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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:54:38 Edit(编辑)
Interpretation of what is a residence: the powerful official term of residence

Interpretation of what is a residence: the powerful official term of residence(解读什么是官邸制:供掌权官员任期居住)

Interpretation of what is a residence: for power _ officials of the official residence of the term living | | | housing news

 Housing officials can be traded in the market, prone to loss of State-owned assets

Text/Mr. Wang yukai

National School of administration, Professor, Secretary General of China Society of administrative system reform

Official residence, as an official shelter system has been in place for many years in a foreign country. In simple terms, the residence is the country to provide some level of official residence lived in during his tenure, officials themselves have no property rights. Introduce a system of residence in China, has a real meaning.

Has information displayed, from 2008 began media frequently exposure officials housing corruption of problem, some poverty area built officials Villa, Chongqing hit black in the identified Wen has 8 sets real estate, Qian paragraph time Jiangsu a officials also was aeration famous Xia real estate 8 Department of scandal, and Shanxi Puxian coal Council original branches Secretary Hao Pengjun in April 2010 accept court trial Shi, exposure its from 2000 began operating coal mine, incident Qian spent more than 167 million more Yuan in Beijing, and Hainan, total purchased has 35 sets real estate. Underscore the housing problem of the lack of supervision system of cadres. At the same time, combined with the power of the market, trickery becomes widespread, causing a great deal of corruption in privatization of State-owned assets and housing.

Reality, many officials during his term in the housing provided by the local government, but as he is employed in the different regions, housing in all areas, there has been an official possession of multiple apartments. One case showed that a province a 29 sets of provincial-level cadres ' housing compound, where provincial cadre House, 28%, transfer out of cadres ' families housing accounted for 7%, retired family and 59%, there are two sets of empty. And often appear in every new term official (Secretary) complex, which also caused serious waste of resources.

In addition, housing officials can be traded in the market, which are prone to loss of State-owned assets: officials from the State to buy real estate at a low price, rising market prices, and then sold, the proceeds of a personal asset.

Officials access to housing is always accompanied by the use of public power. At first, officials use "own the land building" build your own house under the name later showed up with the terms of reference of the low price "buy" housing. The people's daily has reported that East coast of liujiang River in liuzhou city, Guangxi, there is a specially designed for high-end residential communities in the city built four leading to be known as the "East Garden", each set of 320~340 square meters, price per square metre is equivalent to around half the price of commercial housing.

In this reality, the residence can be as inhibiting the loss of State assets and a measure to prevent housing corruption.

In establishment of systems, taking into account the three prerequisites. First to clear of is, this system of introduced range only limited to power of, and important posts of officials, like County, and city level, and provincial of heads, other civil servants housing through marketing, and currency of or other way placed, not this system consider range within; second, everyone to on this items system reached consensus, no awareness Shang of consistent, on no system Shang of Executive; third, the system even is promotion, also does not is big range of, first from pilot began, has has mature good of effect Hou, again expanded range implementation.

This promotional pilot, speaking from the system on the design integrity, led the county level is possible because the leaders most prone to trickery at this level also easily lead to a divide between people, so to start the reform from where the problem occurred. Secondly, from a cost perspective, could not be established immediately from the highest levels of such systems. Grope after a successful experience at the county level, municipal, provincial progressively extend upward. Many of China's implementation of reform from top to bottom, the residence you need to push from the bottom up.

Although not yet at the national practice the system of residence system construction plan in detail, but Western States have had many years of experience, sound system design can learn from it.

We are ultimately linked to the jobs and housing, who is in this position, who will enjoy the same level of treatment, which is explicitly expressed in the policy to form a "cast-iron house water system".

United States is a good follow objects, even when to move out of the White House, Bush leaves office when Obama admitted to such details also have strict time limits.

But the caveat is, residence is not a universal system, it does not resolve all occurrences of the officials of the housing problem, can only fix important official posts during his tenure housing, reduce housing situation of many officials.

In addition, it also support measures to assist the effective operation. Residence address in either official housing, once gone, housing how can I solve it? This requires the design of compensation system, compensation to both the market and the currency, can also have the right of residence of retired officials, who live at ease, can also be socially acceptable.

(Edit: SN095) November 15, 2013


















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