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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:54:45 Edit(编辑)
Japan City Council suspected of carrying about 3 kilograms of ice at Chinese airports have been arrested

Japan City Council suspected of carrying about 3 kilograms of ice at Chinese airports have been arrested(日本市议员涉嫌携带约3公斤冰毒在中国机场被拘)

Japan City Council suspected of carrying about 3 kilograms of ice at the airport detained in China | | China Japan | members _ news

"Globe reporter Judy Wang," Japan's Kyodo News November 15, citing Japanese rice Jersey City, Aichi said that Alderman Sakuragi ponder, who is 70, said in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, China detained by the Chinese public security authorities on suspicion of carrying drugs.

Japan Foreign Ministry said Sakuragi travelled to China on October 29, 31st to be returned from the Baiyun Airport, in the hand baggage checks was found inside a suitcase in about 3 kilograms of ice and subsequently detained by the Chinese public security authorities. It is learnt that the Sakura tree one can deny that suspected of carrying drugs.

According to Inazawa City Council introduced, around November 14, Inazawa City Council Bureau received from the Japan Foreign Ministry liaison "in China, Japan man was arrested on suspicion of possession of drugs."

Reports said Sakuragi absent without leave on November 1 the city's events and Committee meetings, then don't. The afternoon of 5th, Sakuragi's daughters in touch Parliamentary Affairs Bureau said, "Dad went to China, was in trouble, seems to have been detained in a jail in Guangzhou."

It is reported that cherry may be associated with him to operate a trading company in China.

Nomura, speaker of the British 15th Inazawa City Council held a press conference this morning, said it would hold for confirmation and stated that "if it is, it is as members should not conduct".

Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said China's Criminal Code provides for drug smuggling is a felony, the maximum punishment for the death penalty. In 2010, there were 4 Japanese, was executed for drug smuggling offences.

(Edit: SN098)
November 16, 2013 Global network

  【环球网报道 记者 王欢】日本共同社11月15日援引日爱知县稻泽市政府消息称,现年70岁的该市议员樱木琢磨,日前在中国广州白云国际机场因涉嫌携带毒品被中国公安机关拘留。








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