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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 13:01:26 Edit(编辑)
60% Chinese users use XP, anti-virus software is not reliable

60% Chinese users use XP, anti-virus software is not reliable(6成中国用户使用XP,杀毒软件不可靠,)

60% Chinese users use XP, antivirus software is not reliable-Windows XP,XP,Win8,Windows8, Microsoft-IT news 60% Chinese users use XP, anti-virus software is unreliable

Into the Microsoft building in Beijing wangjing, prominently placed signage company walked in: XXX from stop Windows XP technical support. For Microsoft, in fact, they prefer such a sense of urgency to infection to clients, especially Windows XP customers in China.

In China, using Windows XP customers up to 60% per cent, more than three times in the world, which means that once Microsoft stops Windows XP technical support, no Chinese customers Windows XP operating system until April 8, 2014 replaced the greatest loss.

Microsoft China Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Gu Puda

For Windows XP released in 2001, 12 years ago, its safety technology is actually very powerful, fully capable of safeguarding security of customer access information. But Microsoft Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Gu Puda told reporters: "12 years, user access to the information has been great changes have taken place, in the face of the latest network threats, Windows XP security technologies are insufficient to meet. ”

For this, he uses Microsoft's latest release of the Microsoft security intelligence report, supported by a volume of 15. Report notes that are currently exposed to risks as hacking Windows XP users Windows user 6 times 8 times, Windows XP is available using the landmark "data execution prevention" (DEP) technology has been insufficient to meet today's Internet threats. If Microsoft ever stop technical support for Windows XP, it is conceivable security risk would be higher.

It is understood that Microsoft in the last year found 30 security holes in the Windows operating system, after April 8, 2014, Microsoft no longer provides security vulnerability patches for Windows XP, only available for Windows 7, Windows 8 System. Cybercriminals and hackers according to Microsoft for Windows7, Windows 8 provides patches to get some published information security vulnerabilities, to get this information, they can do reverse engineering, launch an attack on Windows XP, this practice is known as "0 attack", then continue to use the Windows XP security risks are high.

Windows XP technical support Microsoft terminated, many third-party anti-virus software companies have said they would "take responsibility", but in fact, the companies ' technical support cannot ensure the security of customer. Gu Puda said: "computer hardware heat starts, but before the operating system has not yet been officially launched, similar worm virus has already been loaded into the computer system, antivirus software has no chance to prevent the machine from being infected. We can use Windows XP, Windows XP SP2 and Windows XP SP3 antitoxic ability to draw a comparison, the data show, SP2, two years after the cessation of support, compared with SP3, the number of infected with malicious software by 66%. We use Windows XP SP2 and Windows XP SP3 to make a comparison, which means the same antivirus software installed, but SP2 infection rates are much higher. ”

In explaining why antivirus software is unable to provide real security to the system, also leads to the Windows8 a new security features, it is safe to start (Security Boot) feature, which means that if we found any malicious software before loading the operating system, the virus exists, the system will be cleared. Between starts when the computer's operating system and anti-virus software startup, there is a time difference, time difference is also important to computers infected with malicious code, viruses, so that Windows 8 has a second safety technology, called the trusty boot technology, during this period of time, this technique can detect possible viruses or malicious code.

Let us go back to using Windows XP for up to 60% of the Chinese customers, those customers include a large number of enterprise-level customers. Microsoft Vice President for greater China, Xie Enwei, cloud computing Microsoft greater China Chief Strategist in an interview not too long ago when I used to tell reporters: "for enterprise customers, OS migration, evaluating average time to 6-9 months. "So, now to update your operating system is not only imminent, may have simply pressed for time.

Migrating Enterprise customers Windows XP operating system, Microsoft will provide assessment and counselling services through partners, they will custom design a platform migration programme, inform the customer that the system which must be upgraded first, before migrating to the latest systems, which can take it. Time is running out, yet users who demand for relocation, this is very timely.

