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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:37:58 Edit(编辑)
Ma Xingrui politics and Law Committee Secretary of Guangdong Province, a former Vice Minister of the Ministry of

Ma Xingrui politics and Law Committee Secretary of Guangdong Province, a former Vice Minister of the Ministry of(马兴瑞任广东省政法委书记,曾任工信部副部长)

Secretary of the politics and Law Committee of Guangdong Province, Ma Xingrui | served miit Vice Minister Ma Xingrui | | _ Guangdong Province, politics and Law Committee Secretary news

Shenzhen Special Zone daily dispatch (reporter Xiaoyi Wu Tao Yang Liping) the national courts of Justice public work Conference held yesterday in the city. CPC Central Committee and the Central politics and Law Committee Secretary Meng jianzhu pre-session specialized public administration of Justice made clear request, President of the Supreme People's Court, Zhou attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Meeting stressed that people's courts at all levels to further study and implement the party's 18 the spirit of the third plenary session, and speed up the trial process, judgments and openly in public, performing three platforms such as information disclosure, deepen judicial open towards the Sun of Justice, improving judicial public faith force, to ensure that people in every sense of fairness and justice in judicial cases.

Guangdong provincial party Committee Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the politics and Law Committee, Ma Xingrui, Guangdong provincial party Committee, Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee Wang Rong, President of the higher people's Court of Guangdong Province Mr Zheng E. The Supreme People's Court Vice President Li Shaoping, He Rong, city leaders Chiang Kai-shek statue of jade, Li Huanan, heads of relevant departments of the Supreme People's Court, higher people's Court, part of the open pilot courts of Justice as well as the news media reporters to attend the meeting.

  Promote judicial reforms more equitably benefit all people

Meng jianzhu, pointed out that 18 clear demands on deepening judicial reform the third plenary session, stressed the need to speed up the construction of fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, a sound mechanism of judicial power run, advancing the opening of the trial to promote open court judgments and the entry into force, provided a historic opportunity for court to promote judicial reform.

Meng jianzhu urged all levels of people's courts further studying and implementing the spirit of the third plenary, practical thinking and action into the Party Central Committee on the comprehensive reform of major deployment,

Seriously fulfil Constitution legal gives of duties, further do justice open the work, to advance justice open three big platform construction for opportunity, constantly expanded Justice open range, innovation justice open forms, makes justice open three big platform became show Socialist rule of law civilization of important window, and guarantees party litigation right of important means, and fulfil court social responsibility of important way, efforts let masses in each a justice cases in the are feel to fair justice, Promote judicial reforms more equitably benefit all people.

  To achieve the "four transformations" grasp "four relations"

Zhou said that advancing the opening of Justice, is to deepen reform of the judiciary, is the age of new media meet the masses of new looks forward to the administration of Justice, is to raise the level of Justice and of judicial public faith force requirement.

Zhou said that to vigorously promote the construction of judicial open platform, give full play to the important role of modern information technologies, promote the deepening public substantive progress in the work of the judiciary. Levels Court to development perfect unified of trial process query system, increased trial work transparency; to active promoting referee instruments Internet work, gradually achieved four level court law can open of referee instruments all Internet open, formed pour forced mechanism, further upgrade judge justice skills and business literacy; to through open Executive information towards masses on court executive work of understands, maximum degree squeeze uses Executive right found rent of space, increased on refused to Executive judgment of "old Lai" exposure intensity, for credit corrections, Actively promote the implementation of the open information platform to interface with a social credibility system, promoting the construction of social credit.

Zhou said that advancing the opening of Justice, focuses on achieving "four transformations": passively exposed to the active open, exposing internal as external, selective disclosure in public for full and open, exposed to the real public, and constantly improve the interactive features of the three platforms, services, features and convenience features, open into deepening the judicial procedure of the people's courts and people's interaction. Advance three big platform construction, to practical grasp good "four a relationship": in implementation progress Shang, to grasp good overall planning and points step advance of relationship; in range scale Shang, grasp good advance justice open and followed justice law of relationship; in value orientation Shang, to grasp good advance justice open and strengthened right protection of relationship; in way method Shang, to grasp good uses advanced technology and update thought concept, and improve justice capacity of relationship.

Operation requirements, people's courts at all levels should promote the building of three platforms as a priority, strengthening organizational leadership, job security, integrated and coordinated, by consummating the ancillary system, strengthen supervision and inspection work, improving the implementation to ensure effectiveness.

