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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:53:58 Edit(编辑)
2 issued in Anhui Province detained gangsters holding explosives to Rob a bank rumors

2 issued in Anhui Province detained gangsters holding explosives to Rob a bank rumors(安徽2人发布歹徒持爆炸物抢劫银行谣言被拘)

2 people in Anhui Province published rumors of explosives to Rob a bank by gunmen was arrested in Anhui _ | | explosives Bank | News

The afternoon of November 14, alarmed by a strange explosion go off in chuzhou city. At present, the local people still like to stay focused. It is regrettable that, before the jury had been spreading rumors, saying explosions go off because the gunman is holding explosives attacks on banks and looted. Local police found erroneous, then come forward to dispel. Yesterday afternoon, two spread rumors had been arrested.

  Unknown Mexico

"Blast" event in chuzhou still attracted much attention. There have been no policing, no other effects, explosions cause has been controversial. Explosions occurred shortly after someone found a way to blast the truth, and then posted on the Internet said the outlaws chuzhou explosives attacks a certain Bank and robbed it. Post not only for the scene, describes the details of the incident, and claimed worst, many users are surprised.

Immediately, the matter was confirmed as rumors. About 19 o'clock the police rumor: "chucheng neither exploded nor robberies. "Police scandal investigation according to the law, and dealt with severely.

  Spread rumors the two men were arrested

Chuzhou City Public Security Bureau spokesman said that 15:30 on that day, a network named "hot sugar" read local forums, said a bank was robbed in chuzhou, Netizen "perceptive" forward post. Ere network named "hot sugar," Wang and screen names for "perceptive" so Lee was tracked him down, two others in chuzhou zone police station under administrative detention. Chuzhou police, until now not received explosion, bank robbery cases or incidents to police.

  Strange loud noise believed to be Sonic

Although police at first rumor, but causes the explosion rang out. In fact, the unexplained explosion events, have occurred in other cities. On November 8, suffered strange explosions go off in Anshan city, Liaoning province, finally turned up no cause, some netizens said, this thing is very likely for sonic phenomena. Combination of the afternoon, more and more netizens believe the explosion happened not on the ground, but in the sky. Therefore, aircraft caused by the "sonic boom" is also accepted by the majority. Case pending an official investigation.


  Sonic Boom

When vehicle speed when approaching the speed of sound, there will be a strong resistance, causes the aircraft to produce a strong oscillation speed decay. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the sound barrier (SoundBarrier). While breaking the sound barrier, due to compression of the fuselage to the air quickly spread gradually in the airplane upwind side of accumulation and formation of shock waves, shock waves on the surface of the acoustic energy is highly concentrated. When these falls on the ears, will people feel short but very strong explosions, known as sonic boom (SonicBoom). (By ouyangxuzhong)

(Original title: gangsters Rob a bank explosion? Disinformation to get caught)

(Edit: SN098)
November 16, 2013 Angolan online




  随即,此事被证实为谣言。 19时许警方辟谣:“滁城既没有发生爆炸,也未发生抢劫案件。 ”警方表示将对造谣者依法调查,严肃处理。







  当飞行器速度接近音速时,会有一股强大的阻力,使飞行器产生强烈的振荡,速度衰减。这一现象被俗称为音障(SoundBarrier)。突破音障时,由于机身对空气的压缩无法迅速传播,逐渐在飞机的迎风面积累而终形成激波面,在激波面上声学能量高度集中。这些能量传到人们耳朵里时,会让人感受到短暂而极其强烈的爆炸声,称为音爆(SonicBoom)。(记者 欧阳徐中)



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