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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:59:38 Edit(编辑)
Shanghai Health Planning Committee

Shanghai Health Planning Committee(上海卫计委)

Shanghai Health Planning Committee: | Shanghai bracing for possible short-term reproductive aggregation | fertility agglomeration | Health Planning Commission _ news

Network reporter Mao Lijun reported on November 16 in the East: the CPC Central Committee on deepen reform of the major issues decided to put "adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two children, gradually adjust the sound family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development" which, for the promotion of economic and social development, maintaining social harmony and stability is of great importance.

Long-term low fertility (registered population natural changes for 19 consecutive years of negative growth), population ageing and family coexistence of few-children in families is a major issue currently faced by the Shanghai population development. Implement a separate two-child policy, adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, help to resolve the structural contradiction and promoting family development is conducive to sustainable urban development, as well as fertility desire of the broad masses. After more than 40 years of efforts, as well as family planning in Shanghai has made great achievements in our country, too fast population growth under control, eased the pressure on resources and environment, promoting sustainable economic and social development, improve the situation of women and child development, laying a solid foundation to build a well-off society.

Shanghai health family planning will follow central policy deployment, municipal government, under the leadership, adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, safe and orderly adjustment solidly perfecting family planning policies and to develop specific implementation plan, strengthening family planning services, predicting birth, guiding couples arrange timing. Study on the development of relevant supporting policies. Health and family planning with related sectors, converge ahead of public service and related policies, and short period of reproductive gathering you might encounter. Adjust the perfect maternity policy is an important livelihood involves the immediate interests of the broad masses, marks the family planning work has entered a new era.

Shanghai City health family planning Commission to seriously follow-up implementation party of 18 session plenary session spirit, to adjustment perfect fertility policy for opportunity, further deepening family planning area of reform, constantly shift work ideas and work method, constantly perfect new era family planning work of institutional, and mechanism and service system, strongly improve was born population quality, and reproductive health level, and family development capacity, promotion population and economic, and social, and resources and environment full coordination sustainable development.

(Original title: Hu Wei Planning Committee: births might encounter ready to cope with short-term agglomeration)

(Edit: SN064)
November 16, 2013 Oriental NET







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