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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:38:28 Edit(编辑)
Guangxi guigang officials suspect package agreement with young women exposed

Guangxi guigang officials suspect package agreement with young women exposed(广西贵港官员疑与少妇所签包养协议曝光)

Guigang, Guangxi officials suspected to be connected with young women kept agreement exposure (figure) | | local taxation Bureau of Guangxi | lover _ news

According to Xinhua recently, the network "local taxation Bureau of Guangxi guigang city eight directors general Tao Yi Tong for the lover". Guigang city local tax Bureau official reporters to understand that at present, Tao Yi has been dismissed, guigang City Commission for discipline inspection has been involved in the investigation.



  The woman must not interfere with the man's family

NET post said Tao Yi fan with a married woman in a "package", and posted a picture of the signed copy of the agreement of both sides.

Agreement including 6 points requires: a is men and women both in relationship is not Qing Qian cannot and third party occurred relationship; II is men and women both at least a week met once; three is men and women both if occurred contradictions, to written forms broke up; four is if violation 1th, is one-time compensation each other spirit loss fee 10,000 Yuan Yuan, and so on; five is woman cannot interference and the effects man work, and family, or by provides punishment; six is man should care woman of life, money both consultations. Protocol closing phrase is dated March 29, 2013.

NET post about Tao Yi and a fan's "package", accompanied by a picture of men in entertainment with singing, dancing, saying the man was Tao Yi, and questioned "the Tao Director often access to upscale entertainment," "whether they involve violations of party members."


  Discipline Inspection Commission investigating economic issues

November 15, in end Forum, website Shang, appeared a inscribe for "Konan rent", and marked entitled on network post "Guangxi guigang city local taxation Bureau eight Tong Branch Secretary package raised lover" of response under of post, content is: over website appeared network post Hou, guigang city place IRD timely concern, on network post reflect of problem has for incorporated investigation, and Yu November 4 waived Tao Yi of guigang city Gangnan District local taxation Bureau eight Tong Branch Secretary positions.

17th contacted Gangnan District in guigang city local tax Bureau Director Wu Huiping, she told reporters, responding to posts from the unit. They are advised that Tao Yi was having an affair with nets placard referred to a fan. Tao Yi is dealing with economic issues, she said that, at present, Tao Yi has been dismissed, receive local tax Bureau of investigation, guigang City Commission for discipline inspection has also been involved in the investigation.

Secretary of Guangxi signed kept reason the exposure got divorced lover known for its

(Original title: Secretary check Protocol has been removed from the package)

(Edit: SN098)
November 18, 2013 The Beijing News

  据新华社电 近日,网传“广西贵港市地税局八塘分局局长陶毅包养情人”。记者向贵港市地税局有关负责人了解到,目前,陶毅已被免职,贵港市纪委已介入调查。











  广西局长签包养协议原因曝光 情人称为其离了婚



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