyer Zhang Qi Huai acts, as well as related legal experts, convened an "aviation law on the transport of" seminar, main contents of China's aviation related crash compensation issues.

Zhang Qi Huai acts introduction, in which he will focus on the 4 questions: first, to abolish the limit of indemnity; the second is the establishment of a compulsory insurance; three is to improve industry regulations, and the existing Civil Aviation Act lags behind the other, to its convergence with other laws. Zhang Qi Huai acts, the seminar as well as survivors and victims ' families in applying for compensation for some guidance.

Some survivors said the previous air crash compensation to current provisions are not very clear. Ms Chan, after attending the seminar said the survivors will be in accordance with current laws and policies, advocating their reasonable compensation.

According to Zhang Qi Huai acts introduction, presentation stage of the trial the day before the final, Qi made a 15-minute presentation of the whole army, during which he was in tears, "he told the deceased and injured in the accident, said guilt or offered compensation for sellers to sell cars."

Qi Quanjun compensation will, Ms Chan and Ms m represents the survivors from their individual point of view, "should be not be instituting liability proceedings against him, he was one of those who are hurting."

It is reported that in the trial, prosecutors suggested to Qi Quanjun 4-6 sentencing. Defense lawyer Zhang Qi Huai believes that objective factual circumstances of the case, mainly because of a fruit as well as Qi Quanjun attitude in confessing, and 3 years of probation is appropriate, if this is a bit heavy.

Survivors said the captain was a scapegoat

Ms Chan attended the day before the hearing. She said shift commander Qi Quanjun be held criminally liable, to let her see the national law in progress "but there are also many flaws".

Ms Chan said that they mainly want to hold those responsible accountable, to observe the process she had heard it was "black flies", and is a combination of three new Yichun plane crash: new route navigable three weeks; the new airport, and put into use for another year, new company, Henan Airlines was a regional airline of only 3 years. "I think Qi Quanjun is a scapegoat for many of those responsible have not been processed, not very fair. ”

"Align the whole army is responsible, but in a way, that he is a victim", Ms Chan believes that Yi Chunlin airport has a lot of deficiencies in construction, airplane flights are a team at work, "why something happens, only the captain to accountability, what about the others? ”

Rice also said when the crash occurred, a man cause she thought it was the captain, but after hearing investigation report in court, knowing that crash is "cause an effect", there are a lot of doubts. "Now just end up flying a technician to come alone, so unfair. ”

Ms Chan and Ms m says they fly is based on confidence in the airlines, airports, and so on, "if it is Qi Quanjun personal aircraft, we are not going to buy a ticket to take." After the accident, airlines and airports have not been criminally prosecuted. "We want the truth, and to a fair trial, which links lead to the final accident, rather than a scapegoat."


The lives of all, due to changes in air crash

3 years ago, that crash, m and 9 year old son fortunate to escape, but the crash caused a great deal of trauma on their body. "I have nothing, but my son really was ... ..." brought his son, m ladies cry to say a Word, "hate why I was going to take him to the Yichun city".

Rice said that 3 year son's body did not improve. "He is allergic to many things, including colouring agent. He now lingerie wearing all white, even the bed sheet quilt cover is ". Now Ms Rice's son shot every day, she had taken medication.

The day before the hearing, Ms m after the incident for the first time back in Yichun. "My husband did not agree to participate, because every time I talked about this, we have to take a long time to get emotional over it. ”

After the crash, she and the children until last winter and took the plane. "We'll take the train from Harbin to Beijing, to rest after one day and then take the train to Guangzhou, last flight from Guangzhou to Sanya. "Even this small flight and still she is very afraid," until after the plane landed for more than 10 minutes, did not really excessive stepped off the plane. "

During the trial, Ms Chan met the Qi army wives and had a brief exchange. "I told her, we wouldn't be friends, because one of the alignment is an important responsibility, has caused harm to us. But we will never become enemies because he is a victim. ”

M also paraphrased aligned his wife: after it happened, Qi's son changed, don't allow people to bring in a plane crash with his father. "Everyone's lives, because the crash changed. ”


The disaster "ran into" survived the captain was conscious not to answer the questions

August 24, 2010, Yichun plane crash occurred, as the media for the first time arrived at the scene, Xinhua reporter recorded a number of little-known details.

What happened the moment the crash? In question, the reporter first interviewed in Yichun city hospital for treatment of some of the passengers. "We were landing, and during the process of landing, crew members on Board did not say that heavy fog. "Passengers Xue Xi," I looked out of the window, one eye, black, couldn't see anything. Shortly thereafter, the aircraft all took one bounce on the floor, broken in half, and I lost consciousness. ”

Reporters later saw beds in a ward on the Qi Quanjun, although bedside with his name on the label, reporter mistook them for lesser injuries of passengers. "What was happening" question, conscious that he has not answered. More than 10 minutes later, Qi Quanjun is closely protected by policemen.

In the next interview, referred to some survivors, the aircraft on the ground, "bullet", while most deadly airplane disaster resulting from the combustion of gas, first aid, has been trying to untangle the co-pilot seat belts, but due to different construction cannot open was forced to abandon.

Air accident investigation report released two years later found that align the army has failed to comply with the relevant provisions of the civil aviation law on the statutory duties of the captain, and directly led to the accident, and after the plane hit the ground, did not organize and direct passengers to evacuate, no rescue injured people, but evacuated the aircraft without permission.

According to Xinhua News

(Original title: Yichun plane crash survivors under Captain accountable only)

(Edit: SN064)
November 30, 2013 The Beijing times
伊春空难部分幸存者不满仅追责机长 称有失公平|伊春空难|幸存者|追责机长_新闻资讯


































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