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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:45:57 Edit(编辑)
In 2025 or 1 million lung cancer patients in Chinese, as the first lung power

In 2025 or 1 million lung cancer patients in Chinese, as the first lung power(2025年我国肺癌病人或达100万,成第一肺癌大国)

2025 or up to 1 million patients with lung cancer in China's largest lung cancer _ | | cell lung cancer lung cancer lung cancer patient | powers news

Beijing, November 18, according to the economic authorities wide nets the World magazine reported the sound of, North of th China lung cancer Summit Forum was held, by 2025, lung cancer patients in China will reach 1 million, as the world's largest lung cancer.

(Original title: 2025 or up to 1 million as the world's largest lung cancer lung cancer patients)

(Edit: SN054)
November 18, 2013 China broadcast network
2025年我国肺癌病人或达100万 成第一肺癌大国|肺癌|肺癌病人|肺癌大国_新闻资讯

  央广网北京11月18日消息 据经济之声《天下财经》报道,第六届中国肺癌南北高峰论坛举行,预计到2025年,我国肺癌病人将达到100万,成为世界第一肺癌大国。

(原标题:2025年我国肺癌病人或达100万 成世界第一肺癌大国)


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