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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:33:56 Edit(编辑)
Beijing family to rent public housing in the vicinity of residential school

Beijing family to rent public housing in the vicinity of residential school(北京承租公租房家庭子女可在住宅附近上学)

Beijing families to rent public housing children in a residential school near | | | school Beijing _ public rental news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 30 (reporter Kong Xiangxin)-reporters learned from the Beijing municipal construction Committee, the Beijing municipal construction Committee, the national development and Reform Commission, human social services, education, and other 10 Department recently jointly issued the Declaration on the strengthening of the social management of public rental housing, and services. In future, the Beijing Hukou household regardless of which project tenants in public rental housing, dependency domicile resident and will be able to enjoy equal social security, labor and employment, public health, basic health care, education and other social and public services.

According to reports, the Beijing public rental housing community management and services in the future will be dominated by territorial management of residence. That opinion after the public housing tenant families of school-age children in the city can choose to registered tenants of social housing is located near the entrance, cracked the problem of people separated families to school difficult. Rent a home if there are unemployed in the city, can be close to the street where to rent public housing (villages and towns) social security firms registration, access to career guidance, information, training and other employment services. Community business and community service organizations to recruit staff, will also lead the unemployed, helping residents achieve employment. Handicap community health care, pension and other agencies will also handle related services for single family residence nearby.

Unless specifically requested public rental housing area where the County Government will lease the family into territorial grid of the social management system, equipped with community management and services as required by agencies, personnel and management requirements, provides tenant families with community management and services, organization of community cultural activities, work together to create a harmonious living environment.

(Edit: SN077)
November 30, 2013 The website

  新华网北京11月30日电(记者 孔祥鑫)记者从北京市住建委获悉,北京市住建委、发改委、人力社保局、教委等10部门近日共同出台《关于加强本市公共租赁住房社会管理和服务的意见》。今后,北京市户籍家庭不管承租哪个项目的公共租赁住房,都将能够享受与属地户籍居民均等的社会保障、劳动就业、公共卫生、基本医疗、义务教育等社会公共服务。




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