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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:54:13 Edit(编辑)
Hong Kong media said the Central leading group on reform continue higher

Hong Kong media said the Central leading group on reform continue higher(港媒称中央改革领导小组比体改委层次更高)

Hong Kong media said the Central leading group on reform continue higher _ Sub | leadership | continue | level news

15th of November 15 Xinhua Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao published an editorial of the Central leading group on reform shoulders heavy responsibilities, the article points out that CPC 18 plenary session decided to deepen the reform, is considered a broader journey is a start on reform after more than 30 years ago, as a new round of reforms to open the curtain. The plenary decided to set up a central leading group for deepening the reform comprehensively, is responsible for the overall design, integrated and coordinated, the reform of advance and supervise the implementation of the work as a whole. Believed to promote the new reforms would have been a huge help, also played a key role in practical governance.

Article excerpts are as follows:

CPC 18 plenary session decided to deepen the reform, is considered a broader journey is a start on reform after more than 30 years ago, as a new round of reforms to open the curtain. In order to ensure the completion of this major task and achieve the overall objective, also decided to set up a central leading group for deepening the reform comprehensively, is responsible for the overall design, integrated and coordinated, the reform of advance and supervise the implementation of the work as a whole. Believed to promote the new reforms would have been a huge help, also played a key role in practical governance.

Under the Central leading group for some of the specialized central financial and economic leading group, headed by the reform group to co-ordinate and guide so that it could cover the areas of focus and strengthen their direct leadership. In addition, provinces, cities and autonomous regions are to be established, local groups, so that it can tie in with the Central Group to promote related work.

Over the last century early reforms were initiated in the early 80, reform of the Central People's Government would set up a special leading body, is the State Commission for restructuring the economy (continue for short), and served as Director of the Prime Minister. New groups will have similar features, but higher and more authoritative, fully reflects the Central Government's determination to promote the reform and a high priority.

New round of reforms emphasize comprehensive planning and top-tier design, configure the top level agencies is necessary to take the whole situation into account. In recent years, a number of reforms and regulatory policy, effect in the implementation leaves much to be desired, something to do with the lack of top-tier design. Intermittent related measures have been accompanied by a fragmented, such as toothpaste and introduced the first and last loss of gu, and ministries at all levels of Government caused divisions Act, officials say the word so that confusion and loss of confidence. Thanks to deeper reforms covering multiple areas and multi-stakeholder relationship complicated thicket, overall co-ordination and balancing the requirements needed to be more senior institutions.

Of course, after the Central leading group on comprehensive reform, also need to be able to play a high performance boot features. Guidelines on basic theory of the reform of the first task is properly, thus establishing the scientific objective, goals and general direction of the country. Be sure to inherit the new round reform, renewal of certain general principles for reform before the main directions, but must have a new thinking and a new strategy, as with non-party before the plenary discussion, XI noted that, there must be new to plan new initiatives. New new new cannot be, and must be consistent with the needs of new situations and targeted.

A new round of reform faced by the situation at home and abroad, no doubt to reforms started in the early 80 's, and the needs and constraints faced by the reform are very different, is to launch a new planning new initiatives there can be avoided.

Current economic level than at home have risen greatly, and has established the framework of the market economy, many old obstacles and problems have been resolved, but faced a new wave of problems, such as disparity, bureaucracy is not surprising, and socio-economic diversity, people's livelihood and the Government's requirement, expect more, and the aging of the population.

At the international level and between the old order comes new changeable moment, but the perimeter is less stable, but also bring more opportunities to China. It is clear that a new round of reform must be able to respond effectively to these new circumstances, new problems and help alleviate.

In short, innovation is key. Reform at every stage to tackle: the old "and" break the new "hard" again. Similarly each stage you want to "touch? Across the river ": After figuring out the old path, new path exploration. China's market-oriented reforms in the past, every Western advanced capitalist economies as a teacher, but in the system following the financial tsunami has holes, China must rely on independent innovation way, West's negative lessons learned and be aware. Fortunately, creative people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we can overcome the twists and turns in the road, new initiatives on reproduction miracle.

(Original title: Hong Kong media: overall co-ordination of the Central leading group for the reform to be done)

(Edit: SN095)
November 15, 2013 China News Network

  中新网11月15日电 香港《大公报》15日刊载社论《中央改革领导小组任重道远》,文章指出,中共十八届三中全会决定深化改革,更广被视为乃三十多年前启动改革之后再上征途,为新一轮改革掀开了帷幕。全会决定成立中央的全面深化改革领导小组,负责改革的总体设计、统筹协调、整体推进和督促落实等各项工作。相信对推动新改革会有巨大助力,在实际施政时更可起关键作用。











(原标题:港媒:全面统筹 中央改革领导小组任重道远)


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