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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:47:05 Edit(编辑)
Jiangxi Yichun nursing home together in private hospitals get serious illness relief fund

Jiangxi Yichun nursing home together in private hospitals get serious illness relief fund(江西宜春私立医院敬老院联手套取大病救助金)

Jiangxi Yichun nursing home together in private hospitals get serious illness relief fund | | | nursing home in Yichun of Jiangxi _ news

November 17, Reuters new media in Nanchang, Xinhua (reporter Hu Jinwu Lai Xing) for seeking kickbacks, some nursing home in Yichun city of Jiangxi province and private hospitals have joined together into a larger bailout idea. They give patients admitted to nursing home rebates, over-treatment increased medical expenses, medical claims for reuse vulnerability auditing is not strict, and profit. "Chinese Site" investigative journalist was informed that since last year, 4 in yuanzhou district in Yichun city of Jiangxi province's procuratorial organs investigated and dealt with the relevant duty crime, involving more than 800,000 yuan.

  More than 800,000 yuan relief funds stolen

In 2009, yuanzhou District Civil Affairs Bureau policies, district-wide nursing home into the scope of home medical care for the elderly, except at designated hospital doctor can enjoy a new rural medical insurance, medical aid policy can also take home.

Policy after the introduction, several local nursing home and private hospitals were soon playing "concocting". According to the characteristics of the high rate of homes for the elderly, sick, and earn money towards the cause, yuanzhou district integration of two new private hospital dedicated to the reimbursement of hospital nursing home advocacy, said it will provide specialized ambulances door-to-door, free feeding of patients, the whole process of nursing, "one-stop" services.

But "one-stop" service under package, hiding ulterior interests chain. Yuanzhou District Prosecutor's Office investigators revealed that the two private hospitals through the "buy" home for the President, treated sick old man, Xiao dazhi, light was very ill hospital to increase revenues through overtreatment, violations take bailout money. Since last year, yuanzhou district misappropriated relief funds of more than 800,000 yuan.

It is understood that the sick elderly and kickbacks into the bilateral exchange of resources. The second half of 2009, two private nursing home, hospital staff went to binzhou town, suggesting that home for the President, as long as the nursing home patients sent to them for treatment, nursing home administrators will be able to get the rebate. Agree to cooperate, six months taking kickbacks of more than 5,000 yuan, in August 2010 and will report it to the nursing home the cashier leaf Huang, accounting and management personnel. Officers presentation, by the end of 2011, 4 person Kickback has 4 times more than 41,000 yuan.

Almost at the same time, two private hospitals and "captured" in yuanzhou district of several other big nursing home, rebates are nursing home managers carve up.

  Policy alienation into a profit-making tool

In order to alleviate the economic pressures of the great disorders in patients, everywhere, has a special policy on compensation, Huimin money from the people, in order to ensure, and introduce matching policies also provide for the collection and use of funds. However, in some places, good policy has turned into a profit-making tool of the minority, the hospital promised hefty rebates to be induced the greatest attraction of duty crime.

Investigative journalist was informed that, in several cases, private hospital and nursing home managers and 8% rebates into a rule. Hospital accounting tended to follow the rebate into salesman of performance fee, hidden strong, daily check harder to find.

In August 2012, yuanzhou District Public Prosecutor's Office to investigate several large towns in the nursing home in the area and found a number of private hospitals exist in nursing home receiving kickbacks, was investigated. As the investigation progressed, 4 family homes for a total of 12 staff members have been arrested.

Compared with public hospitals, both private hospitals by providing a "one-stop" service, to a certain extent, reduce the workload of the nursing home administrators to enable them in choosing hospitals tend to both private hospitals; send patients in the nursing home in private hospitals, medical expenses total 8% as a rebate to give the nursing home managers.

According to investigators on health management medical claims review process is not strict, part hoax, take bailout money sometimes, but a laissez-faire attitude, contributed to "eating the old" behavior.

Meanwhile, the Civil Affairs Department allocated funds to strive for more superior, on reimbursement of auditing for the great bailout is not strict, weak supervision, leading to cash in frequent, misrepresentation of the bailout.

  Cut off the "black hand" also need institutional constraints

Investigators believe that only through institutional management to strengthen the supervision of hospitals private hospitals in particular, can effectively prevent various acts of disturbing medical order in the form of rebates, put an end to cash in, misrepresentation of the bailout.

"The hospital itself is going to change business strategies, with quality services instead of giving rebates to attract the disease. "Who investigators believe that standardized financial regulatory system and Medicare reimbursement process is essential, should accomplish truthful by illness to develop treatment programs, eliminate the phenomenon of free to increase medical costs.

To prevent a similar case in yuanzhou District Public Prosecutor's Office to the local civil affairs and health departments have issued prosecutorial advice. In this regard, yuanzhou District Civil Affairs Bureau said the financial management system will establish the nursing home, home for the Faculty Management Committee will be established through elections, monitoring important matters relating to revenues and expenditures of the compound and the Dean and staff carry out their duties.

Director of the Jiangxi Provincial Academy of social sciences, Institute of law, Cheng Guansong believes that indispensable sound ill Medicaid approval system, establishment of medical information sharing mechanisms, public bailout funds to apply for, disclosure of such information, must intensify social supervision and assessment of applications for social assistance-economic situation, greater transparency in policy implementation.

(Edit: SN064)
November 17, 2013 Xinhua

  新华网南昌11月17日新媒体专电 (记者胡锦武 赖星)为贪图回扣,江西宜春市一些敬老院和私立医院竟联手打起了大病救助资金的主意。他们给敬老院回扣收治病人,过度治疗提高医疗费用,再利用医疗报销审核把关不严的漏洞,牟取利益。“中国网事”记者调查获悉,自去年以来,江西宜春市袁州区检察机关查处相关职务犯罪4件,涉案金额达80余万元。




















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