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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:54:19 Edit(编辑)
Hubei dying boy wants to donate body rejected, still trying to hold on to donate desire

Hubei dying boy wants to donate body rejected, still trying to hold on to donate desire(湖北病危小伙欲捐遗体遭拒,仍想坚持捐献愿望)

Hubei dying boy wants to donate body denied aspirations still want to stick donations Wuhan | | | Red Cross body _ news

CNS, Wuhan, November 15 (reporter Zhang Qin)-12th, a Netizen named "small wind" reflect on Twitter, because their illness, body-donating through Wuhan, the Red Cross, but was told not to provide door-to-door service. 15th, Wuhan municipal Red Cross responded that had sent its staff to explain face to face, they hope to achieve donor wishes.

Twitter young man Zhang Qi, came from zaoyang, Hubei, 22 years old, last June, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Last November, Zhang Qi's sister donated bone marrow transplant for the first time, the result ended in failure. In October, aggravate Zhang Qi, a second transplant. Doctors say even received a second transplant, the success rate is only about 30%.

And Wuhan's Zhang Qi's Red Cross in a telephone communication, said his critical condition, unable to fill in the donation form to the Red Cross, asked the Red Cross sending staff door-to-door service, and Red Cross workers gave his answer very simply: either go to fill in, or not to donate. Meanwhile, Zhang also briefed on news media reflect this matter in Wuhan.

Wuhan municipal Red Cross about the incident, to the verification of staff on duty that day, staff on duty, it's not the netizens said Zhang Qi. For further appeal to the parties to verify the relevant conditions, the Red Cross and the afternoon sent people to the hospital to visit Zhang, and asked him about the situation.

Zhang Qi said that Red Cross workers on a call after the introduction of the body donation program, onsite registration difficult. He "didn't want him feeling the Red Cross donation remains", so the micro-Bo made it short. In Wuhan, received the Red Cross explanation, said Zhang Qi, they escape from the effects of the storm, however still insists that he remains donation wishes, and try to seek the consent of their parents and families.

Some media said, on accepting Zhang Qi Consulting was an operator, volunteered for the Red Cross recruits, not regular employees. On-site registration is not available, primarily by Red Cross personnel constraints. It is understood that currently only 1 Wuhan Red Cross staff members and 2 volunteer body donation registration, consultation and service work. Wuhan municipal Red Cross official says, is temporarily unable to provide door-to-door service, but for donor express mail form, solve the problem of registration of inconvenience. (End text)

(Original title: Hubei dying boy wants to donate body denied aspirations still want to stick donations)

(Edit: SN095)
November 15, 2013 China News Network
湖北病危小伙欲捐遗体遭拒 仍想坚持捐献愿望|红十字会|武汉市|遗体_新闻资讯

  中新网武汉11月15日电 (记者 张芹)本月12日,网友“小风”在其微博上反映,因自己病重,欲通过武汉市红十字会捐献遗体,却被告知不提供上门服务。15日,武汉市红十字会回应称已派员当面向其解释,对方希望实现捐献愿望。






(原标题:湖北病危小伙欲捐遗体遭拒 仍想坚持捐献愿望)


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