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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:07:43 Edit(编辑)
Yu Jinyong was arrested for the crime of contract fraud trial jailed 11

Yu Jinyong was arrested for the crime of contract fraud trial jailed 11(禹晋永涉嫌合同诈骗罪一审获刑11年)

Yu Jinyong alleged contract fraud, contract of first instance sentenced 11 | fraud | |-Yu, Jin Yong _ news

"Yu-Jin Yong a judgment of contract fraud," this morning, the Haidian District people's Court for "micro-Bo v" Yu Jinyong as a first instance decision, Yu Jinyong committed contract fraud, sentenced to 11 years, and fines of 100,000 yuan, deprived of political rights for two years, ordered victim restitution was 522,000 yuan economic losses. Yu Jinyong Twitter exposes have been issued to their employees year-end bonuses at least 6 digits. (Reporter Yang Shifan)

(Edit: SN094)
November 26, 2013 Legal evening news

  【禹晋永一审判决 合同诈骗罪】今天上午,海淀区人民法院对“微博大V”禹晋永作一审判决,禹晋永犯合同诈骗罪,有期徒刑十一年、罚金人民币十万元、剥夺政治权利二年,责令其退赔被害单位经济损失人民币52.2万元。禹晋永曾发微博自曝发给员工的年终奖最少也有6位数。(记者 杨诗凡)


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