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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:07:06 Edit(编辑)
Xian black boss jailed 15 groups have slashed Public Security Bureau Deputy Director

Xian black boss jailed 15 groups have slashed Public Security Bureau Deputy Director(西安黑老大获刑15年,团伙曾砍伤公安分局副局长)

Xian black boss jailed 15 groups have slashed Public Security Bureau Deputy Director _ | | | Xian Public Security Bureau Deputy Director of triad societies news

Reporter (reporter Ning Jun) casinos 26 masked, forced transfer of stores, cut to report ... ... Yesterday, the XI ' an, in recent years the largest case involved black convict, principal of the College graduate Wang Wei, jailed in the first instance 15, involving charges of up to 6. Yesterday, the Xian intermediate people's Court also adopted the official micro-blog and online video to broadcast the public sentencing, in Shaanxi, and the first of its kind in Northwest China.

  Read out the verdict nearly two hours

On August 27, the Xian intermediate people's Court trial, the largest mafia in recent years crimes. Yesterday's sentencing, 34 accused were brought into the Court in turn, sitting on the gallery with hundreds of relatives of them.

"April 2008, April, defendant Wang Wei Jiang Xinwei (convicted) took over part of the gambling lobby activities. While Wang Wei Wei industry limited company of Shaanxi was incorporated, the company's business scope approved by the business sector, real estate development, marketing;, steel, building materials and decoration material, and so on. For the sake of earning illegal profits, beyond the approved business scope of the company specialized in electronic gaming arcade ... ... "due to the complexity, the presiding judge read out the verdict took almost two hours.

Sentencing at the same time, Xian intermediate people's court official Micro-Blog Twitter broadcast graphic Twitter 201 in two hours. At the same time, also through the Institute's official website and the light grid in XI ' an, Chinese business network to network video broadcast the sentencing.

  Meets regularly hiring stress "three preventions"

A trial judgment said, the triad nature organization internal will regularly meeting summary gains and losses, developed has series of regulations, include "three without" (eat soft rice of without, live off one person while secretly helping another, and nonsense, and tales, and hide truth of without, drug of without), and "-ventilation" (anti-media, anti-public security, waterproof electric), and Deputy Manager "top post" (posing as boss accept public security organ punishment),. At the same time, appropriate incentives and regulatory approaches have been developed, including original members seized identity cards to enter the Organization, requires members to pay or monthly deductions from the wages of the deposit, on members that are not subject to management of threats, beatings, and forced to write down a big IOU, well-behaved members of given arcade performance share, "top post" issued after incentives.

  Identified as the mafia

On August 27 the trial, defendant Wang admitted gambling a sin, has denied other charges. The court investigation found that more than more than 30 defendants, such as Wang Wei have formed mafia. Eventually, Xian in the homes to accused Wang Wei committed organization, and led triad nature organization Sin, and opened Casino sin, 6 items charges, combined punishment for decided Executive prison 15 years, and Department confiscated personal property "Prado" a car, and Yuan 850,000 yuan, other 33 name accused in the has 30 people involves charges including "participate in triad nature organization Sin", another has three people due to "opened Casino sin" was criminal or from criminal punishment. When you have finished reading, most of the accused said they would appeal or reconsider.

Were led from the Court, several defendants loudly admonished the Gallery's parents, "take good care of yourself! "Heard son's calling, several graying old man bent over the Chair back sobbing ... ...

  1 宗罪

  Crimes of Mafia organization, leadership

  --Introducing a number of illegal and criminal activities, organize and clear, key members of the basic fixed

In April 2008, Wang Wei, Wei industry limited company incorporated Shaanxi, legal representative, Commerce, approved scope of business for real estate development, building materials, general merchandise sales. For the sake of earning illegal profits, exceeding the scope of the company operating the e-gambling lobby, Wang Wei which accused its management company, to set up casinos as the main means of profit, has implemented a series of illegal and criminal activities in an organized manner, and gradually formed a large number of organizational leadership, led by defendant Wang of mafia-clear, key members of the basic fixed.

In the period from 2008 to 2011, the Organization has worked in XI ' an city wild goose, Changan, baqiao, steles, lianhu, unfinished, and Metro-tech, xianyang blue field and a lot of open electronic gaming Arcade, acquisition of illegal interests in its opening and smooth operation of the gambling lobby, multiple Commission of intentional injury, forced deals, affrays, obstruction of business and other illegal and criminal activities.

  2 宗罪

  Gambling crime

  --Open electronic gambling games 26, illegal business turnover amounted to 120 million Yuan

From 2008 to 2011, the Organization has worked in multiple counties and in xianyang city of XI ' an open electronic gambling games 26, part of which gambling games are accused Li Mou, Zhao Mou as well as Wang (dealt with) funded partnership with the organization.

The gambling lobby by the Wei organizations to invest in companies and management. Wang Wei, as the company's shareholders, legal representatives, establish and operate to the gambling lobby has the absolute right to decide and control. In recent years, the organization operating gambling games illegal business turnover stood at 120 million Yuan. After the incident, public security organs in the organization operate many gambling games rooms and warehouses within the resulting in-game machine 1675, including eight animal park, six-sided animal park, connection machine, such as chess, certified 1662 set with gambling functions.