For enterprise level customer for, accompanied Windows XP of migration, if used Windows 8 operating system, also on meant with consider mobile policy, on this Gu Puda said: "in past half, I in and large enterprise CIO of Exchange in the found, they of enterprise mobile strategy, like BYOD strategy, for security of consider are is sit of, so we needs on CIO were do knowledge of universal, from security of angle to these enterprise user show, Windows 8 for the plate, for Windows Phone, BYOD what excellent safety features. ”


6成中国用户使用XP,杀毒软件不可靠 - Windows XP,XP,Win8,Windows8,微软 - IT资讯

走进位于北京望京的微软大厦,公司进门醒目位置摆放着一个电子显示牌:距离停止对Windows XP技术支持还有XXX天。其实对于微软来说,他们更希望这种紧迫感能够感染到客户,尤其是中国的Windows XP客户。

在中国,使用Windows XP客户比例高达60%以上,超过全球三倍,这也就意味着一旦微软停止对Windows XP技术支持,没有在2014年4月8日之前更换Windows XP操作系统的中国客户损失最大。


对于2001年发布的Windows XP来说,其安全技术在12年前其实是非常强大的,当时完全能够保障客户访问信息的安全性。但是微软中国首席技术官(CTO)古普达告诉记者:“12年间,用户访问信息的方式已经发生了巨大转变,面对目前最新的网络威胁,Windows XP的安全技术不足以应对。”

对于这一点,他以微软最新发布的《微软安全情报报告,卷15》作为佐证。报告指出,当前Windows XP用户遭受黑客入侵的风险是Windows 8用户的6倍,Windows XP面世时采用的里程碑式的“数据执行保护”(DEP)技术已不足以面对当今的网络威胁。如果微软再停止对Windows XP的技术支持,可想而知安全风险会更高。

据了解,去年微软在有关Windows的操作系统中找到30个安全漏洞,到2014年4月8日之后,微软不再对Windows XP提供安全漏洞的补丁软件,而只针对Windows 7、Windows 8系统提供。这时候网络犯罪分子和黑客会根据微软对Windows7、Windows 8提供的补丁得到一些公开发布的安全漏洞信息,拿到这些信息之后,他们可以做反向工程,对Windows XP发起攻击,这一做法被称为“零日攻击”,这时候继续使用Windows XP的安全风险会更高。

面对微软终止对Windows XP技术支持,很多第三方杀毒软件公司纷纷表示他们会“接过重任”,但实际上,这些公司的技术支持无法保证客户的安全。古普达表示:“电脑在硬件热启动、但操作系统还没有被正式启动前,类似蠕虫病毒这样的病毒就已经加载进电脑系统,杀毒软件没有任何机会去阻止机器被病毒感染。我们可以用Windows XP的Windows XP SP2和Windows XP SP3的抗毒能力做一个比较,数据显示,SP2在停止技术支持后的两年内,与SP3相比,其感染恶意软件的数量提升了66%。我们用Windows XP SP2和Windows XP SP3做一个比较,也就是说安装相同的杀毒软件,但是SP2受感染率就要更高。”

其实在阐述为什么杀毒软件无法对系统提供真正的安全保护时,也就引出了Windows8的一个新的安全特性,那就是安全启动(Security Boot)特性,也就是说如果我们在操作系统加载之前发现任何恶意软件、病毒的存在,系统都会进行清除。当电脑操作系统启动和杀毒软件启动之间,还有一段时间差,这段时间差也是电脑系统感染恶意代码、病毒的重要时刻,所以Windows 8又有第二个安全技术,叫做可信赖的启动技术,在这段时间之内,该技术可以去检测那些可能存在的病毒或恶意代码。

让我们再回到使用Windows XP比例高达60%以上的中国客户吧,这些客户中包括为数众多的企业级客户。微软大中华区副总裁、微软大中华区首席云计算战略官谢恩伟在不久前接受采访的时候曾经告诉记者:“对于企业客户来说,操作系统迁移、评估平均需要6-9个月的时间。”这样看来,现在更新操作系统不仅是迫在眉睫,可能简直是时间紧迫了。

其实对于迁移Windows XP操作系统的企业客户,微软会通过合作伙伴提供评估和咨询服务,他们会为客户设计一个平台迁移方案,告知客户系统哪一部分必须先升级、先迁移到最新系统,哪部分可以慢慢来。对于时间紧迫却又对企业迁移有需求的用户来说,这一服务非常及时。

对于企业级客户来说,伴随Windows XP的迁移,如果采用Windows 8操作系统,也就意味着考虑移动策略,对此古普达表示:“在过去半年,我在与大量企业CIO的交流中发觉,他们的企业移动战略,比如BYOD战略,出于安全性的考虑都是按兵不动的,所以我们需要对CIO们做知识的普及,从安全的角度向这些企业用户展示,Windows 8针对平板、针对Windows Phone、针对BYOD有哪些非常好的安全特性。”


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