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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:46:02 Edit(编辑)
Integration of rural living garbage disposal in Shenyang performance appraisal

Integration of rural living garbage disposal in Shenyang performance appraisal(沈阳将农村生活垃圾处理纳入政绩考核)

Rural living garbage disposal into the performance appraisal in Shenyang | acrual | | solid waste cleaners _ news

Xinhuanet, Shenyang, November 18 (reporter Wang Wei)-reporters learned from the authorities in Shenyang, Shenyang Municipal Government will soon complete renovation of rural health environment, cleaner established for all administrative villages, rural solid waste treatment normalized, and rural living garbage disposal into the Government's performance evaluation in content.

It is understood that Shenyang city referred to the sanitation Department is responsible for solid waste management in rural areas. Township government (Street) to set up sanitation, is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of rural refuse and staffing the actual task. Village to set up a garbage dump and collect pond, purchase of cleaning tools, meet the needs daily cleaning collection.

In recent years, the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and provincial Government attaches great importance to efforts to improve the rural living environment, be used as a major ecological projects and livelihood projects. For provincial Government also specifically introduced has on full carried out rural environment governance of implementation views under, developed has with 5 years time basic completed rural environment governance task of work target, clear has "rural village within road has hardening, and road sides has drainage ditches, and road next housing next has trees, and has garbage water traces pool, and has cleaning Member, and has village regulations, town (Township) has garbage processing facilities, and has sewage processing facilities, and has farming stool processing facilities" of "9 a has" work task, established has system, and has team, and Rural environmental governance system of funding.

It is reported that the Liaoning Provincial Government explicitly asked, before the end of June 2014, the province's administrative villages main street and square, the main regional construction of complete lighting projects. At the same time, requires a simple, practical, not luxurious, not to engage in projects, focuses on meet the functional and basic lighting levels.

(Edit: SN054)
November 18, 2013 Xinhua






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