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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:06:57 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping visiting martyrs cemetery in Eastern China, ask for details of yimeng revolution history

XI Jinping visiting martyrs cemetery in Eastern China, ask for details of yimeng revolution history(习近平瞻仰华东烈士陵园,详细询问沂蒙革命史)

XI Jinping visited East China martyr detailed inquiries of yimeng revolution | martyr | history | XI-Meng _ news

"XI Jinping visited East China revolutionary martyrs cemetery" 25th XI Jinping arrived at linyi city, Shandong province of East China revolutionary martyrs cemetery, to the revolutionary martyrs laid flower baskets, and visit the exhibition of yimeng spirit. "Schematic diagram of Shandong people's anti-Japanese armed uprising" and "yimeng people supporting the chart" before the show, he asked the yimeng revolutionary war history in detail. He said that history should not forget that days eventful, we are educated.

"XI Jinping: yimeng spirit to vigorously carry forward the" XI Jinping met at the showroom, "Meng mother" Wang Yu Aimei changed to granddaughter and role model. He said that Meng is seeing old people revisit yimeng spirit. Triumph of the revolution, hard won, no doubt mainly party and people, the party put the interests of the people in the first place, the people's Liberation, the people following the party, selfless, inspiring Ah! Yimeng spirit to carry.

"Background: East China revolutionary martyrs" was founded in April 1949, revolutionary martyrs, revolutionary martyrs Memorial Hall, the main building, the War Memorial (yimeng spirit Hall) and the liberation war memorials. In October 1986, was approved as the first batch of key national martyrs ' Memorial building protection unit. Revolutionary martyr monument 45 metres high, the towers are positive "revolutionary martyrs" 7 gold for comrade Mao Zedong inscribed the characters.

November 25, 2013 The website
习近平瞻仰华东烈士陵园 详细询问沂蒙革命史|习近平|烈士陵园|沂蒙_新闻资讯


  【习近平:沂蒙精神要大力弘扬】习近平在展厅会见了“沂蒙母亲”王换于孙女于爱梅等模范人物。 他表示,这次来沂蒙就是看望老区人民,重温沂蒙精神。革命胜利来之不易,主要是党和人民水乳交融,党把人民利益放在第一位,为人民谋解放,人民跟党走,无私奉献,可歌可泣啊!沂蒙精神要大力弘扬。

  【背景:华东革命烈士陵园】建于1949年4月,主体建筑有革命烈士纪念塔、革命烈士纪念堂、抗日战争纪念馆(沂蒙精神展馆)和解放战争纪念馆。1986年10月,被批准为第一批全国重点烈士纪念建筑物保护单位。革命烈士纪念塔高45 米,塔身正面“革命烈士纪念塔”7个贴金大字为毛泽东同志题写。


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