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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:34:10 Edit(编辑)
Both carriers base North

Both carriers base North-South pattern for different strategic directions(我国两航母基地形成南北格局,针对不同战略方向)

Two North-South carrier base in China patterns for different strategic directions strategic directions | carrier base | pattern | _ news

Southern Chinese Navy disclosed yesterday morning, visiting the training ship in Liaoning province in the South China Sea accompanied by his 4 ships, berthing of a naval base in Sanya. This means that, after a naval port in Qingdao, China has a second aircraft carrier base and put to use.

So far, China's carrier base in the coastal form a South-North pattern.

Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier home harbour of the ship at a naval base in Qingdao. In February of this year, Liaoning ship set off from Dalian shipyard, the official "home", is located in Qingdao, the carrier base to foreign exposure.

On November 26, the ship left Qingdao in Liaoning province, headed the South China Sea offshore training. Visiting along with the carrier the Navy guided missile destroyer Shijiazhuang, Shenyang, ships, ships and missile frigate warship, Weifang, Yantai ship, marks China's first carrier group established.

Xinhuanet disclosed, after starting from the naval port of Qingdao, Liaoning, ship and sail 4 ships take continuous high speed day and night, the East China Sea, via the Taiwan Strait, arrived in a naval base in Sanya on yesterday morning. A naval base in Sanya is the Navy designed and built a large naval base, with appropriate facilities, meet the needs of major surface ships berthing. Liaoning will ship supplies here after testing and training.

This marks after naval port of Qingdao, China officially declared its second aircraft carrier base, and a second aircraft carrier base is officially put into use.

This year, the foreign media repeatedly reported that the construction of a second aircraft carrier near Sanya, Hainan, China Sea bases. In September, Chinese Defense Ministry at a regular press conference, Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun did not deny this, saying only that according to the country's economic and social development situation in the country and the need for national defense and army building, consider an aircraft carrier construction and development issues.

The day before, at a regular press conference, Yang Yujun answers South reporter on whether the carriers will dock at the PORT OF SHNYA again responded, "Sanya port currently moored aircraft carrier have been preliminary conditions."



Why choose Sanya second aircraft carrier bases?

Carrier selection what special requirements, why the second carrier base in Sanya in China? Naval military academic Institute, the aircraft carrier research expert Li Jie Nan yesterday said that excellent carrier base depth, logistics, maintenance facilities and living conditions in Hong Kong are very high requirements. PORT OF SHNYA not only in the coastal strip, other conditions also meets the carrier base requirements.

Li Jie said that because of aircraft carrier tonnage, draft, and its home harbour is generally considered depths greater wind, wave facilities within the port of Hong Kong. Coastal zones are usually peninsula and island chain forms a natural barrier beach, used the Islands to build a breakwater to get good parking conditions.

"Of course, the carrier location should not only consider natural conditions", said Li Jie, due to carrier warfare requires a lot of fuel, ammunition, supplies, aircraft carrier near the base facilities are needed. Taking into account the carriers maintain state every year at least one-third of the time, the carrier should have fairly complete repair facility in Hong Kong to meet small and medium scale of shipborne aircraft carrier and maintenance needs in order to maintain a high level of operational effectiveness, it is vital.

At the same time, carriers in Harbor for rest during servicing, long life aircraft carrier at sea officers and men need to be comforted, to guarantee a high level of fighting mood, the carrier also need to be equipped with complete living facilities and entertainment facilities.

In addition, in order to protect the security of Al-Qaida, carriers must deploy sufficient troops and equipment near the base responsible for the surface, underwater and aerial defense.

"The PORT OF SHNYA not only in coastal areas, is also in line with the conditions of a carrier base in other requirements", said Li Jie, chose Sanya as second carrier base in China, as well as national strategic factors. Due to the current situation in the South China Sea is not peaceful, there is some uncertainty, sovereignty of China's territorial waters, maritime traffic safety are subject to some kind of threat, choose Sanya as a base for aircraft carrier, can enhance strategic deterrence for the South China Sea area in China, safeguarding the interests of China in the South China Sea.



Enable second carrier base meant building a second aircraft carrier?

Second carrier base in Sanya and put into use, does that mean that China has started building a second aircraft carrier? Yesterday, the Sanya military port exposure, this is attracting Chinese and foreign army fan attention.

In fact, more than once, the Chinese military said China would not only have an aircraft carrier. Deputy Chief of staff of the Navy song said on April 23 this year: we will safeguard national marine rights and needs, determine the size of carrier, will have more than an aircraft carrier.

He also said Liaoning warship with a displacement of more than 50,000 tons next aircraft carrier, we hope to make even greater, because you can carry more planes, combat effectiveness will be stronger.

At a press conference on August 2 this year, the Ministry of defence, Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said ships in Liaoning is China's first aircraft carrier, but definitely not the only one. He said that China will be based on the needs of national defense and army building, and manpower to consider development of a carrier's construction.

Researcher at the Institute of naval military academic, aircraft carrier research experts yesterday, Li Jie told journalists in the South, Qingdao and Sanya base for aircraft carrier construction, focused on different strategic direction, a power or powers of aircraft carriers, definitely there will be more than a number of ships. Internationally, the carrier uses "-33" principle: one on duty, a training ship, ship repair. A great power, if there is only one aircraft carrier is absolutely not enough, at least 3 aircraft carriers, from our country's development, economic status and future needs of maritime interests, of at least 3 per cent of China's aircraft carrier.

"As a result, we also have the new aircraft carriers may be in the future. "Li Jie said that after the increase in the number of aircraft carrier, will be based on factors such as country strategies, comprehensive national strength considering the construction of a new aircraft carrier base.

Construction of the Qingdao and Sanya carrier base, is targeted to a different strategic direction, a big and powerful aircraft carrier, the number never only one. Internationally, the carrier uses "33" principle: duty that a ship, a train, a repair ship. A great power is absolutely not enough if there is only one aircraft carrier, at least 3 aircraft carriers, from our country's development, the financial condition and future needs of maritime interests, carriers in China of at least 3 to 4 vessels.

---Naval military academic Institute, the aircraft carrier research expert Li Jie told the South reporter

(Original title: official opening of the second aircraft carrier base in China)

(Edit: SN064)
November 30, 2013 North network
我国两航母基地形成南北格局 针对不同战略方向|航母基地|格局|战略方向_新闻资讯

  南都讯 中国海军披露,昨日上午,前往南海训练的辽宁舰在4艘舰艇的伴随下,靠泊三亚某军港。这意味着,继青岛某军港后,中国拥有了第二个航母基地,且投入了使用。



















  启用第二个航母基地 意味着开建第二艘航母?











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