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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2013/11/14 3:26:02 Edit(编辑)
Scarcity of programmers throughout the world: the next generation start young

Scarcity of programmers throughout the world: the next generation start young(全球程序员稀缺:下一代从娃娃抓起 )

Scarcity of programmers throughout the world: the next generation start young-programmers-it news Scarcity of programmers throughout the world: the next generation start young

In the real world, programmers or developers, is considered "science geek" characteristic, its work and life is very boring, is not an ideal profession. Today, however, mobile devices and PCs that permeates all aspects of life and work, programmers are scarce can be called unique. So, the next generation of programmers come from? At present, many tech workers and countries, has begun to "start with children", so they grew up programming skills as an adaptation of calculation time.

Before the children were at school, you can grasp of technology, Eastern Europe, Estonia practices, bears this out.

Today the degree of scarcity of programmers, comparable to the super model of the 1980 's. From the Bank to the hospital to the Government sector, in many parts of the IT sector, requires the programmer to develop applications. However, although more and more jobs require programming skills, but fewer and fewer people with programming skills.

It is clear that in order to prevent the global crisis programming, community need to help young people, to let them know that the programmer is not in a dark room, eating pizza, solitude of a person's career.

--Robot friend

Gupta (Vikas-Gupta) once when Google was responsible for business executives. In his view, the key to train the next generation of programmers, is to start young, "I have a two year old daughter, wanted to do something for the kids, I started to think that a few year old child, able to grasp the concept of programming? ”

Gupta query to the results of a study at MIT, said, they will use a real interactive means of learning, the children at age five, will be able to grasp the concepts of programming.

"This makes me very enlightening, for kids in this age there is no suitable at present (programming education) product, I decided to design a product, let children under ten years old can learn to program in the entertainment. ”

He invented two little robots "wave" and "Ariane", you can let the kids learning to program in the unconscious. "Ariane" is small, it can make a sound depending on the program or to do some kind of action. "Wave" can also be moved. The two small robots can be interactive.

Gupta said, programming, both robots can be playing "cat and mouse" complex games.

At first, children can robots play a lot of games, they fully realize myself in writing a program. If they've navigated visual programming tools can be transferred to the Scratch, preparation of the first code of his own life.

Both Android via tablet or smartphones for wireless control, but control is still only Apple iOS version. "Programming robots" project loans financed through the network, the project released three days later, raise the expectations of 250,000 dollars.

Gupta plans to go on sale next summer, this robot, in addition to promotion in the schools in the future, he is currently working on development of teaching resources.

--Science and technology education

In the course of the project, United States Science and education Gupta is shocked, "over the past 20 years, the United States computer science education worse, rather than better. ”

"United States computer teacher association" 2010 report, also confirmed that Gupta's observation. Report notes that United States two-thirds States in secondary schools, have little or no computer courses. In addition, many schools which teach computer science is computer there is a serious misunderstanding.

Report notes that give students access to computer literacy and technical skills required in the future, United States schools already lag far behind.

--Starting from the first day of programming

Children before they go to school, you can grasp of technology, Eastern European small States Estonia practices, bears this out.

Estonia has only 1.3 million inhabitants, but it has an enviable electronic government programs, is home to leading technology companies such as Skype. In the area of science and technology, Estonia practices ahead of other countries.

Estonia's President Hendrik Ilves, once in college by writing code to earn my tuition, his goals for education in the country needs to implement is very clear. The President received Education Minister Jaak Aaviksoo (Jaak-Aaviksoo) support.

Jaak Aaviksoo was a physicist, and he believes that today's education, must be adapted to the computer age, "the education system inherited from the 19th century, it's time to adapt to the challenges of 21st century. ”

Estonia child, after the elementary school at the age of seven, started learning programming course. Jaak Aaviksoo said: "the kids are very smart, they have been available in the Tablet and Smartphone complete complexity of things, so a large distance learning program will have. ”

At present, the primary school program curriculum is still at an experimental stage, Jaak Aaviksoo hoped that within five years, extended to Estonia in all primary schools.

-The quadratic formula

Estonia's education reform, more than seven years learning to program simple. In February this year, Estonia announced that the Ministry of education and the United Kingdom organizations working in Oxford. The head of woerfulaimu (ConradWolfram), believes that the current approach need to substantially reform in mathematics education, allow children to perform complex calculations is not meaningful, because they already have a computer, children should use mathematics in a more innovative way to address issues of interest to them.

The organization believes that children should learn to use mathematics to solve real problems, such as "what kind of shape is the most beautiful? "And" should I give my laptop a safety? "," This is normal? ”

Jaak Aaviksoo was considered whether children get their own tablet, computers and other equipment to the classroom.

In places such as England and Wales, ICT (information and communication technology) curriculum is also being reformed, in accordance with the United Kingdom envisaged Michael-Gove, Minister of education, curriculum development should be more attractive to today's young people, let them be prepared for computer-driven work.

Future United Kingdom schools will no longer be too much stress on exam results, but a renewed emphasis on traditional programming skills.


全球程序员稀缺:下一代从娃娃抓起 - 程序员 - IT资讯
































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