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qq published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:52:56 Edit(编辑)
Germany repeated failure of iron card machines in Beijing, passengers worry too much

Germany repeated failure of iron card machines in Beijing, passengers worry too much(德国产地铁刷卡机在北京屡失灵,因乘客太着急)

Germany repeated failure of iron card machines in Beijing too worried credit card | | | subway passengers in a hurry _ news

The reference news 15th, according to reports, Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post website published an article saying, anxious passengers makes frequent failures Germany acclimatized in Beijing Subway ticket machines.

Beijing Subway ticket machines manufactured in Europe, this looks very good, but seems to fail to meet the rush of Chinese passengers.

A company Manager said of the punch card system, engineers from every year Germany fly to China several times, dealing with various technical glitches, especially system failed.

He said: "our technical experts were wondering why the same machine in Europe worked well over the years, but always having problems in China. They were shocked by their findings. ”

In Europe, keeps a certain distance between the passengers, and only after the previous passengers through ticket machines, after a passenger will put the ticket machines. But in China, anxious passengers cling to each other, usually the previous passenger when the gate has not been adopted, after a passenger was put on the ticket machine.

The unnamed Manager said: "our Germany engineers believe that the liangzhisanmiao interval between two tickets. But in China, even half a second, the interval is too long. ”

This problem is difficult to solve. Engineers not only needs to rewrite software program, to redesign the part. Up to now, foreign technicians have not yet come up with an effective solution to deal with impatient passengers from the Mainland.

Therefore, in Beijing and other Chinese cities, Metro card system typically guarded, staff continued to warn passengers to stand back, to hand the ticket when the machine fails.

Public transport is just one area of failure of foreign technology in China. Competition in the Chinese market of multinational enterprises are also facing increasing pressure, since local enterprises can seize the opportunity to find more products suited to the local market.

Sales Manager Zhang chengli special automobile limited (sound) said mainland officials used to buy foreign technology and brands.

He said "foreign companies to produce them (private) car has decades of history. There is no denying that their technology more advanced in certain areas. Some officials believe that from developed countries imposing road Sweeper will enhance the city's image. ”

But in the last 5-6 years, most Chinese cities, including Beijing and Shanghai gave up foreign production facilities and maintenance equipment.

Chang said: "Chinese streets filled with garbage, its size and the number is far more than Europe or the United States. This greatly shorten the life of a foreign sweep of vehicles. "He said that local production machine may not have the dazzling technique and good looks," but we can do a good job. "

Another disadvantage is the price of the foreign product. Homemade vehicle costs are usually only half of foreign products or one-third, and domestic in-bound parts cheaper, more readily available.

A number of foreign technology in China do not apply, and there are several reasons for this.

Guangdong Agriculture report last year said that pig manure fermentation technology is widely used in Europe and Japan, but does not work in China, pig feed because China has a large number of antibiotics, their droppings will destroy helps the fermentation bacteria.

According to reports, Germany Volkswagen transmissions are no longer used because traffic jams make this gearbox problem frequently in China. Mainland media reported that developed technology to build waste treatment plants are often considerable pollution in Chinese rivers and urban drainage systems overwhelmed.

But Cao qixin, Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University said that in some sensitive areas such as the space program, China is still dependent on foreign technology. He said: "Although our researchers also have good ideas, to do good design, but to turn these ideas into products is another matter. ”

(Edit: SN095)
November 15, 2013 The website
德国产地铁刷卡机在北京屡失灵 因乘客太着急|刷卡机|地铁|着急_新闻资讯




















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