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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:54:21 Edit(编辑)
Atmospheric stations will be set up in the West Lake, the data reported to the World Heritage Centre

Atmospheric stations will be set up in the West Lake, the data reported to the World Heritage Centre(杭州西湖将增设大气监测站,数据向世遗中心备案)

Hangzhou West Lake to the World Heritage Centre will provide atmospheric monitoring station data records | | | monitoring stations for the record _ in the West Lake news

Xinhuanet, Hangzhou, November 16 (reporter Wei Donghua)-reporters learned from the Zhejiang Provincial environmental monitoring center, Southeast of the West Lake in Hangzhou jade atmospheric monitoring stations will be established, and atmospheric monitoring station will operate on all four sides of the West Lake, closely monitor air quality in the area, while data also will report to the UNESCO's World Heritage Centre, for the record.

It is understood that at present in the West Lake scenic area in cloud, yanggongdi and bamboo – built two air monitoring stations in the vicinity, there are housed in Uptown, allows inspection of air quality along the lakeside.

"Just southeast of the Lake of jade, there is no atmospheric monitoring stations. "The West Lake scenic area staff, built this atmospheric monitoring stations, mainly in order to monitor air quality in the area, meanwhile, will report data to the World Heritage organization, and based on monitoring data for the area of environmental protection serve as a data source.

It is reported that after the completion of the atmospheric monitoring station, Lake surrounded by the atmospheric monitoring stations, you can closely monitor air quality in the area, for example, there is a strong public interest in the PM2. 5 changes in values.

This reporter learned that, West Lake, monitoring and management of world cultural heritage Center includes two aspects: one is a platform for dynamic monitoring, a monitoring system is static. Traffic to motor traffic flow of the district needs to be monitored, including heritage, cultural relics protection, natural disasters, air, water, and so on.

It is understood, in accordance with the provisions of the UNESCO's World Heritage Centre, every 6 years, World Heritage monitoring Management Center in the West Lake is to submit a report on the heritage. 2011 Hangzhou West Lake was included in the world cultural heritage, therefore, 2017 will be submitted for the first time, including the air quality protection reports.

(Edit: SN064)
November 16, 2013 The website
杭州西湖将增设大气监测站 数据向世遗中心备案|杭州西湖|监测站|备案_新闻资讯








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