  3 宗罪

  Crime of intentional injury

  Others--revenge, people cut

In August 2008, Lee Wei in zhifang village, lianhu District opened a "new world" video game city gambling, losing tens of Yuan. Lee and his wife, seeking refund of gambling, rejected calls to the public security organs, while exposure to the media, caused a delay of the video game city business.

To this end, Wei at a perimeter table, head of a rally of the company Wang, premeditated revenge. On September 10, 2008, seats respectively, Wang an, a three-head stockings, armed with machetes, torches broke into Li's House, Lee cut will fall asleep before fleeing the scene. Forensic identification of Lee as a minor injury.

December 17, 2009, Zhang weiyi company opened on West Street to the temple after drinking the "golden egg" trouble-makers in the arcade, arcade Manager ride and ride the driver quarreled and fought for, some blows to the head, right leg being stabbed three knives, unconscious, was carried out after games, Cheng fled the scene. Forensic analysis: some brain injury is seriously injured. After the incident, weiyi company personnel director Zhang many times into inpatient treatment, and coordinates the compensation of 200,000 yuan.

  4 宗罪

  Crime of forcing deal

  Supermarkets--strong locks the door, forcing shopkeepers sold

Weiyi company in Xian, Xu Jia Zhuang village to set up a gambling arcade no frontage, Wang Wei, looking at North exit of a supermarket in the village location, repeatedly demanded Wu transfer in good supermarkets, Wu refused the transfer. In June 2008, Wang Wei, someone posing as a landlord, under the pretext of housing quality problems, to Wu off.

One day in July of the same year, seats and many people came to supermarket in-store, threats against Wu and his wife, forced to lock the supermarket entrance. Wu was forced to resigned to 50,000 yuan of low-priced storefronts to sell.

In September 2009, to open a new gambling games, Wang Wei, Chinese and xiyinglu goddess of Mercy Temple in village location, Wang stepped in rental housing. On September 8 of that year, Wang and operating "Hunan rice noodle shop" reached some 70,000 Yuan Peng transfer shop agreement, had paid 10,000 Yuan on the day of deposit, balance of the day to pay 60,000 yuan.

Late the next day, Wang and other organizers to decorate the rice noodle shop, Wang Wei, also came to the scene, commanding men forcibly dragged away on grounds of excessive price in-store items. That night, the landlords Xu pulled down metal gates to block the renovation, Pang's wife transfer fee received 12,000 yuan, Wang with the transfer is blocked by, forced wife Peng return the transfer fee of 70,000 dollars, beating a Pang. Wife a picture of only 50,000 Yuan Peng, ious and write down 20,000 yuan. Afterwards, a couple out of Xian Peng, returned home in Hunan province. "Hunan rice noodle shop" forced by Wang Wei, who rented.

In a similar manner, the organization also seized "Hunan rice noodle shop" next door "shunan bamboo stick meat" shops, wounded the owner trustee, the store opened a new gambling games.

  5 宗罪

  Crime of affray

  --Get dozens of people carrying guns, machete fights

On January 26, 2009 afternoon, terrestrial introduction town villagers has a drink to introduction town street Wei a company opened of "Hung Cheung anime city" trouble-makers, beat arcade Deputy Manager Geng a, and hit bad arcade door door head and game machine, zhihou seats a, received company notification visiting view processing, seats a, mustered dozens of people carrying firearms, and machete, and ocean picks put, arrived anime city build-up.

That night, some agricultural facilities held with their parents and some villagers came to the anime, both fights. In the course of the anime city kicking side chasing villagers hit loss during part of the property next door to the hotel. After the public security organs ', the Member of staff to flee. Zhihou, Wang Wei, who arrived at the town, and Yan Cheung Road near a gas station, listen to his report, to town street in search of a deal. After the incident, Zhao in anime city manager name come forward to accept the police.

  6 宗罪

  Crime of interference with State functions

  --Cut the fleeing police public Security Bureau Deputy Director

On October 23, 2008, Sun, Deputy Director of the public security, high-tech branch whilst on duty, factor of recent criminal case near the Guanghua road to view the scene on the ground, finding a new building a layer of gambling-related arcade exists, it tells high-tech branch of Interpol police came to investigate, while gambling proceeds were seized.

In the meantime, the arcade staff lied to "robbery", phone companies lobby for support. Zhihou, high-tech precinct police brigade commander was first rushed to the lobby to help Sun, Deputy Director of the arcade Manager, cashier, who controls. At this point, xujia village arcade managers, Deputy managers, armed with a knife rushed to the scene, knowing that after the true identity of the presence of the civilian police, armed escape from the Manager, Deputy Manager Ho knife slashed the fleeing Sun, Deputy Director of the hand.

(Original title: "black leader" a trial of 15 (map))

(Edit: SN077)
November 26, 2013 Chinese business network-China business newspaper
西安黑老大获刑15年 团伙曾砍伤公安分局副局长|黑社会|西安|公安局副局长_新闻资讯

  本报讯(记者宁军) 开设赌场26家、强迫转让店面、蒙面砍伤举报者……昨日,西安近年来最大一起涉黑案宣判,大专文化的主犯王伟一审获刑15年,其涉及的罪名多达6项。昨日,西安中院还通过官方微博和网络视频对公开宣判进行直播,这在陕西及西北地区尚属首次。





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