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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:53:27 Edit(编辑)
Hainan Danzhou 29 boarding suspicious it might be food poisoning, 15 patients with more severe

Hainan Danzhou 29 boarding suspicious it might be food poisoning, 15 patients with more severe(海南儋州29名住校生疑似食物中毒,15人病情较重)

Hainan Danzhou 29 boarding suspicious it might be food poisoning 15 patients with more severe Hainan Danzhou | resident student | | food poisoning _ news

The night of November 13, Danzhou city, baimajing school 29 students in residence suspected food poisoning symptoms such as fever, vomiting, headaches, which immediately launched the emergency plan, sending students to the treatment in local hospitals. At about 11 o'clock that night, with 15 students for patients with more severe, was transferred to the first people's Hospital in Danzhou city and State farms that University Hospital for treatment.

14th lindong Danzhou City Mayor to the hospital to see his sympathy students asked health departments to go all out to rescue work, make them a speedy recovery.

-Southern Metropolis daily journalist Lin Shuxi correspondent Li Qiuhuan text/map

 Students about

Started at 4 o'clock in the afternoon fever

At noon on 14th, Southern Metropolis daily journalist in the first people's Hospital in Danzhou city had three interviews with two more students.

Lu Xuanlong is 13 years old, baimajing high school junior (5) classes of students, he told reporters that his lunch in the school cafeteria food is fried, chicken fried black fungus and dishes such as fish cakes, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon became ill with fever and headache. There are 3 students exhibit the same symptoms in their class.

Junior (14) Zheng Jingwang said his 13th lunch is fried, fried chicken and Bud Black fungus food. The second class in the afternoon, when symptoms of fever, headache, and diarrhea.

School emergency troubleshooting

29 students were sent to hospital for medical treatment

14th afternoon, this reporter went to the white horse high school, the school students are emotionally stable, normal school buildings. Their meals in the school canteen in the evening, did not escape the effects of the students suspected food poisoning.

Jianhua Lu, the Communist Youth League Secretary told reporters that the school is the 13th received the first student sick report. That caused the school leadership attaches great importance to immediately arrange for the teacher to the student dormitories for investigation, as long as there is a fever, headaches and other symptoms of students are sent to a hospital for checks. Last a total of 40 students were sent to hospital for checks after doctors diagnosed, there are 29 students in need of treatment.

Around 13th, after 15 students through the crane shot, his condition had not improved, in order to be prudent, and that 15 students were transferred to the first people's Hospital in Danzhou city and State farms that University Hospital for treatment. To noon 14th, baimajing hospitals treated 14 students be discharged from hospital after recovery. In the first people's Hospital in Danzhou city and State farms that 15 students were still hospitalized at the hospital, infection control, rehydration, protecting liver and protecting stomach after therapy, 15 students vital signs are stable, in stable condition.

It is understood that baimajing secondary school now has more than 3,000 students, live on campus with 720, all meals in the canteen of the school. The canteen is run by social Contracting Officer Li Moukun.

 Initially a suspected food poisoning case

Hospital is where the students '

Upon investigation, many students is reflected in the school cafeteria eating fried, chicken-fried cuisine, such as auricularia, and cafeteria staff reflect, chicken for frozen chickens. Therefore, initial students suspected of suspected food poisoning. That arose from Danzhou Municipal Government attaches great importance. The morning of 14th, Danzhou City Mayor lindong led authorities came to the hospital to see his sympathy was in the hospital, the head of the student. Lindong urged students to rest, peace of mind to stay and strive for an early recovery, the municipal party Committee, the Municipal Government will provide the best medical conditions they treat.

Subsequently, lindong held in hospital by the attending physician of the hospital, health, education, and emergency meetings with heads of drug administration and the Centers for disease control, asked the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident cause, quickly start a health emergency response plan, organize medical treatment work. At the same time, prompt troubleshooting campus safety and sanitation, put an end to such occurrences.

According to the Danzhou City Department in charge of public health, upon receipt of the report, health, medicine, business, and other relevant departments to immediately intervene, white horse high school of food storage sample. Is food poisoning, the test results to be out after three days.

(29 students with fever and vomiting was sent to the hospital)

(Edit: SN028)
November 15, 2013 Sea excursions, Southern Metropolis daily
海南儋州29名住校生疑似食物中毒 15人病情较重|海南儋州|住校生|食物中毒_新闻资讯



  □南国都市报记者 林书喜 通讯员 李秋欢 文/图



















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