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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:54:19 Edit(编辑)
Appears in parts of Northeast Blizzard, snow can be up to 30 cm

Appears in parts of Northeast Blizzard, snow can be up to 30 cm(东北部分地区将出现暴风雪,局地积雪可达30厘米)

Northeast local snow storms in some areas can be up to 30 cm | | | storm snow _ in the Northeast news

November 17, according to the Central meteorological station news, today to 18 o'clock, Blizzard is a yellow alert has been issued by the Central meteorological station. In Eastern Heilongjiang, Jilin still a big snowstorm in the East, where large parts of southeastern Heilongjiang, Jilin Northeast Blizzard (20~30 mm). Snow depth in these areas will be 5~15-cm, local areas of up to 18~30 cm. Snowfall accompanied by 5~6 grade northerly winds, Blizzard appears in some areas.

Yesterday, China ushered in one of the strongest since the second half of this year in the Northeast snowfall. At present, the continuing heavy snowfall. Meteorological station in Heilongjiang province, Jilin provincial meteorological station today Blizzard Orange alert has been issued. The snow-affected, where Highway closures, flight delays or cancellations. Heavy snowfall also disperse the haze afflicting Harbin weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicted the next 24 hour snowfall remains strong in the Northeast.

Chinese Central Meteorological Station prompted Heilongjiang and jilinliangsheng should take active measures against such as heavy snowfall and blizzards and road icing on urban heating, transportation, agriculture and health from the adverse effects of the masses.

Anticipated 19th, snowfalls in the Northeast would tend to diminish gradually faded.

In addition, the 19th tonight, cool air will continue in the Northeast region in the East, eastern part of Huang-Huai to create cool 4~6℃; around 18th, East of Huang-Huai, Jac will also appear in some areas of the East and early frosts.

21-22, a new cold air will display their prowess in Xinjiang, Xinjiang most small to moderate snow, in some areas, has a large snowstorm, accompanied by wind to cool weather.

Around the Central meteorological station to remind all those cool prepared in advance, early frost and other weather precautions.

(Original title: Northeast Blizzard snow or in some areas up to 30 cm)

(Edit: SN064)
November 17, 2013 China News Network
东北部分地区将出现暴风雪 局地积雪可达30厘米|东北地区|暴风雪|积雪_新闻资讯

  中新网11月17日电 据中央气象台消息,中央气象台今日18时继续发布暴雪黄色预警。黑龙江中东部、吉林中东部等地仍有大到暴雪,其中,黑龙江东南部、吉林东北部的部分地区有大暴雪(20~30毫米)。上述地区积雪深度将有5~15厘米,局部地区可达18~30厘米。降雪的同时伴有5~6级偏北风,部分地区将出现暴风雪。







(原标题:东北部分地区将出现暴风雪 局地积雪或达30厘米)


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