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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:53:56 Edit(编辑)
1978 third plenary session the decision notes published for the first time

1978 third plenary session the decision notes published for the first time(1978年来三中全会《决定》说明首次公布)

1978 third plenary session stated that the decision was first announced reform _ | | | plenary XI news

18 the decision yesterday, the third plenary session of the full text published illustrated XI Jinping, entrusted by the political Bureau to the plenary

After the November 2012

Central to consider 18 plenary session topics

April 2013

18 study on the third plenary session of the Politburo decided to party deepen reform and make decisions

On April 20

Central on 18 study on the third plenary session of the party, issued circular on comprehensively deepening reform consultation

August 27

Meeting of the CPC, decided this year to ten third plenary session, held in Beijing in November to study comprehensively reform the major problems

September 17

CPC Central Committee held in Beijing Symposium on non-party people, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decided to listen to comments and suggestions

October 29

Decision of the CPC, held 18 plenary session in Beijing on November 9

November 12

18 closing of the third plenary session, on comprehensive reform adopted by the CPC Central Committee decision on major issues of

"Xinhua News Agency yesterday's publication of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision, the decision on November 12, 2013 18th Central Committee adopted at the third plenary meeting of the Chinese Communist Party. XI Jinping, Member of the Commission, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform's explanation of the decision to the plenary, on the same day release. ”

Plenary research topics

Is the important basis for judging new central policy objective

XI Jinping pointed out in the description of the decision, since reform and opening up, successive plenary session research issues, make decisions, measures taken, releasing what signal is that people judge the new Central collective leadership an important basis of the policy objectives and priorities, for the next 5 or 10 years is significant.

After the party's 18 large, central to consider 18 plenary session topic. 18 unification of the Party proposed a goal of build a well-off society and deepen reform and opening up, and emphasizes the need for a greater political courage and wisdom, wasted no time deepen reforms in key areas, resolutely do away with all drawbacks hindering scientific development of ideological and institutional mechanisms, building the system is complete, run effective system of scientific norms, and makes the system more mature more stereotypes. In our view, to complete 18 of the party's strategic objectives and work plan, it must urgently move forward with comprehensive reforms.

In 1992, Comrade DENG Xiaoping's talk in the South said: "do not adhere to socialism, not reform, not economic development, does not improve people's lives, it is fatal. "Looking back, we have a deeper understanding of Comrade DENG Xiaoping's words. So we say that only socialism can save China, and only the development of reform and opening up can develop China, socialism and Marxism.

Is from history experience and reality needs of height, party of 18 big yilai, Central repeatedly stressed, opening is decided contemporary China fate of key a enrollment, is decided achieved "two a 100 years" struggle target, and achieved Chinese great revival of key a enrollment, practice development endless, Liberation thought endless, opening also endless, pauses and backwards no outlet, opening only for Shi, and no completed Shi. Facing the new situation and new tasks, we must pass comprehensive reform, focused on solving a series of contradictions and problems in the development, and constantly promote institutional self-improvement and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

At present, the domestic and international environments are extremely extensive and profound changes have taken place, and a series of contradictions and challenges facing China's development, there are still many difficulties and problems along the way. Like: development in the not balance, and not coordination, and not continued problem still highlight, technology innovation capacity not strong, industry structure not reasonable, development way still extensive, in urban and rural areas regional development gap and residents income distribution gap still larger, social contradictions obviously increased, education, and employment, and social security, and medical, and housing, and ecological environment, and food drug security, and safety, and social security, and law enforcement justice, relationship masses vital interests of problem more, part masses life difficult, formalism, and bureaucracy, and Hedonism and extravagance of copyright protection problems, a number of negative phenomena of corruption-prone-prone in the field, the fight against corruption situation remains severe, and so on. To address these issues, the key lies in deepening reform.

