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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:34:05 Edit(编辑)
Blasting of Qingdao municipal facilities after the accident recovery

Blasting of Qingdao municipal facilities after the accident recovery(青岛燃爆事故后多种市政设施恢复功能)

After blasting accidents in Qingdao Qingdao, various municipal facilities recovery capabilities | | blasting | city _ news

Xinhuanet, Qingdao, November 29 (reporter Su Wanming)-29th reporters from Qingdao City, Shandong Province "11·22" Sinopec East oil pipeline leakage and explosion accident scene headquarters was informed that Huang, as of 29th regional road traffic in water, electricity, heating, gas and closely associated with the production and life of the masses of the various municipal facilities, such as functions were restored.

Introduction of responsible officers for field command of the municipal maintenance group at 29th, improved City gradually recovered. In recent days, daily at the scene of the departments concerned to about 1500 (500 troops), various types of equipment with more than more than 200, located more than 5,300 meters walls, tidied up 5,900 meters of roads, removal of Earth and stone of about 15,900 cubic metres, all cleared a total of 95 vehicles were damaged.

As of 29th, Liugong Island Road is under construction and can be completed within approximately 1 month, road, Chongming island has easy traffic. Damaged buildings along the street were a comprehensive organizational maintenance. 28 damaged street lamps were removed, with the exception of closed areas and the remaining sections of lighting has returned to normal.

According to reports, at present, closely associated with the production and life of the masses of the regional variety of functions of municipal public facilities have been restored. Among them, the 25th, electricity, sanitation, water supply, gas supply, heating has been restored. At present, the officer had about 9,900 meters near the blast pipe was examined, and conducted a region-wide gas home security checks and inspection of underground pipelines, sewage pumping station to maintain its normal operation.

According to the scene of the accident command group in charge of municipal maintenance, as of 29th, in command at sea, land and environmental protection disposal, recovery linoleum, has accumulated about 280 tons of oil-absorbing rope, transferred water about 200 tons of waste oil, road culverts and resulting from oil pollution has been effectively controlled.

(Edit: SN077)
November 29, 2013 The website







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