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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:38:31 Edit(编辑)
Guangzhou garbage pilot charging standards finalized: big bag of 5 cents

Guangzhou garbage pilot charging standards finalized: big bag of 5 cents(广州垃圾试点计量收费标准敲定:大袋5毛一个)

Guangzhou garbage pilot charging standards finalized: big bag of 5 cents a | spam | metering | pilot _ news

This version of planning as a whole: Zheng Rui Yin Lai of the interviews: Express News reporter Feng Yandan

Nothing tubes community by billing, big bag of 5 cents of a community of property management billing by barrel, 35 kg bucket of Tianhe six charge 6 Yuan Yue Xiu district six community started at the end of the pilot

Guangzhou's rubbish charging pilot list has been finalised. Two days ago, Bao lunjun, Deputy Director of the Guangzhou City Administration Committee to express news reporters, six previously discussed 20 communities where community, spread across six districts, namely yuexiu, Tianhe, haizhu and liwan six, Huangpu, luogang district, one in each district. But he did not disclose the specific list. It is reported that the experimental work will start at the end of this year.

  Pilot community garbage bags in three specifications

As early as in July this year, Chen Jianhua, Mayor of Guangzhou, said the reform programme of the Government departments have already submitted a collection to the public consultation on urban waste-water treatment in Guangzhou monitor Committee (referred to as "Advisory Committee") discussions.

According to the discussion paper, Guangzhou bags and barrels will be charging in the future. Pilot programme to determine yuexiu,, haizhu, Lai Wan, Tianhe, Huangpu, six in luogang district, a total of 20 communities enter the screening area. But the list has not been published.

Before Bao lunjun at Express News events, confirmed that six pilot communities have been finalized, elected from 20 communities in the discussion paper, distributed in six districts. In other words, each district has a district.

He also revealed, pilot kits were not the only measure, there are per barrel metering, are collectively referred to by volume metering. Specific criteria are consistent with the draft for discussion (see annex).

By volume measurement, metering and water tariff is now garbage by weight metering and charging in three ways. "However, taking into account the water charges levied on have mature experience in multiple cities in Guangdong, Guangzhou does not consider pilots. "Bao lunjun, will also publish the next measuring by weight of the pilot, is currently developing an electronic system, residents put trash, one credit card, will be able to display stocking and weight.

  Classification of garbage mixed collection is misunderstood

In addition, the deputies visited received many reflect, throw rubbish classification, but sanitation workers a mixed collection, affect motivation.

Bao lunjun explained that the mixed collection of mixed transport is misplaced. For example, a community separated from other garbage and kitchen waste is shipped. After the removal of food residue, residual waste because of poor classification, transport, people thought it was two garbage mixed transport.

"No way each community with secondary sorting, some community is not so good. "He admitted, a family divided, not necessarily the entire community is divided. Only entire community collectively has well can be classified for transport. "At present can guarantee good garbage transportation. Because the districts to pay processing fees, divided by the absolute is shipped separately. ”

Nearly half the community waste acceptance

Targets set early this year was 80% classification in more than 1400 community in the city at the end of qualifying. Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress of the recent inspections found, Mintsa works well, make unannounced visits to undesirable effect.

End, the goal is to achieve? Bao lunjun revealed that now has almost half of the community by acceptance. "Not reaching the intended target mainly because of the poor, including residents ' awareness of environmental protection, hardware equipment, staffing, and a combination of factors. ”

Special mention Bao lunjun, haizhu, yuexiu did better, and Baiyun, Panyu is poor. Panyu and clouds surge of immigrants in recent years, affected by this? He thought about this, it's not bad reasons for classification: "the earlier demands had spread throughout the city, Panyu, but still in the pilot stage. ”

 Guangzhou is developing enterprise subsidies

Express News journalist study tour to seven countries found that foreign garbage disposal are inseparable from participation. Although there are some areas in Guangzhou and introducing enterprises to participate in garbage post-processing, but the effect is not desirable.

Such as recovery of supply and marketing cooperatives, Baiyun district, relying on its own network, formed the recycled treasure glass recycling company in Guangzhou, is currently the only room in Guangzhou City Enterprise specializing in recycling waste glass, average daily volume of recycling waste glass can be up to 150 tons. But the company has been in a State of debt management.

Company General Manager Liang Haoping, Bill, scrap glass from the collection to final disposition to finished glass manufacturing company, cost is around 520 Yuan a ton, and average product price 500 Yuan a ton, also to pay 100 Yuan in value-added tax, and finally loss of about 120 Yuan per ton.

"Low value-added Enterprise subsidies did not survive. "Bao lunjun said the construction enterprises require land requisition, Declaration, EIA and other processes. So there is no policy in the city's case, to areas currently not to rush into action.

"Corporate subsidies and the Department of finance, supply and marketing departments to ensure that cities are doing research. "He said, subsidies, who will make up is more appropriate to set out after the introduction of the city has consolidated the programme, districts can fluctuate and Enterprise profit.

  Pilot fees


Per bag of metering (for disregarding the Canal community) 1. recyclables: paid recycling 2. kitchen wastes: no charge (other mixed with the number must not exceed 5%)

3. hazardous waste: individual, collection, no charge 4. other waste (50x45CM), (50x31CM), (39x30CM), charging three garbage bags specifications.

--Bag of 0.5 Yuan/a

(Can fit about 2.1-2.9 kg of solid waste)

--0.3 Yuan per bag

(Can fit about 1.25 per cent kilograms of solid waste)--small bags of 0.2 Yuan/a

(Can fit about 0.83 to 1.18 kg of solid waste)

Barrel measures (applied property management community): 120 liters (approximately 35 kg): 6/240 liters (approximately 70 kg): 0.3 cubic metres or 12 Yuan/barrels, per 100 kilograms: 13.5 Yuan/barrels

  Urban Management Committee response to the rumors:

OTA is not discontinued, but the experiment ended

Express News as biochemical technology in treating food waste of Guangzhou's largest "test bed" – mountain ecological park in Daejeon have received considerable attention. Since last month, datianshan news has been discontinued for a few months, Bao lunjun, Deputy Director of the Guangzhou City Administration Committee denied yesterday said datianshan is pilot project was not discontinued but the experiment ended, the next step would depend on whether or not to adopt "aerobic composting" technology.

Datianshan is food waste of Guangzhou's largest processing places, daily processing capacity of 100 tons. There have been reports, City urban management Commission datianshan cut-off, maximum consideration is given up, "aerobic composting", select "anaerobic". The datianshan discontinued or means that entire future, Guangzhou will promote "anaerobic".

In this regard, Bao lunjun, Deputy Director of the Guangzhou City authority responded positively for the first time the day before yesterday, datianshan purely experimental projects, is not engaged in the project, experimental purpose achieved, natural closure of projects, not to stop production. At the same time, built on landfill sites it could not depend on special terrain long doing it.

"Experimental data received, mature technology, the next step where there is need to promote. "He revealed," aerobic composting "mature technology, via suggests that they are appropriate for the weather in Guangzhou and trash. But the real promotion subject to space restrictions, all districts can choose the appropriate district location.

(Edit: SN091)
November 18, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, Express News

  本版统筹:郑锐 尹来 ■本版采写:新快报记者冯艳丹








































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