To have a strong sense of major issues-oriented

XI plenary decided on a description of the overall framework and key issues:

Member of the believe that facing the new situation and new tasks of the new requirements, comprehensive reform, the key is to create a fair competition environment for the development of further, further enhancing economic and social development, further increase the Government's efficiency and effectiveness, and further realization of social fairness and justice, and to further promote social harmony and stability, and further enhance the party's art of leadership and governance capability.

Around these major issues, we emphasize that you want to have a strong sense of, to the major issues-oriented, grasp the key issues for further research and thoughts on, and put forth effort to promote the settlement of a series of prominent contradictions and problems facing China's development. Our reform of the Chinese Communist revolution, construction, grab, never was designed to solve real-world problems. It can be said that reform was caused by issues forced and deepening in the problem solving.

The plenary decided to draft, highlight 5 considerations. One is to adapt to the new requirements for party and national development, implement the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up the party's 18 major strategic tasks. Second is to reform as the main line, highlight the comprehensive new measures for deepening the reform, General measures do not write, repetitive moves are not written, purely developmental initiatives do not write. Third is focused around solving people's problems reflect strong in response to the people's voices and look forward to highlighting key areas and crucial links, highlighting the economic system in traction. Four are staying active conservative in designing reform measures have the guts to make large, steady pace. Five is designed by 2020, the reforms proposed by the time by 2020 in the decisive results on reform in important fields and crucial links.

On the frame structure, the plenary decided to withdraw on the current major problems demanding prompt solution, all roads lead to overall planning. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, a total of 16 sections, divided into three major sections. First part of the first plate, is a general, focuses on comprehensive significance of deepening reform, guiding ideology, general idea. Second to the second plate composition part 15th, is the theory, mainly from economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological civilization, national defense and the army 6, deploying a comprehensive main tasks of deepening reform and major initiatives. Which, economic aspects opened 6 article (second to seventh Department points), political aspects opened 3 article (eighth to tenth Department points), culture aspects opened 1 article (11th Department points), social aspects opened 2 article (12th to 13th Department points), ecological aspects opened 1 article (14th Department points), defense and army aspects opened 1 article (15th Department points). 16th parts constitute the third plate, about organizational leadership, focuses on strengthening and improving the party's leadership to deepen reform.

To do or go dry

"This is the task of the plenary discussion plenary decisions propose comprehensive reform ideas and programmes", in the statement, XI also put forward specific requirements.

First, enhance confidence and courage to promote reform. By our party in the new era of reform and opening up under the condition of new great revolution led people, is the most distinctive characteristics of contemporary China, is also the most distinctive of our party banner. For 35 years, we rely on boosting public morale, unifying the party and unite? How to stimulate creativity and the creativity of all the people? How to achieve rapid social and economic development in China, and competition to win comparative superiority of capitalism? Is based on reform and opening up.

Facing the future, explains the development of the difficulties, resolve risks and challenges from all sides, best use of advantages of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society, in addition to deepening reform and opening up, no way.

At present, on the issue of reform and opening up, inside and outside the party, both at home and abroad are very concerned about, the whole party and various social expectations are high. Reform and opening up to a new crucial juncture. We must never wavered on the reform, must continue to be held up the banner of reform and opening up, right direction we must firmly adhere to socialism with Chinese characteristics. Firm confidence in the reform party, with greater political courage and wisdom, more forceful measures and reforms.

Second, insist on emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts. Hold high the banner of reform and opening up, the light position and attitude does not help, there must be a tangible initiatives. Most convincing action. Central decided to use the party's 18 plenary session of deploying this favourable opportunity, deepen reform, is a strategic choice. We have to seize that opportunity, in an effort to deepen reforms to achieve new breakthroughs. There will be a new breakthrough, we must further emancipate the mind.

Breaking ideological barriers, break barriers to cure the interests, emancipating the mind is paramount. On deepening the reform, some ideas often come not from outside but from within the system. Not liberated, we barely see curing the crux of the various interests, it is difficult to find breakthrough direction and focus, it's hard to come up with creative initiatives for change. Therefore, there must be courage of self-innovation and heart, out of the box limits, constraints to overcome sectoral interests as a positive initiative to study and propose reforms.

