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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:53:35 Edit(编辑)
Hainan has yet to publish details of the social compensation fee, are combing the statistics

Hainan has yet to publish details of the social compensation fee, are combing the statistics(海南仍未公布社会抚养费详情,称正在梳理统计)

Hainan has yet to publish details of the social compensation fee are combing | statistics | support family planning | Hainan _ news

Staff writer, Haikou, November 14 (reporters and Ren Mingchao)-Hainan Provincial social allowance details remained secret to the public, a lawyer for government information disclosure application deadline for replies, parent unit request failed to change this state of affairs.

"We already know the State of health and population and family planning Commission (hereinafter called ' national planning committee ') requested decision deadline for replies, is currently investigating the situation, waiting for investigation results will be reported to the National Planning Commission lawyer Wu water exposed and reply to request for information". On November 12, the provincial population and family planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as "population in Hainan Province") publicity Huang Shuxu, Director of education for China Youth daily said over the phone. He said, need to wait for the provincial family planning Commission investigation is completed, reported to the National Planning Committee of the relevant reports have been drawn, to arrange for further interviews.

On July 11 this year, bi-law firm in Zhejiang Province Wu there is water to the country's 31 provincial-level health and family-planning Committee, financial offices (bureaus) to apply for government information disclosure, disclosure 2012-total maintenance, budget, expenditure and audit information. But within the required response period of one month, Wu has water only 12 provinces received written replies; 19 provincial family planning Commission, 12 provincial Finance Department did not respond to the legal time limit.

Zhihou NG there is water to the higher authorities to apply for administrative reconsideration, one after another had received some replies. On November 1, published on the official website of the National Planning Commission in the administrative review results of the trial, is 7 does not make information public response of the Government of Hainan Province one of the provinces, and consequently ordered a response.

Retrieved open reported can found, in Hainan Province family planning Commission on Wu has water of applications no giving any replies, Hainan Province finance only to Wu has water provides has 2012 degrees raised fee levy total 24.98 million Yuan this a information, and to its explained said: "because province family planning Commission this level budget is not arrangements social raised fee related expenditure of budget, needs on data processing to get related data, so inconvenience to you provides 2012 in Hainan Province social raised fee budget situation, and actual expenditure situation, and As well as audit reports on the use of relevant data. ”

Hainan family planning, why not answer Miss NG has water? Huang Xuexu said Wu waters apply for government information disclosure since the provincial family planning Commission have been investigating and statistics; did not respond to water because Wu has not yet counted the results until you need to wait for the outcome related to the provincial family planning Commission to respond.

In accordance with the provisions of the administrative review law, the provincial family planning Commission need to reply within 15 working days, seeing the approach of National Planning Commission, ordered by the last statutory time limit for response, when will provincial family planning Commission has completed its investigation and give a reply? Huang Shuxu says it needs to wait for the investigation and handling of the provincial family planning Commission, if the investigation cannot be completed within the time limit, cannot reach appropriate results, that reply had to be laid.

Hainan family planning official website Home of "site search" column, enter "social compensation fee" to search it shows zero results, the site does not display any information about the social compensation fee.

In the Finance Department of Hainan Province, the Chief of staff member Wu Xiaoshan told reporters that, as social compensation fees collected by the Municipal Department of family planning at the district level, dominated by financial departments at the same level, provincial-level finance departments do not have specific management social compensation fee, so there is no clear collection of social maintenance fees, budgets, expenses and audit. If the details of the social compensation fee, requires family planning departments at the county level and financial sectors.

Why Wu of the Hainan Provincial Department of finance could only reply with water in 2012-total collection of alimony?

According to the Hainan Provincial non-tax clerk Wang Ye, Director of Finance introduced, within the financial sector has a "non-tax revenue collection and management systems", when city and County family planning and finance departments to complete a social compensation fee collection management process, the child support amount will be entered into the system, so as to constitute part of the total levy for the year as a whole. Non-tax revenue collection and management system for recording only total collection of alimony, not document specific budget, expenditure and audits, so total is imposed by the provincial Department of finance available, without clear and specific situation.

Therefore, Hainan Provincial Department of finance responses only Wu had water on the total amount of social compensation fee collection, can't reply to budgets, expenditures and audits.

Official Web site of the China Youth daily reporter at the National Treasury could not be retrieved on the waters a few months ago, Wu related decisions of the administrative review, Wang Ye and Wu Xiaoshan Wu has said they were not aware of water administrative reconsideration, nor is it clear whether the National Treasury issued a notice requires provincial Finance Department deadline for reply NG water.

(Edit: SN063)
November 15, 2013 China Youth daily
海南仍未公布社会抚养费详情 称正在梳理统计|抚养费|计生委|海南_新闻资讯

  本报海口11月14日电(王尤龙 记者任明超) 海南省的社会抚养费详情对公众来说目前仍是秘密,一名律师的政府信息公开申请、上级单位限期答复的要求均未能改变这一现状。














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