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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:06:39 Edit(编辑)
Vigilant religious extremist ideas

Vigilant religious extremist ideas(高度警惕宗教极端思想)

State Secretary for religious affairs: vigilant religious extremist ideas | | | religion religious religious extremes _ news

Comrade XI Jinping, speaking in 12th on the first meeting of the national people's Congress said religious circles and religious believers to play active role in promoting economic and social development. Carry out the party's mass line education activities, involving about religious believers, do religious believers to work problems. Essentially religious work is the mass work, we must seriously carry out the party's mass line, believers to do the work in a more important position, closer to the party's relations with believers, believers and non-believers to unite, work together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the Chinese dream.

Attention religious people

Religion is a mass social phenomenon. The existence and development of religion, to a lot of people believe in the premise. Carriers of the religious people are not only religious, it is subject, and is most active, the most realistic of the religious factor. For too long, we around the nature and function of Theism and atheism, religion, the existence and development of religion, religion and social relations conducted many studies and discussions, in-depth understanding of religious issues, further religious work has played a positive role. But be aware, essentially religious work is the mass work, religious people is the fundamental task of religion.

Contact with common religious belief as a link with the masses, as a social force, any politician that cannot be taken lightly, cannot be ignored. Continued progress and development of human society, decided the religion from "Temple of higher" to "world away" changes, known as secularization. But religion whether it's still in the political center, there is greater access to private areas, seeking the support of religious believers is always individual national Governments and political parties have to face and deal with major political issues.

The Marxists had attached great importance to religious issues. In the important works of Marx, Engels and Lenin, discussed a wide range of religious issues. Our party also attaches great importance to religious issues, created and accumulated important experience in practice. Why make such a big deal of the Communists religion questions? Just because religion affects a lot of people. We are engaged in revolution, construction and reform, both to the masses and also needs to be the people's heartfelt support. With other countries, population is not large in number of religious believers in China, but the absolute number is not small. Because of a large number of people of all religions, we must pay attention to religious issues, it is based primarily on the religious work. So, essentially religious work is the mass work, leave this to talk about religion as if it were water, and without.

Our party has always stressed that religion is an important part of the party's United Front work, religious people are an important object of United Front work, are important components of the patriotic United Front under the leadership of the party. An important feature of religion, is that religious people occupy a very important position, and have great effects on religious people's spiritual life. By religious people to contact religious people, are an important way we do religious people to work. Of course, we cannot stop at this, also need to be directly linked to religious people, do religious people work directly.

A correct view of believers

How to treat religious people, is a theory has been resolved, the practice is still not fully solve the problem. To solve this problem is particularly important, as this is a prerequisite for believers.

Masses are engaged in the cause of revolution, construction and reform our party relies on force, make up the majority population. In different periods of history, meaning, structure and scope of the crowd vary. Different classes, different social strata, different nationalities, people of different faiths, social status, there are different thoughts, ideas, interests, but to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Socialist system, the fundamental political and economic interests converge, is unity in diversity.

From the religious point of view, the crowd is made up of believers and non-believers. Religious people is first and foremost the masses, this is a basic attribute, is the quality of prescriptions. And to see that religious believers and non-believers differ in religion.

Religious believers and non-believers differ in beliefs, but consistency with their fundamental political and economic interests than this difference is relatively minor. If you can see this difference too heavy, even unduly inflated, will create antagonism between the people, put believers in opposites. It turns out, is there a "paradise" on issues like these, people can have different opinions, can be discussed. But such views did not prevent people to work together to build "heaven on Earth", the common Chinese dream of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since the founding of new China, under the leadership of the CPC, believers and non-believers unite together to strive for the cause of Socialist construction and reform and opening up, all of them are positive force for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

For unity believers

Do religious people, to determine the appropriate orientation. Religious work has proven for decades, if not in theory to clarify this issue, in practice, it is easy to cause confusion, wavers.

Marxists advocate atheism, simultaneously with the scientific and historical attitude toward religion, to avoid oversimplification. Religion is rooted in the economic and social, and vary with economic and social development. China is still in the primary stage of socialism, religion has historical roots, natural causes, on which social causes, reasons, psychological causes, some are also religious, which is not based on people's will as to transfer. The task of our party at this stage, is to unite people of all ethnic groups, including religious people, to build a well-off society and realize socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the common struggle. With the development of material civilization and spiritual civilization, people's awareness of nature, society and man's own rise in people's understanding of religion would be more objective and rational.