Reform initiatives proposed by caution, of course, you study, repeated argument, but that does not deter cautious, did not dare to do anything, afraid to try. In carrying out reforms, existing work and institutions run impossible without breaking anything, can't all be safe, without any risk. Only after a full demonstration and evaluation, as long as it is practical, and must do, should do or go dry.

Thirdly, sticking out from the overall consideration. Comprehensive reform is a major cause of our party and country overall development strategy, not a field a single reform. "Not global enough domain. "People from different departments and units, to look at the problem from a global, first depends on whether the proposed major reform initiatives consistent with global needs, is conducive to the long-term development of the party and State. To really look forward, forward-thinking and advance. Only in this way, the resulting file to be truly consistent with the cause of the party and the people development requirements.

Yesterday, the Xinhua News Agency text broadcast 18 XI Jinping made at the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision (hereinafter the decision) for instructions.

Several party scholars have told Beijing Youth daily reporter, previous plenary session since the third plenary session, which was first made public the decision States.

  XI Jinping made the decision personally description

Under 18 communiqué of the third plenary session, plenary meeting heard and discussed the report on the work of XI Jinping, Member of the Commission for, consideration of adoption of the decision. XI Jinping, the decision (draft for discussion) made a presentation to the plenary.

Since the third plenary session of the previous plenary session show that starting from the 16 plenary meeting, by the central leadership to the decisions or recommendations submitted to the plenary discussion paper for instructions.

For example, 16 on the third plenary session, Wu Bangguo and Wen Jiabao, respectively, on the proposal of the CPC Central Committee on revising part of the Constitution (draft for discussion) and the CPC Central Committee decision on the several problems of perfecting socialist market economy system (draft for discussion) for instructions. 17 on the third plenary session, Hui Liangyu, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of promoting rural reform and development decisions (draft for discussion) for instructions.

And party building of Central Party School Professor, Dai Yanjun beiqing interview presentation, 16, 17, the third plenary session, is illustrated by the central leadership in charge of specific areas. 18 plenary session focusing on the "comprehensive reform" that illustrated personally by the XI, General Secretary, highlighted reform of the authority.

Central Party School Professor Zhang Xixian also said that based on previous plenary session since the third plenary session of the bulletin, is this is the first time the General Secretary as the decision States.

  The decision of the first Community open

XI Jinping made the decision shows full text and more than 10,000 characters. North Green newspaper reporter read database discovery, Xinhua, this is since the third plenary session, plenary the decision describes for the first time to the public.

According to the decision States, 18 plenary session drafting group chaired by XI Jinping, Liu Yunshan, and Zhang gaoli, Deputy team leader, responsible comrades, some of the provincial and municipal leaders to participate in related sectors, Member of the Standing Committee under the leadership of the plenary decided that the drafting work. Drafting group from its inception to version, which lasted 7 months.

The decision made in the note, designing reform measures have the guts to make large, steady pace. At the same time, that the decision to "highlight the comprehensive new measures for deepening the reform, General measures do not write, repetitive moves are not written, purely developmental initiatives do not write". In addition, also called for reform of "light" position and attitude does not help, there must be a real initiative ".

18 plenary session of 4 days, two of which are the General Assembly and the remainder were group discussions. The decision States when grouping encourages participants to discuss "enhance confidence and courage to reform". Central Party School Professor Zhang Xixian believes that this requirement is conducive to solidify reform consensus.

Full text of the decision released in the closing week of the plenary of the General

16, 17 decision of the third plenary session for consideration and adoption, are closed to the public until 7 days after the plenary. This 3 days after publication of the decision on the closure of the plenary.

Zhang Xixian said that in accordance with established practice, closing day of the plenary session will release "announcement", published within a week will be considered by the full text of the decision. Dai Yanjun said, the decision should be published in full time is not mandatory, and may be made to the text of the decision until after the closure of the plenary part, so it will be a "lag".

