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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/21 1:38:50 Edit(编辑)
Sichuan officials respond to the 13 year old daughter’s stake in cooperatives

Sichuan officials respond to the 13 year old daughter’s stake in cooperatives(四川官员回应13岁女儿入股合作社)

Sichuan officials respond to the 13 year old daughter share cooperatives: denies shadow statutory | | | cooperative shareholders _ news

Recently, a titled Nanchong Bureau of women below the age of 14 years old was founded by the network of the agricultural cooperatives, one age of 14 young invested 60,000 yuan, and others to set up agricultural cooperatives.

According to the description of the network, on May 11, 2012, Wang, Feng and others signed the agreement, co-financing was established in Nanchong city, town jialingqu, hanjiacun hung in agricultural cooperatives. Displays the contents of the license agreement: von a birthday is August 24, 1998, has not reached the age of 14, in signing agreements, Nanchong high school high school students, their contributions to 60,000 yuan. Von Nanchong, a father of an important administrative law enforcement officials of the Government.

On November 18, the reply in Nanchong city information Office said, "the young partner" incident, the Nanchong city discipline Inspection Commission attaches great importance to and made important instructions, verify the relevant conditions are currently under investigation. Von surname wrote notes to the City Commission for discipline inspection officials urge verification in order to restore the truth.

  Officials denied he was involved, "shadow shareholders"

When this comes to light, some netizens questioned whether the officials to evade responsibility, secretly profit from deliberately signed child name?

Online rumors of the cadre for the cooperative's "shadow shareholders" said that on November 18, surnamed Feng official said in an interview with China Youth daily Reporter: "I am not a cooperative partner, more shadow than shareholders; sign in my daughter's name was to vouch for investor v. Wife Wang post blast is my nephew. ”

According to him, the society was founded in February 2012, the legal representative is Wang. In May last year, Wang and his wife say cooperatives operating very difficult, ask him for a loan turnaround. Because no money on hand in each other's repeated pleading, officials last name von tell-a-friend v invested 60,000 yuan.

"The Volt feels that agricultural cooperatives vegetables also have support, you should be able to profit, they asked if I could share. Wang promised their shares. But because they did not know, v a fear no longer in Nanchong, has not been engaged in the running of losses, offered to sign the agreement on behalf of my daughter, so that at least have a kinship restrictions, his money in relative safety. "Von last name officials said.

Subsequently, the surname von officials agreed to the proposal. Both sides signed a letter of commitment, the effect that: the cooperative business investor volts in and profit from a responsible, regardless of its women. On November 18, the Volt a China Youth daily reporter confirmed the details.

According to earlier media reports, only 3 people signed on the original agreement, official surnamed Wang, Lai and Mr Frederick FUNG's daughter, the Honourable Frederick FUNG. Either of the agreement prove that man-made one. Feng's identity information to demonstrate that it was under 14 years of age, from father to sign. For that matter, surnamed Feng told China Youth daily reporter, he would actively cooperate with the investigation, and has stated in writing to the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection. It is understood that his true identity for urban management Bureau of Nanchong a cadre.

Officials told China Youth daily reporter surnamed von, "14 year old kid, not capacity. Agricultural cooperatives in the record business is not my child's name, or my name. ”

Jialing District trade and industry information, February 10, 2012, "Wang agricultural cooperatives in jialingqu" submitted applications to form cooperatives to the Jialing District trade and industry information. Registration number of cooperatives: 511304NA000322X, legal representative for Wang, 11 names on the roster of members of the cooperative as a member of the age, were born in the period between 1950 and legitimate members of von under 14 years of age are not members of the register.

Lim told the China Youth daily reporter, taking into account between the parties at that time were friends, relatives, do not think about whether this is appropriate. According to earlier media reports, cooperatives-related materials from her were not seen on Mr Frederick FUNG's father signed. Cooperative in charge of finance, nephew von surname official says: "uncle, did not receive a penny of wages from the cooperatives, has not generated any revenue. "Fu also said, this agreement is to ensure that the capital investment.

Jialing District Sun xueyi, Deputy Secretary for trade and industry said the 13-year old girl to participate in the establishment of agricultural cooperatives, the business sector will not pass, she is not a shareholder.

  Report something else

"I can't pay, or Volt, go clear, can now be monthly deduction from my salary. Agricultural cooperatives have collapsed by now, the local has issued a notification of the cessation of land, was also pulling out old v. "Von last name officials said.

For reporting reasons, surnamed Feng officials said: "Wang aims not v-money. "Prior to this, Wang told the media that, this thing is to let the other side withdrawal from exposure, their peace of mind operate. She said that in May 2012, the Honourable Frederick FUNG has invested 60,000 yuan, became one of the partner, but has not been involved in actual operation, is not present when signing a contract.

