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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/23 17:22:14 Edit(编辑)
Ministry of Ministry of housing and to stop selling property under construction

Ministry of Ministry of housing and to stop selling property under construction(国土部住建部叫停在建在售小产权房)

Ministry of Ministry of housing and stop selling houses with limited property rights is built _ | | |-building sector news

    "Two sector requirements contain construction, and sales" small property room "" land resources department, and housing urban and rural Ministry of construction today issued emergency notice, requirements full, and right to grasp 18 session third plenary on established urban and rural unified of construction with to market, measures, strictly implementation land using general planning and urban and rural construction planning, strictly implemented land uses control system, adherence to arable land red, firmly contain under construction, and sales "small property room" behavior.

    "Under construction for sale" property "be stopped", the Department of housing and urban-rural development of the Ministry of land and resources issued an urgent circular today, resolutely halt severely punished under construction for sale "property", notice that the building, selling and buying "small property" which are not subject to legal protection. On wind and illegal construction, sales, resulting in adverse effects "small property" cases, public exposure, determined to dismantle a group of, education.

    (Edit: SN098) November 22, 2013


        【在建在售"小产权房"被叫停】国土资源部、住房和城乡建设部今天发出紧急通知,坚决叫停严肃查处在建在售"小产权房", 通知指出,建设、销售和购买"小产权房"均不受法律保护。对顶风违法建设、销售,造成恶劣影响的"小产权房"案件,要公开曝光,坚决拆除一批、教育一片。


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