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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/27 10:05:00 Edit(编辑)
Playing with the rhythm master methods

Playing with the rhythm master methods(给跪了,《节奏大师》真213玩法,)

Playing with the rhythm master methods-rhythm master-IT information My knees, the rhythm masters 213 games are played

Never expected to play the rhythm masters, there are four realms. Average speed is impressive, literary range has allowed me to begin to think of their IQ ... Until the moment of take off my socks, I couldn't stand it any more. Last 213 games are played directly make me speechless ...

After looking at this video, I felt it was the game that suits me, is where cool where stay there.


给跪了,《节奏大师》真213玩法 - 节奏大师 - IT资讯




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