We need to tirelessly carry out scientific Outlook among the masses (including atheism) publicity and public education, to unswervingly implement the party's policy on freedom of religious belief. The two are not contradictory, can go hand in hand. Ideological work can only be used to guide, inspire, persuade, you have enough patience, not profit-oriented, much less use means of coercion. Treatment of religious believers, especially to grasp the policy, pay attention, don't simply ask believers to give up religious beliefs, or we're going to get their offensive. When comrade Mao Ze-Dong's early investigation on peasant movement in Hunan, a profound observation and thinking about this. Farmers ' associations would hit the bodhisattva, farmers on the opposition, attacked the Communist Party, "deceiving God death road", and took the opportunity to undermine farmers ' movement. Comrade Mao Zedong said, "Buddhist farmer stood up, some farmers will use their own hands to get rid of these bodhisattvas, bodhisattva lost prematurely without others act in SB. 's place. "He believes that farmers believe in Buddha of such things, the best thing to do is" draw the bow but not discharge the arrow over "good guidance and inspiration. This way of thinking and working methods, and today still has important significance.

Master pointed out that the party Constitution: to "fully implement the party's basic principles on religions and unite the religious believers to contribute to the economic and social development. "The party's religious policy religious Guide to action, unite religious believers to make a contribution to economic and social development is the main objective of religious works. Party's 17, 18 big religious work expressed in the report, reflects the spirit of the Constitution. Therefore, through the development and implementation of the party's guiding principles on religions, policies, the vast majority of religious people rally around the party and Government, mobilize the enthusiasm of their participation in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important goal now and in the near future and religious work.

Do believers at work

Do religious people, are an important component of the party's mass work. Comrade XI Jinping stressed: "to properly deal with fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the common interests of the masses at the present stage, the relationship between different groups of special interest, maintain good implementation, develop people's interests better. "We need to maintain the fundamental interests of religious believers and non-believers and common interest and attention to differences of religious believers and non-believers, properly handle special claims to religious believers, believers in a targeted manner.

Respecting the religious beliefs of religious people. This is a prerequisite for believers. Do not respect the religious beliefs of religious people, they won't win their trust and, of course, it is difficult to mobilize and stimulate their enthusiasm. Policy on freedom of religious belief should be spread throughout society, widely known and the hearts of the people, end to all interference in the freedom of religious belief according to law, hurt religious people of religious feeling. Reasonable arrangements for worship and religion enables believers to live a normal life. Efforts to promote unity between religious believers and non-believers, not believers in the majority of places, with special attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of believers, and believers in the majority of places, paying particular attention to protect the legitimate rights and interests of believers, formed a mutual respect and harmony of both good situation.

Strengthening the ideological and political work of religious people. Believers in the education of the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to uphold the party's leadership and the Socialist system, safeguard national unity and reunification of the motherland and promote social stability and harmony of a broad consensus, and do it. Improving the sense of rule by law of religious people, leading them to a correct view of Shariah and law, development of national consciousness and legal consciousness and civic-mindedness, participate in religious activities in the context of laws and policies, to safeguard their own rights and interests according to law, conscientiously resist various illegal and criminal activities using religious, maintain normal order in the religious realm.

Importance to religious believers to lead. Support religious communities carry out construction of religious thought, carry forward the positive elements in the religion, interpretation of religious teachings meet social development requirements to make it keep up with the pace of the times, take the road to adapt to socialist society. Guide religious people adhere to the faith, practicing religion and good, compassion, tolerance, more ethical guidelines advocate religious harmony in concept and actively to discourage religious fervor, vigilant religious extremist ideas, resolutely curb cult effects.

Mobility and protecting the enthusiasm of religious people. For decades, hard work on the vast number of religious believers in their respective positions, quietly. Regardless of whether religious believers or not believers, as long as the State and the nation, the people, making useful contributions to society, they should be affirmed and encouraged. Contribution to religious people do not have access to the appropriate evaluation would have dampened their enthusiasm. In 2010, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the CMC collective national recognition in Qinghai yushu earthquake relief hero and exemplary individuals, including Tibetan Buddhist temples and Muslim mosques, this is the first time since the founding of new China, greatly encouraged by religious people and religious people in General. If we are sincere to treat religious people, we would be able to play the majority of religious people's active role in promoting economic and social development.

(Author, Party Secretary and Secretary for religious affairs of the State)

(Edit: SN077)
November 26, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily















  我们既要在群众中坚持不懈地开展科学世界观(包括无神论)的宣传教育,也要坚定不移地贯彻执行党的宗教信仰自由政策。两者并不矛盾,完全可以做到并行不悖。思想工作只能用引导、启发、说服的方法,要有足够的耐心,不能急功近利,更不能用强制的手段。对待信教群众,尤其要把握政策、注意方法,不要简单地要求信教群众放弃宗教信仰,不然就会引起他们的反感。毛泽东同志早年在湖南考察农民运动时,对此就有深刻的观察和思考。农民协会把菩萨砸了,农民对此反对,敌人攻击共产党 “欺神灭道”,并借机破坏农民运动。毛泽东同志说,“菩萨是农民立起来的,到了一定时期农民会用他们自己的双手丢开这些菩萨,无须旁人过早地代庖丢菩萨。”他认为,对于农民信菩萨这类事情,最好的办法是“引而不发,跃如也”,要善于引导和启发。这种思想方法和工作方法,今天仍然具有重要指导意义。










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