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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:33:49 Edit(编辑)
Beijing broke child perpetrators sentenced to death of final adjudication, its parent that chance without checking the truth

Beijing broke child perpetrators sentenced to death of final adjudication, its parent that chance without checking the truth(北京摔童案犯终审获死刑,其父称无查真相机会)

Beijing dropped child perpetrators sentenced to death his father called chance without checking the truth of final adjudication | falling case hanlei | | find out the truth _ news

Yesterday morning, the case of Tai Hing fall children's concerns in the municipal higher people's Court of final appeal judgement, the appeal court rejected Han Lei, maintain a manslaughter sentence hanlei to sentence of death. In accordance with the statutory procedure, the case will be submitted to the Supreme Court for judicial review of death sentence.

 ≫> Court

Perpetrators expressionless girl sit in tears

Yesterday morning, both families attend the Court of final appeal judgement, but were not told reporters. Han Lei's parents and little did not appear, and its appearances have been girlfriends are central.

9:30 A.M., Han Lei and Li ming was brought to the High Court Tribunal number six. Han Lei constantly turned to the Gallery, girlfriend, Han Lei nodded with a smile.

When the judge read out the verdict, Han Lei has been looked up at the presiding judge, without any expression on his face. After the presiding judge read out "maintain the judgment of the first instance in the present case", the Gallery of Han Lei girlfriend suddenly cries. After the sentencing, Han Lei was taken out of the courtroom, during which he looked to his girlfriend again, still with a smile on his face.

Later, Xu ping, Han Lei counsel lawyer said Han Lei parents prepared, though they're ready to pay compensation for the victims ' families, but until the girls ' parents are not accepted before the sentencing. "Before sentencing Han Lei parents met the families of the murdered girls, but the other party refused to accept compensation, if accepted, might help the case. ”

 ≫> Court

Door slammed in the grounds of appeal to uphold a verdict

The Court found that the Han Lei for an offence is liable to a penalty, but still remain impenitent, released after only nine months, deliberately unlawful deprivation of a person's life, and death from young children, their actions constitute intentional homicide, extremely serious crimes, punishable by law. At the same time, the grounds of appeal raised by Han Lei, the lack of factual and legal basis, cannot be established, and should be rejected. Han Lei Defender back to the revision of the recommendations or review submissions, based on insufficient Court against it. Rejected by the Prosecutor's Office recommended Han Lei's appeal and upheld the opinion justified, should be adopted.

Eventually, the High Court ruled to uphold a verdict, Han Lei committed intentional homicide, punishable by death.

 ≫> Han Lei father said

Han Lei after what happened, their parents ask around the victim's home address, and 7 times to apologize, two of which run into someone at home, but they all said "unwilling to meet", and to keep them out.

Han Lei when they are young, and I work to support construction in Sichuan, crackers from the son's responsibility in education, but I believe that the son was telling the truth in the Court, no lie. He does it on purpose, only one is clear, but I believe my children.

Requests for polygraph Han Lei are not permitted, if it is found out that he was doing it on purpose, not just the Court, our old couple can't forgive him, but he don't even have a chance to find out the truth. I think checking the truth has two purposes, one is to comfort the dead baby, the second is to let the community know, Han Lei were not raped and great evil.

I often think if dead babies-for my life to life, I'll still go to the Exchange. We very much want to and the victim's family reached a settlement, not only for his son, but also want to sincerely to the victims to make amends, let your conscience be a little forgiving.

 ≫> case of playback

July 23 ride late Han Lei Li Ming to drive Hyundai sedan to Wu, jiugong town, Daxing District, Beijing Road, near the temple, parking problems and the Lee dispute. Subsequently, Han Lei Li beat LEE two years after 10-month-old daughter from the strollers picked up over your head, all fall to the ground, girls because of severe head injury caused by death. Zhihou, drove Li Ming Han Lei fled the scene.

Captured by police July 24, Han Lei.

July 25, Li Ming voluntarily gave himself up.

July 26 was cast girls died.

August 20 municipal inspection branch to intentional homicide of Han Lei prosecuted according to the law, on suspicion of harboring Li Ming Han Lei help to drive out the scene of the crime prosecution according to law.

On September 16 at the municipal intermediate people's Court trial of the case. The trial, Han Lei has repeatedly argued that he is nearsighted and had been drinking, Lee is pushing a shopping cart, did not know fallen children.

September 25 city intermediate people's Court to voluntary manslaughter sentenced Han Lei to death in the first instance. Also ruled to allow families of victims to withdraw had been made Han Lei totals more than 2.73 million yuan of lawsuit requests. Meanwhile Jeff Smith guilty of harbouring and sentenced to two years, crime has not yet completed execution of penalty and punishment before, decided to implement in prison for five years. Han Lei appealed.

November 19 municipal high people's Court of second instance hearing the case. Defender security cameras produced images of Han Lei is produced to the Court, and by the time node decomposition as a text description, prove Han Lei did not see clearly false positives. Han Lei hope to apologize to the victim's family face to face, and evidence produced by the prosecution witnesses to court for himself and the case for a lie.

November 29 municipal higher people's Court of Final Appeal ruled that maintenance of intentional homicide in the first instance sentenced Han Lei to death sentences. In accordance with the statutory procedures, the case will be submitted to the Supreme Court for judicial review of death sentences.

People's daily reporter Sun Siya

(Original title: slam the perpetrators of child Han Lei final court sentenced to death)

(Edit: SN064)
November 30, 2013 The Beijing times
北京摔童案犯终审获死刑 其父称无查真相机会|韩磊|摔童案|查真相_新闻资讯






























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