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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:08:42 Edit(编辑)
A software application development and how much did it cost? ,

A software application development and how much did it cost? ,(一款应用的开发成本是多少?,)

A software application development and how much did it cost?
-Application development, development and application of-IT information A software application development and how much did it cost?

With the development of the mobile Internet, application development has become one of the hottest topics. Millions of people are looking forward to the next Instagram, Vine, or Temple of the angry birds and the fugitive. Today, the already low threshold for application development, media are rife with small teams to create a miracle story. However, application development is really so simple? If you start from the beginning, what will be the cost of application development?

Development studios in New York and Fueled start-ups and businesses have relationships. They develop mobile business applications of, last year turnover was 250 million dollars. Rameet Chawla and Ryan Matzner Studio employees in the technology industry for more than 10 years, and hundreds of startups that maintained close ties. They shared our experience in application development in the official blog.

If you don't know how to program it, first thing to look for is the developer. Chawla believes that the simplest solution is looking for a well-known company, and won prizes or been extensive media coverage of the company. Their own team is also possible, but the product may not be up to the professional level. If you want to do so, need to think about development costs.

"The development team and not just developers. It is a larger team, everything's up and running. You can imagine a Broadway musical. Actors in the foreground, but also occurs with a lot of things behind the scenes. Develop qualified applications as well. "Ryan Matzner said.

In addition to developers, teams with one or two designers, account managers and product managers. Product Manager role similar to Director, responsible for the overall vision. Good designers and product managers do not find.

Normal application development cost of $ 120,000 to $ 150,000. Workload is 120 hours a week: two full-time developer to work 80 hours part-time designers working 20 hours; product managers and account managers work for 20 hours. Development time is usually 8-10. Hiring freelancers may be able to save costs, but quality cannot be guaranteed . "If someone says, you don't need a 8-10 week, or can save a lot of money. That he must be in some places to cut corners. ”

Of course, development costs are dependent on the specific application. Game is usually the most expensive, since programming is more complicated. Application development, there are many factors that can affect costs, such as: whether to use a third party API, whether to use the system to provide standard interface design elements, whether to use existing technology, and so on.

If you're lucky, you can find a tech-savvy friend. But it's not easy, because they're not going to give up lucrative opportunities in other places.

"A lot of people say, ' this is crazy. Development application shouldn't put the 50,000 dollars, ' "says Chawla says," OK, tried to hire two developers, one is responsible for the background, one at the front desk. Under the $ 50,000 cost, even out of a competitive wage, you also can only support 2.5 months, or a shorter period of time. ”


一款应用的开发成本是多少? - 应用开发,开发应用 - IT资讯


纽约的开发工作室Fueled与初创公司和企业都保持合作关系。他们开发的移动商务应用,去年处理的交易额是2.5亿美元。工作室的员工Rameet Chawla和Ryan Matzner在科技行业已有十余年,与上百家初创公司保持着紧密的联系。他们在官方博客上分享了应用开发的经验。


“开发团队并不仅仅是一些开发者。它是一个更大的团队,能使所有事情都运行起来。你可以想象一下百老汇音乐剧。演员在前台,但是幕后也发生着许多事情。开发合格的应用也是一样。”Ryan Matzner说。







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