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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:34:01 Edit(编辑)
Beijing residents bid farewell to “sweep bridge Grandpa“, volunteers pass psycho

Beijing residents bid farewell to “sweep bridge Grandpa“, volunteers pass psycho-geriatric(北京市民送别“扫桥爷爷”,志愿者传承老人精神)

Beijing residents bid farewell to "sweep bridge Grandpa" psycho-geriatric volunteer heritage | | | volunteers sweep bridge touching _ news

Qianlong, Beijing, November 29 (reporter Yu Zhenhua) on November 29, more than 300 participants from the Beijing Tiananmen Square 16 community volunteers and residents of the street, gathered at the old Dou Zhen was born clean 11 years of overpasses North of collective silence in the ordinary and great old man. They took Dou Zhen old brooms, passed 11 years of dedication for the elderly, to make the railway overpass clean forever.

On the railroad overpasses, Qianlong net reporter found on the bridge, populated with people sent to the white and yellow chrysanthemums. Commuters passing over the bridge, was also stopped at the old Dou Zhen went off the bridge, and hot old man living with them sweep the bridge after the story, infinite pity.

In the interview, Qianlong net reporter learned that Dou Zhen love bridge, to protect the bridge not only for the elderly, cleaning bridge, at their own expense to protect the Bridge Road. November 16, 2011, Beijing was a heavy rain, the three-ring supplementary road under the railway bridge and a dozen metres from the channel created between water, pedestrian very inconvenient. Dou Zhen after finding the old man that he first bought a spade, shoveled a lot of booster road serves a useful purpose. Later, he found the community donated 3,000 yuan, by the communities construction team will help find the broken roads repaired. Dou Zhen said the old man, which is to facilitate movement, and was himself swept bridges 10 years.

In 2012, 3 games under the snow, old Dou Zhen has always insisted on sweeping bridges, and led local residents joined the team of snow shoveling ice. In early September this year, Dou Zhen old man's child the old man brought to a condition of good nursing homes, wanted him to the remainder. However, Dou Zhen old mind that this railway bridge, he snuck back twice swept the bridge tools. Subsequently, insist that their children take him home for the elderly, and when I got home, the old man began to sweep the bridge.

Staff repeatedly advised the elderly to take care of good health in the community, not to do it again, but also arranged for volunteers cleaning the deck and is ready, on November 29, "volunteer service teams swept the bridge ceremony" Dou Zhen elders agreed, didn't do not wait until a ceremony on this day, he has to go.

When you clean the relic of old Dou Zhen, his children found himself purchased 13 flags. Before national day, elderly people are personally hung the national flag to Tsui Lam 13/f, 20th in the three door. Children of the elderly told reporters that fathers often teach their "patriotic, love after."

In recent years, under the leadership of old Dou Zhen, the community established a counselling team, patrols and many volunteer teams, more than 200 people, started to conduct the "everyone is a volunteer, twinkling with communities" and other activities. Today, Dou Zhen volunteer service teams have picked up the newly formed old brooms, establish a flag dedication and persistence, initiative, members of the public to learn from old Dou Zhen, caring community, caring, loving nature, from yourself, from small start, serving others, contributing to society, and build a beautiful Beijing, beautiful home with our own hands.

(Edit: SN067)
November 29, 2013 China NET
北京市民送别“扫桥爷爷” 志愿者传承老人精神|志愿者|扫桥|感人_新闻资讯









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