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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:08:53 Edit(编辑)
Hammer handset user design and new ROM,

Hammer handset user design and new ROM,(网友设计的锤子手机及新ROM,)

User design mobile phone and new ROM-the hammer of the hammer, and hammer ROM-IT news Hammer handset user design and new ROM

Smartisan OS (based on Android) 0.6.0 alpha version has been released. IT information technology has introduced this version has added the hammer version of the music player, completed more than more than 60 improvements over more than 300 bug is fixed. ROM but for a hammer to future changes, users also have their own ideas.

While the hammer phone to wait until next spring to release, but this user is and in conjunction with the new ROM integrated together.

A Netizen named "Tien-Design" on Twitter today shared his own work, and his designs have also an Yong-Hao Luo affirmed. He designed interface and HTC INFOBAR A02 styles are similar. Cell phone look tends to Japanese style, simple fashion.

Yong-Hao Luo to see green grass after this good, what do you think?


网友设计的锤子手机及新ROM - 锤子手机,锤子ROM - IT资讯

Smartisan OS(based on android)0.6.0 alpha版本已经发布了。IT资讯已介绍过该版本新增了锤子科技版的音乐播放器,完成了60余项改进,修复了300多个bug。但是对于锤子ROM未来的变化,网友也有自己的想法。


网友“Tien-Design”今日在微博上分享了他自己的作品,而他的设计有的也得到了罗永浩的肯定。他将界面设计成与HTC INFOBAR A02手机的风格相似。手机外观方面则趋向日系风格,简约时尚。



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