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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/21 1:39:24 Edit(编辑)
The central financial leading group:Reform assault fortified positions Focus on adjusting interest pattern

The central financial leading group:Reform assault fortified positions Focus on adjusting interest pattern(中央财经领导小组:改革攻坚期重点调整利益格局)

Central financial and economic leading group: refocus reforms crucial period patterns of interests | | | Sham Shui Po _ the crucial period of reform news

Bulletin new interpretation was held the third plenary briefing

Time for reform leading group set up

Yesterday afternoon, Yang Weimin first interpreting the spirit of the third plenary session held at the information Office of the State Council and bulletin news briefing of relevant content that, with the implementation of the reforms will effectively alleviate the debt problems of local government. Reform of adjusting interest structure, different interest groups have different demands, but in reform leading group under the leadership of the balance.

Deputy Yang Weimin, Director of the Office of the Central leading group on financial briefing with respect, reform entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, important feature of interest is to adjust the pattern for the content.

For all areas of great concern following the decision of the reform measures in greater detail, as well as multiple reform leading group in charge of the matter, said Yang Weimin, will continue to promote all areas of a specific time in the future, methods, the road map, some of the measures have clearly can directly manipulate, but some of the reforms needed to develop specific programmes.

"Such as tax reform, wrote in the decision, but reforms still need time, we hope to give our party and country time to make reform measure strips out. "Yang Weimin said.

Future encountered interests can impede the reform of SOEs, Yang Weimin respect, reform entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, important features adjusting interest structure for reform. Although there are different interests, but had decided for the universal nature of all State-owned enterprises reforms should be deepened in accordance with the requirements of the decision.

"Total debt, grow faster, there are risks, poses a certain risk to our economy, it is a question which we must now confront. "Yang Weimin believes that if some measures are implemented, will ease or effective prevention and control of local government debt problem. "Perfecting local tax system, is one of the perfect tax system targets, tasks, and it is also conducive to the prevention and control of local government debt risk, because if places have their own main taxes to address regional issues in the public service, in accordance with the local authority responsible for, with basic financial security.

Yang Weimin lists 5 such measures, including perfecting local tax system, allow local governments to issue bonds to expand financing channel of urban construction, research, urban infrastructure and housing policy-oriented financial institutions non-public enterprises to enter the field of franchising, research methods and promotion of Government purchases of services.

Yang Weimin explain now why more land to financing, loans, including transfers, we commonly known as the "land", because on large amounts of money into urban infrastructure construction. The decision made, allow the Government to issue local bonds, so the improvement and revision of the related tax laws on the basis of, through an open and transparent manner into a dominant debt hidden debts in the past, let the market, let, let the community know what was the size of a place is, to allow markets to vote.

Yang Weimin said that comprehensive reform leading group set up will take some time, the group responsible for four things: first, "General design", main examination and consideration of major reform plans or programmes, such as fiscal and taxation reforms, involving all aspects of adjustment of interests; the second is "integrated and coordinated"; the third is "promoting" and finally the "urge". Last mainly dominated by national development and Reform Commission to establish annual reform plan, passed by the State Council, this method is still used.

Text/reporter Li Hongpeng

(Edit: SN028)
November 21, 2013 Legal evening news












  文/记者 李洪鹏


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