According to the surname von official, Wang and her family relations. "Previously for other things, I reported to the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection. She have a problem with my nephew, and posted online. Wave, take me to court. Cooperative services, I do not know, there is no profit. Cooperatives running contract, I didn't check a Word. ”

Von name officials say, to prove themselves have taken the initiative to apply to the City Commission for discipline inspection two surveys. "I hope the municipal discipline Inspection Commission sent to investigate the matter, and restored the truth. Now, the Agriculture Bureau, the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection, network supervisor, myself ... ... King is looking for some verification of the truth. But these days, I do not know her again. I hope the authorities concerned can objectively and impartially. It hurt the most for my daughter. She can't be a normal class, students in the class said, "look, the daughter of corrupt officials. ”

According to the town of Jialing District hanjiacun last name Ray Branch introduced because the cooperatives did not pay their rent on time, land laid waste very serious, shareholders of infighting, loss serious, Murakami was terminated on May 20, the cooperative signed a land transfer agreement, decided to withdraw.

Lim told the China Youth daily Reporter: "last April after the cooperative's two partners withdrew. Later, relatives introduced me a stake in Lai, to support her career. Cooperative planning vegetable cultivation, storage, processing, but operational only actual vegetables. "She recalls that initially it was believed that Wang is unlikely to interfere in its management, and usually give her carte blanche. However, some changes in the situation.

"First of all, she embezzled the funds of cooperatives, bought a pickup truck. Cooperatives account for the flow of funds of ABC records. Later, she hired a man, to a nearby farm collection of dishes, and go sale at a wholesale market, earn cash every day. But so many vegetables are rotting in the fields of cooperatives, no small loss. "Some say," appears after the operation, several partners have to find her, but to no avail. At present, the capital injection didn't get a dividend to shareholders. After several shareholders to exit, Wang also registered no change, so the new shareholders would be illegal. Also, in actual operation, shareholders of many decisions are not informed. ”

"I surnamed FUNG, and officials involved in the matter, is primarily intended to help her pull through. Volt is a businessman, so the nature of investment shares, von surname officials as a guarantor. "Lim says," she published Web posts, there are many untruths, undermines more than honorary. I'm going to sue her, to clarify the facts. ”

On November 19, the China Youth daily confirmation of Nanchong city information Office on this matter. One staff member said: "we have already informed the local media about the matter. Discipline are still surveys, currently there are no new developments. "In addition, Nanchong City Commission for discipline inspection cadres management staff confirmed that the surname von officials have applied to the discipline Inspection Commission for surveys, but not yet concluded, reluctant to go into detail.

  How to clarify "curve enrichment" suspect?

Although many parties have said von last name officials did not actually taking a stake and profit, but there are also netizens who questioned about the matter. Some netizens said Volt involvement in business is not illegal. If only in order to protect their personal interests, whose real names should appear on the agreement, why the identities of minor children of an official signing?

Clean Government Research Center, Zhuang Deshui, Deputy Director of Peking University say that is because officials to "shares" in the form of corruption is littered, led the public to this kind of event "instincts in doubt." Public concern is that cadres take the form of illegal profits.

"The use of public power in the hands of the performance share or registered on behalf of relatives and friends to start a company, becoming a new subtle forms of corruption. "The Vice President Mr. Wang yukai of China administrative system reform Research Association told the China Youth daily reporter," If the cadres ' borrowing power, participation specified in the related business enterprises, individuals, and harmful, and that the public is more difficult to obtain a valid proof. ”

"If the official capacity as shareholder profits, not just less visible and profit amount, of long duration. "Zhuang Deshui said," if it borrowed from relatives and friends, on behalf of the capital injection, more difficult to detect. Cadre itself occupying the resource and policy advantages if reintroduced, illegal capital operation, the consequences can not be underestimated. ”

Zhuang Deshui said, particularly in the current context of vigorously combating corruption and building a, but should beware of "enrichment of the curve" by covert means. "Along with economic and market developments, new forms of corruption will continue to appear. This requires relevant departments to continuously follow up, made in the cases and more innovative, targeted responses. Also require leading cadres themselves need to know how to avoid arousing suspicion, not to be involved in complex circles of interest. ”

According to understanding, 2010 CPC Central Committee Office, and circular issued of on cadres report personal about matters of provides under clear requires cadres should report of I, and spouse, and children of practitioners matters including: investment or to other way holds portfolio, and stock (including equity incentive), and futures, and Fund, and investment type insurance and other financial financial products of situation; investment non-listed company, and enterprise of situation; registered individual industrial and commercial households, and personal owned enterprise or partnership enterprise of situation,.

Zhuang Deshui said: "Nanchong cadres are referred to as ' shadow shareholders ', at present, in addition to their personal positive response needed discipline more credibility, inter alia, the timely release of findings, clarifying questions. ”

(Original title: officials involved: I was not "shadow shareholders")

(Edit: SN095)
November 21, 2013 China Youth daily



































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