  National judgments and network in China Unicom

At the meeting, the referee Zhou launched China instrument network and the high people's Court judgments and platform of Unicom button marked the judgment document network has today and 31 provinces, and the Xinjiang production and construction Corps branch of the High Court judgments and networked. High people's Court of Zhejiang Province, Wuhan Intermediate People's Court and the intermediate people's Court in Shenzhen will be introduced through a video clip on the main methods of deepening the judicial public and experience.

  Sez new contribution to the construction of rule of law in China

Wang Rong, said in a speech in Shenzhen earlier judicial work openly, promote judicial transparency, credibility has grown steadily, out of a justice with Shenzhen characteristics open road. 18 under the guidance of the spirit of the third plenary session in Shenzhen, with this Conference as an opportunity to carry out the deployment requirements of the Supreme Court and provincial, strengthening implementation of reform of the judicial system and operation mechanism to further promote judicial openness, justice, and speed up the formation of an open, fair, impartial and appropriate legal environment, and development to create new advantages for the SAR, and make new contributions for the construction of the rule of law in China.

  Continued to play well in the new judicial reform leading role model

26th, in Mayor Xu Qin and Zheng E, and Jiang Zun jade and city intermediate people's Court Dean Huo Min accompanied Xia, Zhou Qiang using a days time, has visits has Qian sea Shenzhen modern services cooperation district, and road, Luohu district, Court, and, Nanshan District, Court and City Intermediate Court, and held Seminar heard Shenzhen court work report and in deep national NPC representative of views suggested, full must Shenzhen City Court system in presiding judge responsibility reform, and "eagle eye" check controlled network, information implementation work platform built, aspects of active exploring and bold practice And courts throughout the country to reform and innovation is the Shenzhen Court has accumulated valuable experience and encourage Shenzhen continued to play well in the new round of judicial reform demonstration took the lead role.

 Ma Xingrui resume

Ma Xingrui, male, of Han nationality, born in October 1959, yuncheng people in Shandong province, joined the Communist Party of China in January 1988, doctoral degree, Professor and doctor.

In March 1988, graduated from Harbin general mechanics to Ph. Served as Deputy Director of the space science and Technology Department of Harbin, Deputy Director of the Department of aerospace engineering and mechanics, Director, Deputy Director of the space Academy. April 1996 as Vice President of Harbin. In May 1996, Deputy Director of the China Academy of space technology. September 1999 any party member, Deputy General Manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation company. In August 2007, Party Secretary and General Manager of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation company.

To March 2013, Vice Minister of industry and information technology, party members, National Space Agency Director, head of the State Agency, State, Party Secretary of the Secretary of national defense science and technology industry.

May 2013, she served as Deputy Ministers, and Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of industry and information.

CPC 18 Central Committee. Members of the 11th National Committee of the CPPCC.

(Communist Party of China information news network in May 2013)

(Original title: speeding up the construction of three platforms towards the Sun of Justice)

(Edit: SN095)
November 28, 2013 Shenzhen Special Zone daily
马兴瑞任广东省政法委书记 曾任工信部副部长|马兴瑞|政法委书记|广东省_新闻资讯

  深圳特区报讯(记者 肖 意 吴 涛 杨丽萍)全国法院司法公开工作推进会昨日在我市召开。中共中央政治局委员、中央政法委书记孟建柱会前就司法公开工作专门提出明确要求,最高人民法院院长周强出席会议并讲话。会议强调,各级人民法院要深入学习贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会精神,加快建设审判流程公开、裁判文书公开、执行信息公开等三大平台,全面深化司法公开,努力实现阳光司法,不断提升司法公信力,让人民群众在每一个司法案件中都感受到公平正义。






  着力实现“四个转变” 切实把握好“四个关系”













  1988年3月哈尔滨工业大学一般力学专业博士研究生毕业。历任哈尔滨工业大学空间科学与技术系副主任,航天工程与力学系副主任、主任,航天学院副院长。1996年4月任哈尔滨工业大学副校长。1996年5月任中国空间技术研究院副院长。1999年9月任中国航天科技集团公司党组成员、副总经理。 2007年8月任中国航天科技集团公司党组书记、总经理。




  (中国共产党新闻网资料 2013年5月)

(原标题:加快建设三大平台 努力实现阳光司法)


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