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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:47:00 Edit(编辑)
Jiangsu Health Department and food and Drug Administration can trade contrary to the placenta,

Jiangsu Health Department and food and Drug Administration can trade contrary to the placenta,(江苏卫生部门与药监局就胎盘能否买卖说法相反,)

Jiangsu Health Department and the FDA can trade contrary to the placenta placenta | | | hospitals _ the Ministry of health news

Recent temperatures stay low and various supplements to the listing. Many members of the public to reflect and found there's a lot of "placenta" supplements, a look at the components of human placenta!

Human placenta can deal? Eating is not good for people???Yesterday, the Yangtze evening news reporter found that the placenta is banned the sale of the health sector, and drug authorities said if drug sold by license, buy sold channel legitimate sales. Yangtse evening post reporter Zhang Jun


Placenta: of special organs derived from embryos, when the fertilized egg splitting into a tiny blastocysts, wrapping in the outermost cells develop into the placenta, are enclosed in an inner cell mass develops into a fetus. Early placental cells in pregnancy continue to invade maternal uterine wall, while integration with the mother's uterine blood vessels, transporting nutrients and oxygen to the completion of "mother Highway", is rich in immune globulin and interferon, a variety of growth factors.

Yesterday, the Nanjing Mr Wang showed reporters he saw supplements advertising. Advertising said the placentas could "reinforce vital energy" "anti-aging, enhance physical fitness", "out of curiosity, I called and asked to ask, knows the placentas are human placenta, this thing could gross sales? ”

Telemarketing push the ingredients in many areas with "placenta" autumn and winter products. Reporters get in touch with a health products marketing companies from Guangzhou, the operator said, they want to sell health products capsule from Guizhou, composition is hundred placentas powder, "all clean human placenta, rare on the market. National limits to sell 5,000 boxes, don't buy will be gone! ”

Reporters later visited many pharmacies in Nanjing Street, speeding up sales of medicinal herbs can be purchased to the placenta. Zhongshan South Road, Nanjing, sanyuan Lane, a drugstore, pharmacy says just a little, to more advance orders, they sell the placentas, yellowish particle diameter of only 0.5 cm, is 2 cm.

Journalists in the Chinese medicine market website to see that recent "placenta" prices have gone up a lot, quality goods from June this year rose to 750 RMB 450 Yuan/kg/kg, "because the demand is not reduced, such medicines regulation to strengthen the market, not many sources which meet quality requirements, are expected to rise in late trading. ”

  Health and drug authorities the attitudes

In 2005, the Ministry of health has made it clear that: "no units or individuals may not be sold the placenta. ”

Reporter 国药准字 query system, enter "placenta" found 12 pharmaceutical production enterprises in China. Query "placenta" also has many 国药准字, including human placenta, placental and placenta tissue fluid.

Jiangsu Provincial Health Department staff said, the health sector on the written reply to the question does exist and the placenta remains in effect, medical institutions are never allowed to make any trading of placenta. Or if the medical staff with the trading of the placenta, will be based on the administrative punishment law and the accountability of medical waste management Ordinance. And health law enforcement and supervision Department regularly from time to time to check the medical institutions.

Jiangsu food and Drug Administration drug circulation Department staff said that if drug sold by license and purchase channels sold legally tradable. "The placenta is very good medicine, I think approval should be provided in the health sector, it may be preventing the illicit trade. "The staff member said, if people feel that the placentas origin suspected, can be reported to the local drug administrations.

  Most women do not know where the placenta

Over Nanjing pharmacy medicine said their placenta is collected from the hospital.

Miss Gu half a month ago gave birth to a baby boy in Suzhou, "off the anesthetic nurse asked me after the placenta or not to, not know how to answer, I was in a daze, just say whatever you want. ”

Miss King, 6 days ago in Nanjing gave birth to a baby girl, "and no one asked for it, not to the placenta, then they didn't ask. ”

Yesterday, the reporter consulted a total of 10 a recent mother woman, of which 8 bits represent the placenta had been referred to hospital after giving birth.

However, reporter Advisory yesterday over Nanjing Hospital of gynecological health care workers, receive a reply very consistent: the hospital never sold human placenta! Most of the medical staff said, burned or buried the placenta. Maternal and child health hospital in Nanjing city publicity department to respond to, the hospital will send a notice and informed to every pregnant woman, pregnant woman right to use signature renounced the placenta, placental health hospital will be referred to hospital pharmacy Department made into pills give them to people in need, "these are the food and Drug Administration approval, there will be no placenta the sale. ”

Placenta capsules medicine had been sales agent on behalf of Mr LAU told reporters, "traditional Chinese medicine the placentas are specially processed human placenta preparation technique of Chinese medicine! Direct deal actually belonged to the irregularities of the placenta. ”

  Placenta really help?

Director Xue Boyu told reporters in the Nanjing University of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, placental bushen Yijing, benefiting Qi and nourishing blood work, is a very good tonic herbs. Legends of folk eat the placenta not only tonic, TCM common placenta used as medicine.

Dr Liu 璟 thought of Physiology, placenta does contain a lot of nutrients, but would denaturation or after boiling or drying degrade, can only provide the body with amino acids, cannot produce their special physiological function. Even if some fluke remains "active substances", after the oral, through the gastric acid in the stomach, after proteolytic enzymes of the digestive tract, and eat 22 cooked pork is no different. Most critical was that due to the placenta and is connected to the matrix, if a pregnant woman is itself there are some diseases that can be spread through blood, placenta pathogens are likely to be contaminated, such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis b, measles, and more ... ...

(Edit: SN091)
November 18, 2013 Yangtse evening post
江苏卫生部门与药监局就胎盘能否买卖说法相反 |胎盘|卫生部|医院_新闻资讯


人体胎盘能否买卖?吃这些对人有没有好处?昨天,扬子晚报记者采访发现,卫生部门明令禁止胎盘买卖,而药监部门则表示,如果所售药品有证照,购进售出渠道合法就可以销售。 扬子晚报记者 张筠























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