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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/23 17:22:07 Edit(编辑)
Meng jianzhu presided over politics and Law Committee meeting, caojianminglidongsheng attended

Meng jianzhu presided over politics and Law Committee meeting, caojianminglidongsheng attended(孟建柱主持召开政法委会议,曹建明李东生出席)

Meng jianzhu presided over a Conference on politics and Law Committee, third plenary caojianminglidongsheng | | Meng jianzhu attended | reform _ news

  Meng jianzhu, at the seventh plenary session of the central political science and Law Committee, stressing

With the attitude highly responsible to the party and the people

The decision of the plenary session of reform tasks carried out

Guo shengkun Zhou includes detailed stipulations to attend

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 22 (reporter Zhang Qingshui)-member of the Politburo and the Central politics and Law Committee Secretary Meng jianzhu, 20th in Beijing hosted the seventh plenary meeting of the central political science and Law Committee, in-depth study 18 spirit of the third plenary session, study implementation. He stressed that to be highly responsible to the party and people, correctly grasp the spirit of the third plenary session, deepen reform of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of reform tasks decided to set down to Earth.

Meng jianzhu pointed out that, party of 18 session plenary session is in my opening new of important history stage held of once important Conference, is we party firm to banner opening flag of important declared, blowing ring has full deepening reform of new Horn, full reflected has to XI gay for General Secretary of Central on national development, and national revitalization, and people happiness of foresight, and responsibility served as, reflected has we party settlement hamper science development deep problem of firm wills and huge courage, More broad prospects for developing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics have a major and far-reaching impact. Plenary through of decided under, portrayed has full deepening reform of new blueprint, and new vision, and new target, collection has full deepening reform of new thought, and new assertion, and new initiatives, reflect has social calls, and social demands, and social look forward to, condensed has party society on full deepening reform of thought consensus and action wisdom, is new of history beginning Shang full deepening reform of science guide and action programme of, will on achieved "two a 100 years" struggle target and Chinese great revival of China dream produces powerful of impetus.

Meng jianzhu, pointed out that learning, and implement the spirit of the third plenary, unified all of the politics and law police comes to the spirit of the plenary session, is an important political task of the current law. Law with a high sense of political responsibility, pragmatic style, fully and rightly, further study and implement the spirit of the plenary, genuine reform CCP plenary Conference's spirit into a powerful force. Do a good job, deepening judicial reform mandate implementation. Central political science and law reform leading group units are to be established, like personally, taking the responsibility, and dare to play, dares to crack a hard nut, dare to touch the problem, good at identifying problems, identify the problem, solved. On is research promoting of reform matters, to seize developed, and perfect implementation programme, clear work progress figure; on just clear has reform direction of matters, to seize research formed specific of reform views, and implementation programme; on involves surface wide, and comparison complex of reform matters, to in-depth carried out investigation, as soon as possible made reform of route figure, and timetable; on full pushed conditions is not has of reform matters, to first pilot, timely lessons learned, perfect pilot programme, gradually expanded pilot range; on difficulty larger of reform matters, To focus on tackling difficulties.

Meng jianzhu, requirements, do a good job promoting the rule of law in China, innovation and social management system reform of the procuratorial and judicial organs take on important responsibilities, such as implementation of tasks, and full play to the initiative and intensify the investigation, seize the reform advice on matters relating to reform, the implementation of programmes. To grasp the need for law enforcement authorities support implementation of reforms, and arranged according to focal points and assume their share of responsibility to complete a good reform tasks identified in the decision.

Meng jianzhu, stress, to firmly grasp the direction of reform, focus on perfection and development of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity overall objectives, uphold the party's leadership, adhere to the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of, insist on practically everything, adhering to the initiative, ensure stick to socialism with Chinese characteristics, promote the self-improvement and development of the Socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics.

Meng jianzhu requirements to maintain an integrated, active and safe. Deepen the reform, it is necessary to emancipate the mind, the courage to tackle difficulties, but also have an integrated intelligence and strive to create a heart with one thought, one working together. Actively and steadily, and breakthroughs in promoting overall combined starts from easy consensus, that could push the matter to the law itself and improve operational capabilities and execution, turn blueprints into programmes, the programmes into reality. Major reforms concerning global matters, to listen opinions both within and outside the system, in particular, to full communication and consultation with the relevant departments; compare professional reforms, to organize experts and scholars evaluate argument; on the reform matters closely related to the people's vital interests, to listen to the views of the people, closely rely on the masses to drive change. According to law, orderly and applying thought of rule of law and the rule of law, deepening reform, strengthening laws state that are involved in the process of reform and change, waste research and demonstration work, and actively make proposals. To strengthen the co-ordination function into full play, grasp the units lead or participate in reform, coordinate and solve related problems encountered in the reform, in particular cross-sectoral issues related to, ensure its smooth progress. To properly interpret the content of the decision, correctly conduct propaganda the reform views of guiding society expects maximum consensus for reforms to create a good public opinion environment.

Meng jianzhu, stressed that implementing the spirit of the third plenary session, combined with the work being done, do a better job of the already deployed. Must always remain sober-minded, a keener sense of, strengthening the bottom line thinking, careful analysis, accurately grasp the yearend characteristics of political science and law, law and enhance working prospective, predictive, proactive, fully estimate the risks you might encounter challenges, measures taking into account comprehensive response plans, and maintaining sustained and stable social situation. To combine studying and implementing the spirit of the plenary session, in-depth research, plan ahead next year, and a period of political and legal work in the future.

At the meeting, the principal responsible comrades of the central political science and law units introduction to and intends to study and implement the spirit of the third plenary, study discussed the Division of views on deepening the reform of the judicial and the programme. State Councilor and Deputy Guo shengkun, Secretary of the Central politics and Law Committee, Supreme People's Court President Zhou Qiang, the Supreme People's Procuratorate Procurator-General Cao Jianming attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Central politics and Law Committee member Wang Yongqing, Geng Huichang, Wu Aiying, Li dongsheng, Du Jincai, Wang Jianping, Chen Xunqiu attended meetings.

November 22, 2013 The website
孟建柱主持召开政法委会议 曹建明李东生出席|孟建柱|改革|三中全会_新闻资讯





  新华网北京11月22日电(记者 张庆水)中共中央政治局委员、中央政法委书记孟建柱20日在京主持召开中央政法委员会第七次全体会议,深入学习十八届三中全会精神,研究贯彻落实意见。他强调,要以对党和人民高度负责的态度,全面正确深入领会三中全会精神,把《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》确定的改革任务落到实处。









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