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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 13:00:57 Edit(编辑)
Zhejiang Yongkang four small business owners involved illegal discharges is criminal detention

Zhejiang Yongkang four small business owners involved illegal discharges is criminal detention(浙江永康四小企业主涉非法排污被刑拘)

Yongkang, Zhejiang, four small business owners involved illegal discharges is criminal detention | | sewage Yongkang | business owners _ news

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, November 14, Xinhua reporters from the Zhejiang Yongkang, police, on suspicion of illegal discharges causing pollution, Yongkang, Zhejiang police crime of polluting the environment on 4 consecutive private entrepreneur detained according to law.

On October 30, the environmental protection departments received public tip-offs in Yongkang city, said a electroplating factory in Xindian village, shizhu town after sewage without authorization, immediately went to the processing plant, and water samples were tested in the vicinity. Test results of water samples exceeded the total chromium, nickel in serious, the plant's owner has been arrested for the crime.

Plant Director Yang kang is a native, Wuyi before running a flask inside processing plants. In October, factory building of Wuyi lease approaching, he moved his factory to the village of shizhu town stores within a dilapidated factory. Factory near a residential area, behind the House is a wasteland.

Flask liner processing includes copper plating, nickel plating, chrome plating process, sewage outflow from the rust-colored, require emissions through wastewater treatment. Ye think that workshop behind the House is a Heath, unscrupulously directly through the sewage discharged waste water, landfill covering the drain.

While leaf thinks he can give, but still be careful of the villagers were found. After being reported, a powerhouse for the first time, were punished. Staff found the outfall, found the sewage flowing through the place not far from the River upstream of Yongkang.

At present, the crime was Yongkang City Public Security Bureau detained according to law for allegedly polluting the environment. Leaf removal, but there are 3 engaged in electroplating and metal industry business owner, Lou Hu, Zheng also polluting the environment were detained by the police. If convicted, they will face the punishment of 3 years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention.

(Original title: Zhejiang Yongkang four small business owners is criminal detention)

November 15, 2013 Legal daily

  据新华社杭州11月14日电 记者方列 记者从浙江永康警方获悉,由于涉嫌非法排污导致环境污染,浙江永康警方近日连续以污染环境罪对4名私营企业主依法刑事拘留。








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