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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:07:48 Edit(编辑)
Yuzhong prisoners when the village chief of Lanzhou were reported

Yuzhong prisoners when the village chief of Lanzhou were reported(兰州榆中服刑人员当村主任遭举报)

Yuzhong prisoners when the village chief was reported in Lanzhou | | yuzhong | served the village Director _ news

Reporter (reporter Zhang Xuejiang) recently, some netizens to Lanzhou network political platforms reflected, comfortable camp in yuzhong County town red monastery village and village director Wang served as village cadres still in the prison. This has caused in yuzhong County County attaches great importance to entrust the Commission for discipline inspection departments in yuzhong County investigation.

Recently, an "off camp town red monastery village and village Director Zeng Yin beaten villagers were sentenced to one year and six months, was expelled by organizational Department, still serving as village Director" postings caused widespread concern. Reporters from the comfortable camp in yuzhong County official confirmed that currently, yuzhong County discipline Inspection Committee has been involved in the investigation, County Group also sent inspectors to the local investigation.

It is understood that female village chief Wang in December 2010, elected to the Red monastery village, Director of the village Committee. January 25, 2011, red monastery village chief Wang and Wang village instrument for drink at the Red Temple village kindergarten chores to fellow villagers in a battery with injury, Lu Chen. Center of forensic identification in yuzhong County Public Security Bureau, Chen suffered minor injuries, Lu slightly injured. After the incident, Wang Chen of compensation for a total loss of the instrument, have reached an understanding. Village chief Wang yuzhong County people's Court found to constitute the crime of intentional injury, was sentenced to one year, suspended for six months a year. On April 18, 2012, the Township Party Committee held a meeting to study, that village chief Wang being a CPC Member, drinking and intentionally causing bodily harm to others, causing minor injuries, their acts have violated national laws, be held criminally responsible, nature of the error is very serious, serious violations of party discipline. 30th article under the CPC disciplinary Ordinance (a) provisions of the concurrence of the County's Commission for discipline inspection, expelled from punishment.

Comfortable camp in yuzhong County in charge, red Temple village in 2012, have been identified as 2013 whole villages out of poverty, poverty eradication task, to ensure that poverty eradication was carried out smoothly, the township government decided the Red monastery village Party Secretary Zhang Jinjin is responsible for the whole village poverty eradication, after completion of poverty, in accordance with the relevant procedures, re-election of the villagers ' Committee for the new term.

(Edit: SN077)
November 26, 2013 Daily network of Gansu-Lanzhou morning news






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