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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:38:16 Edit(编辑)
Original Director of admissions at the University of the people is checked, new Director of work started last week

Original Director of admissions at the University of the people is checked, new Director of work started last week(人民大学招生处原处长被查,新处长上周开始工作)

Director of people's University Admissions Office Director began work last week by novelty | | |, Director of the University Admissions _ the people news

Yesterday, the one that reads "Director of enrollment and employment at Renmin University, Cai Rongsheng ago replaced with fake passports from Shenzhen" News quickly spread through the network, news also points out that there are other persons under investigation at Renmin University. In response, the school's propaganda Department told the Beijing morning news reporters that yesterday, "schools from the parties concerned that former Director of enrollment and employment survey Cai Rongsheng invited interested parties. "Schools to" comment "journalists confirmed that the school enrollment and employment presided over the new Director has been appointed and started last week.

  News that Cai Rongsheng Shenzhen braving the intercepted

For universities, independent recruitment authority, dadm would undoubtedly have been a central post, Cai Rongsheng messages on the network is being investigated following reports immediately aroused public concern. Message notes that the University Admissions employment Department Director Cai Rongsheng absconded to Canada, were intercepted when braving the false passport from Shenzhen, involving hundreds of millions of dollars, fled before the left one covers the illegal facts of school leaders. In addition, the Executive Dean of the Faculty of education, University of the people Hu Juan will assist in the investigation.

18:29 yesterday, the Xinhua News Agency "comment" publish Microblogs, "said Cai Rongsheng, Director of admissions at Renmin University employment were investigating rumors the school news said 27th, school enrollment and employment presided over the new Director has been appointed and started last week. Cai Rongsheng related events, such as the exact message, will revert to the school community. ”

Last night, the Beijing morning news reporters, head of the propaganda Department of Renmin University, "school learned from the interested parties, the former Director of enrollment and employment survey Cai Rongsheng being interested parties. ”

But for "Executive President Hu Juan was removed from Office and the colleges of education to assist in the investigation," the news, the school does not give a clear response.

Official website displayed at Renmin University, enrollment and employment Department is in charge of the school General undergraduate admissions, all students and the management of students ' status in employment and admissions, employment, school enrollment management-related research functions, consists of an integrated Office, Office of undergraduate admissions offices, employment offices and student management.

 Inspection group received reflect leaders ' issues for clues

Cai Rongsheng, did not rule out a central inspection group at the Renmin University this year during the visit of "corruption". Beijing morning news reporter noted that June 3 this year, the central inspection group stationed the first round of inspections of objects including Renmin University, then the Central tenth inspection group to the leadership of the two terms of Renmin University conducted inspections and set up hotlines, interviewed some of the middle-level cadres. It is worth mentioning that, in the central inspection group in the first round of inspections, Renmin University is the only school to inspect the unit.

September 26, inspection group leadership and serving members of the Council of the University to the people feedback to inspect the situation. Visits group leader Chen Jiwa pointed out that, NPC in style clean government and anti-corruption aspects, penal anti-system construction especially financial management, and cadres pay management, and autonomous admissions, aspects exists weaknesses; in Executive Central "eight items provides" and style construction aspects, abroad management not specification, public funds eating, and gift phenomenon still exists; in Executive democratic centralism and cadres singles appointments aspects, a time in party led Xia of principals responsibility follow-up enough in place, cadres appointments and management endless specification. In addition, the cadres also reflect the school of color in a strong executive, research funds management irregularities, the traditional advantage and characteristic of the weakening tendency of the problem.

Chen Jiwa said: "visiting group also received some questions reflect the leading cadres leads have been transferred in accordance with the regulations the Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central Organization Department and the relevant departments. ”

Morning news reporter Zou Le TNT China

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Cai Rongsheng (map)

Cai Rongsheng was born in 1965 in Changchun, Jilin people, an associate professor at Renmin University. In 1987, graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in 1992 and graduated from the Department of Economics of Renmin University of China trade received a master's degree in economics; in 2002 after the PhD in economics at Renmin University. 2012: "national advanced workers for employment".

(Original title: people's Congress Director of admissions at the original investigation)

(Edit: SN091)
November 28, 2013 Beijing morning post
人民大学招生处原处长被查 新处长上周开始工作|人民大学|处长|招生_新闻资讯












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