Text/reporter Guan qingfeng Zou Chunxia

 The drafting group

Leader: XI

Deputy team leader: Liu Yunshan, and Zhang gaoli

Participants: relevant departments responsible comrades, some provinces and cities leaders

7 months

Since the establishment of the drafting group, over a period of almost 7 months, and consult widely, demonstration topics, conduct research, and repeated discussions.

3 times

3 times and 2 meetings of the Standing Committee of the Politburo Standing Committee meeting be considered separately in the decision, the decision of the exposure draft issued within a certain scope for comments, and seek the views of old comrades in the party, specifically briefed by the heads of Central Government, the National Federation of the democratic parties and personages without party affiliation.

During the consultation process, a lot of good comments and recommendations were made. Central Government entrusted the drafting group carefully study these views and recommendations, drafting groups for the plenary decided to make significant changes.

Interpretation of person: Yang Weimin

Deputy Director of the Office of the Central leading group on financial

Participation of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decided that the drafting and revision of work

I have heard many participants say, unexpectedly, were very surprised that reform is unprecedented. This fully reflects comrade XI Jinping, the reform determination and courage as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, reflects the new Central collective leadership be courageous and knowledgeable, daring to adhering of boldness, to be acting.

The theme of the Conference is to deepen reforms, and 6 times before since the third plenary session of the third plenary session is different.

In spite of 6 meetings related to reform, but reform topics are only one area. This includes economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological civilization in the defence and military reform, reform of the system of the party construction.

Determine theme, partly in keeping with the "five in one" adapt to the layout, but also practice needs, when the reform entered a crucial period, the Sham Shui Po District, only by adhering to the comprehensive reform in order to continue to deepen the reform.

We are at the stage of crossing the middle income trap, numerous challenges and risks to the next stage of development, supporting fast-growing conditions have changed in the past, the country has to rely mainly on the reform dividend release the vitality, the stage of development. This time reform target in 2020, and build a well-off society in the time line is this truth.

Position is to deepen reform of the decision. Meanwhile, adhere to the principles of problem-oriented, deepening reform of the economic system as a comprehensive focus, play their other reforms in the area of "loco" traction effect. 15 reform task, 6 is the economy, "ecological civilization," are closely linked to economic. Economy accounts for almost half of all reform tasks. This is the case, major consideration is that the current problems in our country, said was essentially development issues. Promoting the sustained and healthy development of economy is the primary task of the party and the State.

Through a good decision is important, but to implement reforms, economic and social development, into a national governing capacity, must pay special attention to the implementation. The implementation of the decision is guaranteed, is reflected in: organizing and to articulate Central deepen reform leading group was set up, responsible for the overall design, integrated and coordinated reform, promoting overall development, the supervision implementation; time, stark made the reforms proposed by 2020 through the decision of the tasks are inspection, assessment of the reform process. That shows a new Central collective leadership to get work Shi Liuyin, grasp the spirit of iron marks.

The decision about 20,000 words, covering 15 areas of specific tasks, 60, Yang Weimin, Deputy Director of the central financial and economic leading Group Office of the decisions of the evaluation is: "is the word reform, Word by Word." In his view, every word, very rich in content, the implementation will make significant changes in the institutional mechanisms in this area.

The decision raised "6 are centered around", namely the economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization in 6 areas of reform of the main line, and reflects the basic ideas of reform in all areas.

As the first theme was "closely around the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources to deepen economic reform", that is, the basic economic system, market economy, tax and finance all reforms, macro-control of the economy, are around the main line to expand and advance. Made specific to each area of the respective main lines and direction, not only deepen the overall direction of reform not to lose, each area's reforms will not be biased.

This version of the section (apart from signature,) and Xinhua News Agency, people's daily

Cartographic/Sha Nan

(Original title: the decision of the third plenary notes published for the first time)

(Edit: SN077)
November 16, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily

  十八届三中全会《决定》昨天全文发布 习近平受政治局委托向全会作说明























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