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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:06:54 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping and visit old seniors: your criticism

XI Jinping and visit old seniors: your criticism(习近平看望老区老人:请你批评指正)

XI Jinping and visit old seniors: XI Jinping, please criticism | | | please criticism _ of the elderly news

"XI Jinping:" Please criticism "" XI came to linshu zhucun caozhuang town "old civilian" Wang Kechang see. A family farm as a willow, "basically well-off". General Secretary said that our generation, the next generation has to move forward along the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, make old people to live happier. Like old man watching TV in a word: "General Secretary speaks, I listen every day. "XI Jinping said:" your criticism. ”

"Background: has a glorious revolutionary tradition of linyi," Lin Yi have a glorious revolutionary tradition. The resistance and liberation war, eight route army first column, 115 division headquarters, army and army, had long been stationed in East China field army headquarters here. Yimeng base 4.2 million Yongjun civilian population of more than 1.2 million people, more than 210,000 people joined the army to fight, brave over more than 100,000 martyrs and coming sister Hong, a large number of exemplary character.

"Background: caozhuang town of zhucun" 913 households, and 2,726 people, party members and 81. Revolutionary War era, the villagers enthusiastically joined the army, established in 1939, linshu County was one of the earliest branches, Gu Mu and other comrades have lived here. In recent years, the village of new countryside construction, by planting high-yield forestry, flower, development of professional farming, construction of modern agricultural science and technology demonstration Park, driving villagers from poverty, and built the Red Culture Park.

November 25, 2013 The website


  【背景:有着光荣革命传统的临沂】临沂有着光荣革命传统。抗战和解放战争时期,八路军第一纵队、 115师司令部、新四军军部、华东野战军总部等曾长期驻扎在这里。 当时沂蒙根据地420万人口有120多万人拥军支前,21万多人参军参战,10万多名烈士英勇牺牲,涌现出红嫂等一大批先锋模范人物。

  【背景:曹庄镇朱村】有913户, 2726人,党员81名。革命战争年代,村民踊跃参军,1939年成立了临沭县最早的党支部,谷牧等同志曾在这里战斗生活过。近年该村加快新农村建设,通过种植丰产林、 花卉苗木,发展专业养殖,建设现代农业科技示范园,带动村民脱贫致富,同时建成红色文化园区。


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