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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:41:41 Edit(编辑)
High-speed closed due to snowfall in Heilongjiang, Jilin, and passenger line outage

High-speed closed due to snowfall in Heilongjiang, Jilin, and passenger line outage(吉林黑龙江多地高速因降雪封闭,客运班线停运)

Jilin Heilongjiang Expressway closed for snow passenger route outage | | | snowfall heavy snowfall _ Heilongjiang news

Authorities wide nets Beijing November 18, according to voice of the Digest of news and newspapers reported that under the influence of days of heavy snowfall, Jilin and Heilongjiang part of Highway closed to passenger line outage. Activate contingency plans, maximize people's normal life.

In Jilin, yesterday by the provincial meteorological station issued a Blizzard and continuous road icing Orange warning, high wind blue alert. Provincial Meteorological Bureau launched a major weather disasters (Blizzard) level III emergency response. Frozen roads due to snow, Jilin provincial highway was closed to passenger line outage in some counties. Only in baishan city, highway passenger bus terminus with 40 vehicles stopped. As of 8 o'clock last evening, the province with the exception the muddy days to post out of yellow pine meadow of Wu Expressway, all other highways have been opened. For the sake of safety, traffic police stepped up road inspections:

Detachment of traffic police in Jilin province Expressway Zhu Yingjun: first to limit dealers and our vehicles, hurry, hurry to the stranded vehicles, police cars drive area of services will also be provided.

Snow returned to Jilin province brings 7-10 cools around each heating unit, extending the boiler running time, out on the water, the water temperature, make sure that the room temperature is above 18 ° c. Tsagaan in songyuan earthquake flower town English village, winter color steel houses completed, affected people have moved into new premises:

People: basic supplies, rice, flour, it has vegetables, their reserves.

In Heilongjiang, Harbin yesterday to usher in this winter's heavy snowfall, up to 8 o'clock last evening, Harbin 8 counties (cities), the snowfall exceeds 10 mm, Magnolia close to 26 mm. According to the forecast, today will still be flying snow in Harbin, the city's kindergartens, primary and secondary schools will be closed, high school classes at 9 o'clock. Harbin municipal meteorological station senior engineer Tao Guohui said snowfall probably will continue for two days:

Tao Guohui: tomorrow turned into snow, 19th weakened into snow showers as cold Vortex, 20th turn out fine.

As of 9 o'clock last evening, Beijing-Harbin, Hatong, male, over more than 10 highways closed all or some of the sections. Part of the shuttle stopped; Yi Chunlin airport closed due to snow-covered runways. Harbin Taiping International Airport apart from individual flights were canceled, and other flights were taking off and landing normally. Currently, Harbin have organized over more than 1000 traffic police on the road, about 12,000 environmental workers, more than 500 large snow equipment to clear the snow.

(Original title: to parts express closed for snow in Jilin and Heilongjiang passenger line outage)

(Edit: SN054)
November 18, 2013 China broadcast network
吉林黑龙江多地高速因降雪封闭 客运班线停运|黑龙江|降雪|强降雪_新闻资讯

  央广网北京11月18日消息 据中国之声《新闻和报纸摘要》报道,受连日来强降雪影响,吉林、黑龙江多地部分高速公路封闭,客运班线停运。各地启动应急预案,最大程度确保群众正常生活。








(原标题:吉林、黑龙江多地部分高速因降雪封闭 客运班线停运)


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