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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/23 17:21:36 Edit(编辑)
Li keqiang will attend the third China-Central and Eastern Europe economic and trade forum

Li keqiang will attend the third China-Central and Eastern Europe economic and trade forum(李克强将出席第三届中国—中东欧经贸论坛)

Li keqiang will attend the third China-Eastern Europe Trade Forum | Romania | | China Forum _ news

People's daily Beijing, November 22 (reporter Yang Mu) on 22nd, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Prime Minister Li keqiang, went to Romania to attend the China-Middle East-European leaders meeting and visit to Romania held a media briefing. Assistant Minister of Commerce Protocol and in briefing focuses on the third session of the China-trade in Eastern Europe in the preparations for the Forum.

Protocol and said that the theme of the Forum is "win-win cooperation and common development." From the energy, transport, chemical, engineering, Contracting, communications, tourism and other fields, and about 400 Chinese entrepreneurs, and Romania and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe about 600 entrepreneurs will attend the Forum. At that time, Prime Minister Li keqiang and Romania Punta Prime Ministers will attend the Forum and delivered a speech.

Protocol and also introduced the economic and trade relations between China and Central and Eastern Europe countries the three features. He pointed out that, first, the bilateral trade grows steadily. In January-October this year, bilateral trade reached US $ 45.4 billion increase over last year. Second, expanding mutual investment. China in Central and Eastern European countries to invest more than 3.5 billion dollars, 16 Central European countries invested more than 1.1 billion US dollars in China. Thirdly, infrastructure is becoming highlights of the cooperation between the two sides. For example, using Chinese loan Serbia Belgrade bridge across the Danube project, meanwhile, sitannali power station projects have started operation, there are a number of cooperation projects are being actively explored.

Protocol and pointed out that China and Romania's economic and trade relations in line with the above three characteristics. In January-October this year, Sino-Romanian trade volume reached US $ 3.27 billion, over last year's growth. Romania is one of China's largest investment in Central and Eastern Europe countries. According to Ministry of commerce statistics, up to now, Chinese in Romania a total investment of more than $ 160 million, Romania's investment in China 280 million dollars. Chinese companies in Romania to invest or build more solar and wind power projects. Some Chinese companies are actively tracking Romania thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, and highway construction projects, and broad prospect for cooperation in energy and other infrastructure.

(Edit: SN098)
November 22, 2013 People's daily online

  人民网北京11月22日电 (记者 杨牧)22日下午,外交部就李克强总理赴罗马尼亚出席中国—中东欧国家领导人会晤并访问罗马尼亚举行中外媒体吹风会。商务部部长助理张向晨在吹风会上重点介绍了第三届中国—中东欧经贸论坛筹备情况。





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