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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:59:45 Edit(编辑)
Start selection and management system reform, academician of engineering work

Start selection and management system reform, academician of engineering work(工程院启动改革院士遴选和管理体制工作)

Academy of engineering academician started reforming | project selection and management system reform of the Institute academician | | _ news

Jin Zhenya 16th Staff writer, Beijing, November 16-reporters learned from the Chinese Academy of engineering, which according to the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform spirit of decision, fellow of the reform had been established for selection and management leadership group and the Group of experts, set out to develop relevant programmes.

Aroused extensive attention among the academicians "tenure" issues, official said that the Chinese Academy of engineering, and to seriously study concluded that over the years, academician of the good practices of the staff, good experience, further reform and improve the Fellowship selection and management system, optimizing discipline structure, expanding the proportion of young talents in, striving to build a high standard, high quality, appropriate scale, wind fresh, young and energetic team of academicians.

(Original title: fellow of the Academy started reforming engineering selection and management system)

(Edit: SN098)
November 17, 2013 Guangming daily

  本报北京11月16日电 记者金振娅16日从中国工程院获悉,该院根据《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》的精神,已经成立改革院士遴选和管理机制领导小组和专家组,着手研究拟定相关方案。




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