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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:06:52 Edit(编辑)
XI briefed linyi logistics development introduction with the driver talking to owner

XI briefed linyi logistics development introduction with the driver talking to owner(习近平听取临沂物流发展介绍,与司机货主交谈)

XI Jinping heard development of linyi logistics shippers with the driver talking to XI Jinping, | | | talk _ logistics news

"XI Jinping visits logistics enterprise" XI came to link logistics limited-liability company's eighth branch orders, benefit, shook hands with loader is unloading, and asked for their income, living conditions. He said that logistics, linyi did a good job, to continue their efforts to keep pace with, and constantly explore, pluralism, to a modern, bright prospects for your career.

"XI Jinping: Governments and markets are all in place," XI Jinping arrived jinlan logistics base and heard presentations promoted the logistics industry development in linyi city, drivers, shippers and talk. He said that 18 of the third plenary session of the party as a major breakthrough, is the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources. Configure more by market factors, as well as to give better play to the role of Government. Not exit, and not as the Government, but Governments and markets are all in place.

"Background: China logistics, linyi" Shandong linyi city started in the 80 's of the last century. There are currently 101 professional wholesale market, the radiation more than more than 30 provinces and municipalities, and are exported to more than 20 countries and regions, daily traffic of 360,000 people, the flow of more than 70,000 cars, accessible almost all ports and port. Shop turnover of 177.2 billion yuan last year, logistics turnover of 210.9 billion yuan, was awarded the "China logistics".

November 25, 2013 The website
习近平听取临沂物流发展介绍 与司机货主交谈|习近平|物流|交谈_新闻资讯

  【习近平考察物流企业】 习近平来到中联物流有限责任公司第八分公司了解订单、效益情况,同正在卸货的装卸工一一握手,询问他们收入、生活情况。他表示,临沂物流搞得很好,要继续努力,与时俱进,不断探索,多元发展,向现代物流迈进,你们的事业大有可为。

  【习近平:政府和市场各就其位】习近平来到金兰物流基地,听取临沂市推动物流产业发展情况介绍,和司机、货主交谈。他表示, 党的十八届三中全会的一个重大突破,就是市场要在资源配置中起决定性作用。要素配置更要通过市场,同时要更好发挥政府作用。政府不是退出、不作为,而是政府和市场各就其位。

  【背景:中国物流之都临沂】山东临沂商城起步于上世纪80年代。目前共有各类专业批发市场101处, 辐射30多个省区市,远销20多个国家和地区,日客流量36万人,车流量7万多辆,通达几乎所有港口和口岸。去年商城交易额1772亿元, 物流周转额2109亿元,被授予“中国物流之都”称号。


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